Asam klorida

Asam mineral kuat, korosif pisan, dina palarut cai
(dialihkeun ti Asam muriatat)

|- | Kecap sinyal GHS | Baya[6] |-

Asam klorida
Modél 3D ti hidrogén klorida
Modél 3D ti hidrogén klorida
Modél 3D ti cai
Modél 3D ti cai
Modél 3D ti anion klorida
Modél 3D ti anion klorida
Modél 3D ti kation hidronium
Modél 3D ti kation hidronium
Sampel asam klorida dina botol
Wasta lian
  • Asam muriatat[1]
  • Rohna uyah[2]
    Hidronium klorida
    Asam klorhidrat
ECHA InfoCard 100.210.665
Nomer EC 231-595-7
Nomer E E507 (pangatur kaasaman, ...)
Nomer UN 1789
Panampilan Teu warnaan, cairan transparan, haseup di udara lamun kakonséntrasi
Bau Sipatna nyengat
Titik lebur Gumantung kana konséntrasi – tingali tabél
Titik golak Gumantung kana konséntrasi – tingali tabél
log P 0.00[4]
Kaasaman (pKa) −5.9 (gas HCl)[5]
A09AB03 (WHO) B05XA13
Piktogram GHS class="wikitable collapsible uncollapsed" style="min-width:50em"
GHS hazard pictogramsCitakan:GHS2021/add reftag
Pictogram Code Symbol description Image link
GHS01: Explosive GHS01 {{GHS exploding bomb}} Image:GHS-pictogram-explos.svg Explosive
GHS02: Flammable GHS02 {{GHS flame}} Image:GHS-pictogram-flamme.svg
GHS03: Oxidizing GHS03 {{GHS flame over circle}} Image:GHS-pictogram-rondflam.svg
GHS04: Compressed Gas GHS04 {{GHS gas cylinder}} Image:GHS-pictogram-bottle.svg
GHS05: Corrosive GHS05 {{GHS corrosion}} Image:GHS-pictogram-acid.svg Corrosive
GHS06: Toxic GHS06 {{GHS skull and crossbones}} Image:GHS-pictogram-skull.svg Accute Toxic
GHS07: Exclamation mark GHS07 {{GHS exclamation mark}} Image:GHS-pictogram-exclam.svg Irritant
GHS08: Health hazard GHS08 {{GHS health hazard}} Image:GHS-pictogram-silhouette.svg Health Hazard
GHS09: Environmental hazard GHS09 {{GHS environment}} Image:GHS-pictogram-pollu.svg Environment
See also
{{H-phrases}}, {{P-phrases}}, Kat:GHS templates
GHS hazard pictogramsCitakan:GHS2021/add reftag
Pictogram Code Symbol description Image link
GHS01: Explosive GHS01 {{GHS exploding bomb}} Image:GHS-pictogram-explos.svg Explosive
GHS02: Flammable GHS02 {{GHS flame}} Image:GHS-pictogram-flamme.svg
GHS03: Oxidizing GHS03 {{GHS flame over circle}} Image:GHS-pictogram-rondflam.svg
GHS04: Compressed Gas GHS04 {{GHS gas cylinder}} Image:GHS-pictogram-bottle.svg
GHS05: Corrosive GHS05 {{GHS corrosion}} Image:GHS-pictogram-acid.svg Corrosive
GHS06: Toxic GHS06 {{GHS skull and crossbones}} Image:GHS-pictogram-skull.svg Accute Toxic
GHS07: Exclamation mark GHS07 {{GHS exclamation mark}} Image:GHS-pictogram-exclam.svg Irritant
GHS08: Health hazard GHS08 {{GHS health hazard}} Image:GHS-pictogram-silhouette.svg Health Hazard
GHS09: Environmental hazard GHS09 {{GHS environment}} Image:GHS-pictogram-pollu.svg Environment
See also
{{H-phrases}}, {{P-phrases}}, Kat:GHS templates


| H290, H314, H335[6] |-


| P260, P280, P303+P361+P353, P305+P351+P338[6] |-

| NFPA 704


|- ! colspan=2 style="background: #f8eaba; text-align: center;" |Sanyawa patali



Sanyawa patali



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Iwal disebutkeun séjén, data nu dipidangkeun keur matéri dina kaayaan baku (dina 25 °C, 100 kPa).

|- style="background:#f8eaba; border-top:2px solid transparent;" | colspan=2 style="text-align:center;" | N verifikasi (naon ieu YesYN ?)

|- style="background:#f8eaba; border-top:2px solid transparent;" | colspan=2 style="text-align:center;" | Rujukan kotak info

|- style="background:#f8eaba;" | style="width:40%; max-height:1px; border-top:2px solid transparent; border-right:1px solid transparent;" | | style="width:60%; max-height:1px; border-top:2px solid transparent; border-left:1px solid transparent;" | |- |} Asam klorida atawa asam muriatat nyaéta sistem kimia anorganik teu warnaan nu rumusna H2O:HCl. Asam klorida miboga bau nyegak nu husus. Asam ieu kaasup kana asam kuat sarta bisa nyerang kulit di luhur bentang komposisi nu luas ku sabab hidrogén klorida kaurai kabéhanana dina paleyur cai.

Asam klorida mangrupa sistem asam nu dumasar kana klorin pangbasajanna nu ngandung cai. Asam ieu mangrupa leyuran hidrogén klorida jeung cai, sarta sababaraha spésiés kimia lianna, di antarana ion hidronium jeung klorida. Asam klorida nyaéta réagen kimia jeung kimia industri nu penting, digunakeun dina produksi polivinil klorida pikeun palastik. Dina kahirupan sapopoé, asam klorida éncér diluted mindeng dipaké pikeun agén pangleungit kerak. Dina industri dahareun, asam klorida digunakeun keur aditif dahareun jeung dina produksi gélatin. Asam klorida ogé digunakeun dina ngaprosés kulit.

Asam klorida kapanggih ku ahli alkimia Jabir bin Hayyan kira-kira taun 800 M.[7][8] Asam ieu dina sajarahna disebut acidum salis jeung rohna uyah ku sabab dijieun ti batu uyah jeung "vitriol héjo" (Besi(II) sulfat) (ku Basilius Valentinus dina abad ka-15) jeung saenggeusna ti sipat kimiana sarupa uyah biasa jeung asam sulfat (ku Johann Rudolph Glauber dina abad ka-17th). Asam klorida bébas didéskripsikeun sacara formal dina abad ka-16 ku Libavius. Saenggeus éta, asam ieu digunakeun ku ahli kimia saperti Glauber, Priestley, jeung Davy dina panalungtikan saintifikna. Salian dibéré tekanan atanapi ditiriskeun, asam klorida bakal robah ka wangun gas lamun leyuranna ngandung cai sakitar 60% atawa kirang. Asam klorida disebut ogé hidronium klorida, béda jeung wangun anhidratna nu disebut hidrogén klorida, HCl garing.

Tingali ogé édit

Rujukan édit

  1. Salah ngutip: Tag <ref> tidak sah; tidak ditemukan teks untuk ref bernama muriatic_acid
  2. "spirits of salt". Diakses tanggal 29 Méi 2012. 
  3. Henri A. Favre; Warren H. Powell, ed. (2014). Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry: IUPAC Recommendations and Preferred Names 2013. Cambridge: Royal Society of Chemistry. p. 131. 
  4. "Hydrochloric acid_msds". 
  5. Trummal, Aleksander; Lipping, Lauri; Kaljurand, Ivari; Koppel, Ilmar A.; Leito, Ivo (6 Méi 2016). "Acidity of Strong Acids in Water and Dimethyl Sulfoxide" (dalam bahasa EN). The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 120 (20): 3663–3669. doi:10.1021/acs.jpca.6b02253. ISSN 1089-5639. PMID 27115918. 
  6. a b c Sigma-Aldrich Co. Retrieved on 29 Novémber 2017.
  7. "Human Metabolome Database: Showing metabocard for Hydrochloric acid (HMDB0002306)". Diakses tanggal 4 Novémber 2017. 
  8. Pubchem. "hydrochloric acid". Diakses tanggal 4 Novémber 2017. 

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