Frank Gray nyaéta hiji ahli fisika jeung panalungtik di Bell Labs nu nyieun sababaraha inovasi dina television, boh mekanis atawa elektronis, sarta dipieling alatan Gray code-na.

Gray code, atawa kode biner nu direfleksikeun, mucunghul dina paten Gray taun 1953,[1] nyaéta sistim panomeran biner nu mindeng dipaké dina elektronika, sarta loba panerapanana dina matematika.

Gray naratas panalungtikan dina ngamekarkeun televisi; anjeunna ngusulkeun wangun awal "flying spot scanner" keur sistim TV heubeul taun 1927,[2][3] sarta mantuan ngamekarkeun sistim TV scan mekanis dua jalur taun 1930.[4]

Babarengan jeung Pierre Mertz, Gray nulis paper klasik dina matematika sisitim raster scan taun 1934.[5] anjeunna tuluy ilubiung dina mangsa munggaran révolusidigital, bareng jeung Raymond W. Séars, William M. Goodall, John Robinson Pierce, jeung liana di Bell Labs, ku jalan nyadiakeun kode biner nu dipaké ku Séars dina solobong PCM-na, hiji solobong defleksi sinae nu tipena dikolaborasi ku Séars jeung Pierce, nu dipaké dina Televisi Goodall maké modulasi kode pulsa (pulse code modulation, PCM)".[6]

Paten lianna édit

Bareng jeung Herbert E. Ives minangka pamanggih bareng, Gray ngoropakkeung dua paten AS taun 1927: "Electro-optical system" (US 2,037,471, issued Apr. 14, 1936) jeung "Electro-optical transmission" (US 1,759,504, issued May 20, 1930), sarta hiji nu maké ngaranna: "Television system" (US 2,113,254, issued Apr. 5 1938). anjeunna matenkeun loba timuan nu meh sarua lianna sababaraha taun satuluyna.

Rujukan édit

  1. F. Gray. Pulse code communication, March 17 1953. U.S. patent no. 2,632,058.
  2. F. Gray, J. W. Horton, and R. C. Mathes, "The production and utilisation of television signals," Trans. AIEE 46, pp. 918–39, June 1927.
  3. F. Gray, "The use of a moving beam of light to scan a scene for television," J. OSA 16, Mar. 1928
  4. Herbert E. Ives, Frank Gray, and M. W. Baldwin, "Image Transmission System for Two-Way Television", Bell System Technical Journal, July 1930, pp. 449–69.
  5. Pierre Mertz and Frank Gray, "A Theory of Scanning and Its Relation to the Characteristics of the Transmitted Signal in Telephotography and Television," Bell System Technical Journal, Vol. 13, pp. 464-515, July, 1934
  6. W. M. Goodall, "Television by Pulse Code Modulation," Bell Sys. Tech. J., Vol. 30 pp. 33–49, 1951.

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