Gambar:Germanische und slavische Volksstaemme zwischen Elbe und Weichsel.jpg

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Germanische und slavische Volksstämme zwischen Elbe und Weichsel.
Nu nyieun
Fix W.
Germanische und slavische Volksstämme zwischen Elbe und Weichsel.

Image extracted from page 15 of Die Territorialgeschichte des brandenburgisch preussischen Staates, im Auschluss an zehn historische Karten übersichtlich dargestellt, Fix W. Original held and digitised by the British Library.

Note: The colours, contrast and appearance of these illustrations are unlikely to be true to life. They are derived from scanned images that have been enhanced for machine interpretation and have been altered from their originals.
Titimangsa 1869
date QS:P571,+1869-00-00T00:00:00Z/9
Kodeu inventaris
British Library HMNTS 9385.eee.11.
This file is from the Mechanical Curator collection, a set of over 1 million images scanned from out-of-copyright books and released to Flickr Commons by the British Library.

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This work is in the public domain in its country of origin and other countries and areas where the copyright term is the author's life plus 70 years or fewer.

Karya ini berada dalam domain publik di Amerika Serikat karena karya ini dipublikasikan (atau didaftarkan di U.S. Copyright Office) sebelum 1 Januari 1929.

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kiwari20 Maret 2014 21.10'Thumbnail' pikeun vérsi mangsa 20 Maret 2014 21.101.973 × 1.665 (1,03 MB)Kogo{{Artwork |artist = Fix W. |title = Germanische und slavische Volksstämme zwischen Elbe und Weichsel. |description = Image extracted from page 15 of ''Die Territorialgeschichte des brandenburgisch preussischen Staates, im...

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