
Geus aub 18 Séptémber 2008

Pilihan béda: tandaan wadah buleud vérsina pikeun ngabandingkeun sarta pencét énter atawa tombol di handap.
Katerangan: (kiw) = bédana jeung vérsi kiwari, (ahir) = bédana jeung vérsi nu harita, m = éditan minor.

26 Januari 2011

19 Januari 2011

12 Maret 2009

29 Séptémber 2008

26 Séptémber 2008

  • kiwahir 06.3826 Séptémber 2008 06.38Hlamerz obrolan kontribusi 947 bait +947 Kaca anyar: Salam! I am from Germany and my interests go from experimental arts and music to everything about Indonesia or Malaysia and a lot of other things as well. Due to the fact that Indonesian...