Réaksi asam-basa: Béda antarrépisi

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Definisi ilmiah munggaran diajukeun ku [[kimiawan]] [[Prancis]], [[Antoine Lavoisier]].
SinceKusabab pangaweruh Lavoisier's knowledge of strong acidsngeunaan wasasam mainlykuat restrictedmah toutamana thengeunaan oxyacidsasam-oksi, whichnu tendcondong tongandung containatom centralpuseur atoms in highnu [[oxidationwilangan numberoksidasi|oxidationstatus statesoksidasina]] surroundedluhung bydikuriling oxygen[[oksigén]], such askayaning [[Nitricasam acidnitrat|HNO<sub>3</sub>]] andjeung [[Sulfuricasam acidsulfat|H<sub>2</sub>SO<sub>4</sub>]], andjeung sincekusabab heanjeunna wasmah notteu awarepati ofawas thekana truekomposisi compositionasam ofhidrohalat thenu hydrohalic acids,sabenerna (HCl, HBr, andjeung HI), heanjeunna definedngahartikeun acidsasam indina termsjihat of their containingkandungan ''[[oxygen]]oksigén''na, which in fact he named from Greek words meaning "acid-former". When the elements [[chlorine]], [[bromine]], and [[iodine]] were identified and the absence of oxygen in the hydrohalic acids was established by Sir [[Humphry Davy]] in 1810, this definition had to be rejected.
=== Definisi Arrhenius ===