Tuner ATSC: Béda antarrépisi

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Istilah "tuner" nu disaruakeun jeung "panarima" sabenerna mah kurang merenah, da kawasna merenah keneh lamun disebut panarima ATSC, sedengkeun tunerna sorangan, mangrupakeun bagean tina panarima (tempo [[métonim]]). Pamancer ngabangkitkeun sinyal audio jeung video (AV) nu diperlukeun keur televisi, sarta ngalakukeun sababaraha pagawean: [[démodulasi]], [[Error detection and correction|koréksi kasalahan]], ''[[Multiplexing|demultiplexing]]'' ''[[transport stream]]'', [[Data compression|dekomprési]], [[Analog-to-digital converter|konvéri analog ka digital]], [[singkronisasi]] AV, sarta mormat deui media ''(media reformatting)'' sangkan cocog jeung asupan ''(input)'' nu optimal keur TV. Conto ''media reformatting'' kaasup: ''[[interlace]]'' ka ''[[progressive scan]]'' atawa sabalikna, résolusi gambar, konversi ''[[Aspect ratio (gambar)|aspect ratio]]'' (16:9 ka atawa ti 4:3), konversi ''[[frame rate]]'', katut ''[[scaling]]''. ''Zooming'' mangrupakeun hiji conto tina parobahan resolusi. Ilaharna dipake keur ngarobah gambar nu resolusina handap jadi hiji pidangan nu resolusina luhur.
==MandatAmanat Pamaréntah A.S==
The [[Federal Communications Commission|FCC]] hasgeus issuedngaluarkeun theamanat/parentah followingkeur mandatessakumna forparabot devicesnu enteringasup theka USAS
<ref>{{cite web |last= |first= |authorlink= |coauthors= |date= [[2002-08-08]] |url=http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-225221A1.pdf?date=020808 |title=FCC INTRODUCES PHASE-IN PLAN FOR DTV TUNERS |format=PDF |work= |pages= |publisher=FCC |language= |accessdate=2006-06-05 |curly= }}</ref>
<ref>{{cite web |last= |first= |authorlink= |coauthors= |date= [[2005-11-08]] |url=http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-05-190A1.pdf |title=Requirements for Digital Television Receiving Capability |format=PDF |work= |pages= |publisher=FCC |language= |accessdate=2006-06-05 |curly= }}</ref>
<ref>{{cite web |last= |first= |authorlink= |coauthors= |date= [[2005-11-21]] |url=http://www.twice.com/article/CA6285719.html |title=FCC Moves Up DTV Tuner Date, Broadens Scope |format= |work= |pages= |publisher=TWICE |language= |accessdate=2006-08-30 |curly= }}</ref>:
*By [[1 Juli]], [[2005]] allsakabeh televisionsTV withnu screenukuran sizeslayarna overleuwih ti 36" mustkudu includenyadiakeun atuner DTV ATSC ''built-in ATSC DTV tuner''
*By [[1 Maret]], [[2006]] allsakabeh televisionsTV withnu screenukuran sizeslayarna overleuwih ti 25" mustkudu includenyadiakeun atuner DTV ATSC ''built-in ATSC DTV tuner''
*By [[1 Maret]], [[2007]] allsakabeh televisionsTV regardlessteu ofkawates screenku sizeukuran layarna, andsarta allsakabeh interfaceparabot devicesantarbeungeut whichnu include amake tuner (VCR, DVD playerpamuter/recorderpangrekam DVD, DVR) mustkudu includemake atuner DTV ATSC ''built-in ATSC DTV tuner''
===AnalogMareuman TVsiaran broadcastTV switch-offanalog===
InDina earlyawal [[2006]] the, [[Deficit Reduction Act of 2005]]<ref>Pub. L. No. 109-171, 120 Stat. 4 (Feb. 8, 2006).</ref> became law, which calls for [[terrestrial television|over-the-air]] [[television station]]s to cease their analog broadcasts by [[2009-02-17]] <ref>{{cite web |last= |first= |authorlink= |coauthors= | date= [[2005-11-04]]|url=http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/9924551/ |title=Senate approves 2009 for end of analog TV |format= |work= |pages= |publisher=MSNBC | language= |accessdate=2006-06-05 |curly= }} Section 3002 of the Act amends 47 U.S.C. section 309(j)(14) to provide for the February 17, 2009 deadline.</ref> (this cut-off date has been moved forward several times previously). Following that date, TVs and other equipment with legacy NTSC tuners would be unable to receive over-the-air broadcasts. This switch-off would cause tens of thousands of TVs to go dark and would cut off many lower-income viewers of their only source of television. A Congressional bill has authorized subsidizing [[set-top box|converter boxes]] that would allow people to receive the new digital broadcasts on their old TVs.
The current plan<ref>{{cite web |last= |first= |authorlink= |coauthors= | date=[[2006-07-20]]|url=http://www.ntia.doc.gov/ntiahome/frnotices/2006/couponprogram_nprm_07202006.htm |title=DTV Coupon Program NPRM |format= |work= |pages= |publisher=[[National Telecommunications and Information Administration|NTIA]] | language= |accessdate=2006-09-13 |curly= }}</ref> is to make two $40 coupons available from [[2008-01-01]] through [[2009-03-31]] for each household that relies exclusively on over-the-air television reception.