International Telecommunication Union: Béda antarrépisi

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Baris ka-46:
[[Image:Monumen ITU monument, Bern.jpg|thumb|250px|MonumenMonumén di [[Bern]], [[Swiss]]. Tinulis: "Union Télégraphique Internationale fondée à Paris en 1865 sur l'initiative du gouvernement français. Érigé par décision de l'Union Télégraphique prise à la conférence internationale de Lisbonne en 1908." (Dina basa Sunda: "Paguyuban Telegraf Internasional diadegkeun di Paris dina taun 1865 dumasar prakarsa pamaréntah Perancis. Monumén ieu diadegkeun dumasar kaputusan Paguyuban Telegraf anu dijieun dina konferénsi internasional di Lisbon dina taun 1908.")]].
[[Standar internasional]] anu dihasilkeun ku ITU disebut "''Rékoméndasi''" (aksara mimitiditulis dina aksara gedé pikeun ngabédakeun tina harti rékoméndasi anu ilahar). Lantaran umurna geus kolot sarta statusna sabagé badan husus Perserikatan Bangsa Bangsa, standar-standar anu dikaluarkeun ku ITU boga pangakuan resmi kalayan darajat anu leuwih luhur dibandingkeun kalolobaan organisasi liana anu ngahasilkeun spésifikasi téknis.
==''Digital Opportunity Index''==
ITU geus nyieun ''Digital Opportunity Index'' (atawa DOI) sabageésabagé hiji alat pikeun ngukur masarakat informasi. DOI ngarupakeun hiji indéks gabungan dumasar kana 11 indikator utama ICT. Struktur indéks kasebut sifatna kronologis, anu ngajadikeun éta indéks leuwih fléksibel sarta ngamungkinkeun pikeun ngagunakeun éta indéks dina kombinasi jeung indéks lianna nu aya kiwari (saperti Indéks Pangwangunan Manusa UNDP)<ref>[ ITU Digital Opportunity Index]</ref> DOI disahkeun dina ''World Summit on the Information Society''<ref>[ World Summit on the Information Society]</ref> dina jero ''Agenda Tunisia'' pikeun Masarakat Informasi (paragraf 117) salaku alat pikeun ngagambarkeun ''digital opportunity'' sadunya.
The DOI, which was compiled for 180 economies for 2005, is at present the most extensive ICT index providing an internationally-agreed benchmark of the status of ICTs around the world at the conclusion of the Tunis Summit, and can be used to track progress made in infrastructure, opportunity and utilization of ICTs by the target year 2015. The measurement of the digital divide and the analysis based on scientifically-significant evidence make it possible to inform policy-making processes and optimize the benefits of ICTs, in particular in the developing countries.
In 2005, the Asian economies of the Republic of Korea and Japan continue to lead in digital opportunity, due to their pioneering take-up of broadband and 3G mobile services. Dramatic progress has been achieved by developing countries, however, which made the greatest progress in digital opportunity - notably India, where digital opportunity nearly doubled between 2001 and 2005, and China, which experienced remarkably strong gains in infrastructure. Different countries are following their own paths in telecommunication development, with some countries leveraging their investments in infrastructure more successfully than others.
A collaborative report, the World Information Society Report<ref>[ World Information Society Report]</ref>, reviews the key trends in ICT development crystallized by the DOI and frame the ICT development debate, providing an annual contribution to the WSIS implementation. Highlights from the report as well as the chapters, different statistics and maps based on the DOI are publicly available.<ref>[]</ref>
The policy toolkit being developed under DOP will contribute furthering the knowledge of the digital divide and allow tailoring recommendations to address the specific challenges in digital opportunity faced by individual countries or regions based on facts about what worked and what did not in a particular context. In that sense, the insights of the different stakeholders involved are valuable in developing adapted and appropriate policy support. A DOI Users’ guide is available for all those willing to calculate the DOI themselves: regulators, development professionals, academics and larger audience.<ref>[]</ref>
The DOI is not at this point an ITU Recommendation (what the ITU calls its standards)<ref>The available definition of the DOI is a methodological paper first presented at the WSIS Thematic Meeting “Building Digital Bridges” in Bussan, Korea in June 2005: []</ref>.
The DOI will continue to be developed as a multi-stakeholder project involving multiple partners as an integrated element of the Digital Opportunity Platform.<ref>[]</ref>
==Para Anggota==
Baris 70 ⟶ 57:
[[Image:ITU.png|thumb|280px|nagara-nagara anggota ITU]]
Kagiatan ITU dipigawedipigawé ku ''para anggota''. Salaku bagian tina struktur PaguyubanPerserikatan Bangsa Bangsa, sahijihiji nagara bisa jadi anggota, dina hahal lieuieu disebut sabage sahijisabagé ''Nagara Anggota''. Pausahaan-pausahaan katut organisasi-organisasi nu sarupa bisa mibanda kelas-kelas kaanggotaan anu disebut sabagesabagé ''Anggota SektorSéktor'' atawa status ''Mitra''. Ti mimiti bulan SeptemberSéptémber 2007 aya 191 Nagara Anggota sarta leuwih ti 700 Anggota SektorSéktor katut Mitra. <ref> ITU Membership Information and access to membership list</ref>
Kaanggotaan SektirSéktor katut Mitra ngamungkinkeun pausahaan ulubiung langsung dina ngawangun sahijihiji standar (sahiji hal anu henteu diwenangkeun didina sababaraha badan standar liana saperti [[International Organization for Standardization|ISO]], ballot (bahasa Indonesi: pemungutan suara) resmi diprosesdiprosés dumasar kana hiji sora (pamadegan) pikeun tiap nagara sarta pausahaan-pausahaan milu aub ngan sacara henteu langsung ngaliwatan delegasi nasional). Bagian-bagian ITU ogeogé mulasara ''liaison relationships'' jeung organisasi-organisasi lianna.
Para anggota ITU nyaetanyaéta ampir kabehkabéh [[List of United Nations member states|para anggota PBB]]. Ngan [[Palau]] katut [[Timor Timur]] anu henteu milu ulubiung. Unsur-unsur liana anu henteu boga wakil di ITU nyaetanyaéta [[Otorita Palestina]] sarta [[Republic of China|Taiwan]], sanajan kitu[[Otoritas Palestina]] diberedibéré status panitenpanitén tanpa hak voting <ref>Resolution 99, "Status of Palestine in ITU", ITU Plenipotentiary Conference, Minneapolis, 1998</ref>.
==Tepung LawungPanglawungan==
ITU mutuskeun sagala hal, ngalibetkeun nagara anggota katut organisasi swasta, ngaliwatan ''working partiesparty'', ''study groupsgroup'', panglawungan regionalrégional, sarta panglawungan internasional.
Baris 91 ⟶ 78:
:''Main article: [[World Summit on the Information Society]]''
ITU ngarupakeun organisasi anu pangheulana ngokolakeun gempungan tingkatan sadunya ngeunaan masarakat informasi (WSIS)<ref>[]</ref>, hiji gempungan PBB anu dimaksudkeun pikeun ngaleungitkeun atawa ngurangan ''kesenjangan'' digital (can kapanggih basa Sundana) sarta ngarobahna kana ''digital opportunity'' pikeun sakabehsakabéh umat manusa. WSIS nyadiakeun forum dina tematéma-tematéma ICT atawa TIK (TeknologiTéknologi Komunikasi jeung Informasi) pikeun pangwangunan, ngalibetkeun kabéh pamangku kapentingan - pamaréntah, organisasi-organisasi internasional, masarakat madani sarta dunya usaha. WSIS ngarupakeun hiji sumpah pikeun ngawangun pangwangunan kalayan manusa salaku titik beuratna - pikeun ngawujudna masarakat anu boga oriéntasinaoriéntasi kana informasi. Téma-téma gedé lianna nyaéta Internét ''governance'' jeung mekanisme finansial pikeun nohonan tantangan TIK pikeun pangwangunan.
Gagasan pikeun ngayakeun WSIS datang ti presiden Tunisia, Bén Ali, dina konferénsi Plénipoténsiéri di Minneapolis dina taun 1998. Prosésna diawalan dina ahir taun [[2002]] ku prakarsa [[Kofi Annan]]. Fase kahiji gempungan WSIS lumangsung dina bulan Désémber 2003 di [[Jenéwa]] sarta fase kadua sakaligus pamungkas lumangsung di [[Tunisia]] dina bulan Nopémber 2005.
==SeeTempo alsoogé==
[[Image:ITU.jpg|thumb|280px|ITU headquarters, Geneva]]
Baris 109 ⟶ 96:
{{UN portal}}
== NotesCutatan ==
[[Image:ITU 2.jpg|thumb|200px|ITU headquarters, Geneva]]