Glikolisis: Béda antarrépisi

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Baris ka-22:
In [[aerobic organism]]s, the pyruvate typically enters the [[citric acid cycle]], and the [[NADH]] is ultimately oxidized by oxygen during [[oxidative phosphorylation]]. Although human metabolism is primarily aerobic, under anerobic conditions, for example in over-worked muscles that are starved for oxygen, pyruvate is converted to lactate, as in many microorganisms.
Glikolisis mangrupakeun hiji-hijina jalur métabolik nu aya di ampir sakabéh organisme, hal ieu nunjukkeun kabuhunanana dina [[téori évolusi|posisi évolusi]]; diduga aya ti jaman [[prokariota]] munggaran, paling henteu 3,5 juta taun ka tukang.
Glycolysis is the only metabolic pathway common to nearly all living organisms, suggesting great antiquity; it may have originated with the first [[prokaryote]]s, 3.5 billion years ago or more.