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xvYCC make jangkah ajen nu lengkep (1 tepi ka 254 dina hiji rohangan 8-bit) pikeun midangkeun kelir. Dina [[BT.601]] jeung [[Rec. 709|BT.709]], kelir RGB dipidangkeun ukur ku ajen 8-bit ti 16 tepi ka 235. Jangkah nu kawates ieu dijieun keur mere lolongkrang pikeun ''[[undershoot]]'' jeung ''[[overshoot]]'', nu mangrupakeun sipat pasinyalan [[TV analog]]. Dina pasinyalan [[TV digital]] mah, undershoot jeung overshoot teh teu aya, lusabab kitu ajen ti 1-15 katut 235-254 bisa dipake keur midangkeun kelir nu sajati. Pikeun ngajaga [[backward-compatibility|kacocogan ka tukang]] jeung standar samemehna, kelir standar beureum (red (R)), hejo (green (G)), bulao (blue (B)) jeung bodas (white) diitung keneh make susunan nu sarua dina rohangan kelir. Jangkah ajen digital nu leuwih rubak bisa mere lolongkrang keur midangkeun hejo kolot (''deeper greens''), beureum kolot (''deeper reds''), katut bulao kolot (''deeper blues'') - tur tangtuna oge kelir-kelir panengah nu samemehna aya dina saluareun wawates dina rohangan kelir [[CCIR 601]].
Even the [[high-definition television]] color space defined by BT.709 encompasses only 45 per cent of the possible values with RGB indices of 1 to 254, since those indices are limited to 16 to 234 by the BT spec. The xvYCC standard uses 1 to 254, and can encode more than twice the number of color values. (The [[sRGB]] system is in between the BT.709 and xvYCC systems, allowing use of all combinations of R, G and B values from 16 to 235 - more combinations, but not so many as in xvYCC.)
Rohangan kelir [[high-definition television|televisi définisi luhur]] nu didefinisikeun ku BT.709 ngawengku ukur 45 persen tina ajen nu bisa dipake kalayan indeks RGB ti 1 tepi ka 254, sabab susunan eta kawates ka 16 tei ka 234 ku spesifikasi BT. Standar xvYCC make standard 1 tepi ka 254, tur bisa nyandikeun ''(encode)'' leuwih ti dua kalieun jumlah ajen kelir. (Sistim [[sRGB]] aya antara BT.709 jeung sistim xvYCC, nu mere lolongkrang keur sakabeh kombinasi ajen R, G jeung B ti 16 tepi ka 235 - leuwih loba kombinasina, tapi henteu saloba dina xvYCC.)
In a paper published by [[Society for Information Display]] in 2006, the authors mapped the 769 colors in the [[Munsell|Munsell Color Cascade]] to the BT.709 space and to the xvYCC space. 55% of the Munsell colors could be mapped to the sRGB [[gamut]], but 100% of those colors could map to the xvYCC gamut.<ref>Matsumoto et al, ''19.2: xvYCC: A New Standard for Video Systems using Extended-Gamut YCC Color Space'', SID '06 Digest, pp. 1130-1133. Available from http://www.sid.org.</ref> Deeper hues can be created - for example a deeper red by giving the opposing color (green) a negative coefficient.
InDina ahiji paper publishednu byditerbitkeun ku [[Society for Information Display]] intaun 2006, the authors mappedpangarangna themetakeung 769 colorskelir in thedina [[Munsell|Munsell Color Cascade]] tokana therohangan BT.709 spacejeung and to therohangan xvYCC space. 55% oftina thekelir Munsell colorsbisa coulddipetakeun be mapped to the sRGBkana [[gamut]] sRGB, buttapi 100% ofkelir thoseeta colorsbisa coulddipetakeun mapkana to thegamut xvYCC gamut.<ref>Matsumoto et al, ''19.2: xvYCC: A New Standard for Video Systems using Extended-Gamut YCC Color Space'', SID '06 Digest, pp. 1130-1133. Available from http://www.sid.org.</ref> Kelir Deeperu huesleuwih cankolot bebisa createddijieun - forcontona examplebeureum akolot deeperbisa reddijieun byku givingcara themere opposingkoefisien colornegatif (green)kana akelir negativenu coefficientlalawanan.
A mechanism for carrying the gamut boundary definition for xvYCC has been defined in the [[HDMI]] 1.3 Specification. Although HDMI 1.3's other new color feature, Deep Color, is not required to transport xvYCC color information, it is commonly associated with xvYCC because these features are used together in high-end CE systems to improve the viewing image quality. Above [[480p]] and [[576p]], Deep Color systems should use Category 2 HDMI cables (indicated by a logo), which are qualified for link clock rates above 75MHz.<ref>For EDTV modes (480p and 576p), even the 12-bit Deep Color data can be transported across the link using a clock well below the upper bandwidth limit of Category 1 cables.</ref>