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Baris ka-71:
:<math>\mathbf{v}_R</math> nyaéta laju radial
TheGedéna magnitude of thelaju radial velocitynyaeta ispakalian thetitik (dot product) of the velocity vector andantara thevéktor unitlaju vectorjeung invéktor thehijian directiondina ofarah thegerak displacement(pindahan).
:<math>v_R=\frac{\mathbf{v} \cdot \mathbf{r}}{\left|\mathbf{r}\right|}</math>
:<math>\mathbf{r}</math> isnyaéta displacementpindahan
TheGedéna magnitudelaju oftransversal thenyaéta transverselaju velocitynu ismangrupakeun thatpakalian of thesilang (cross product) ofantara thevéktor unithijian vectordina inarah thepindahan directionjeung ofvéktor the displacement and the velocity vectorlaju. ItIeu isogé alsoproduk theti productlaju of the angular speedsudut (<math>\omega</math>) and the magnitude ofjeung thegedéna displacementpindahan.
such that
[[Moméntum sudut]] mangrupakeun wangunan skalar nyaéta [[massa]] dikalikeun jarak ka titik asal dikalikeun laju transversal, atawa satara jeung [[massa]] kali jarak kwadrat kali laju sudut. Pajangjian tanda pikeun moméntum sudut sarua jeung tanda pikeun laju sudut.
[[Angular momentum]] in scalar form is the mass times the distance to the origin times the transverse velocity, or equivalently, the mass times the distance squared times the angular speed. The sign convention for angular momentum is the same as that for angular velocity.
:<math>m\,</math> is mass
Lamun [[gaya]] dina arah radial ngan gumantung kana akar, kawas dina kasus [[orbit]] gravitasi, moméntum sudut mah tetep, sarta laju transversal kabanding tibalik jeung jarak, laju angular kabanding tibalik jeung jarak kwadrat. PAtula-patali kasebut dipikawanoh salaku [[hukum Kepler pikeun gerak planét]].
If forces are in the radial direction only with an inverse square dependence, as in the case of a gravitational [[orbit]], angular momentum is constant, and transverse speed is inversely proportional to the distance, angular speed is inversely proportional to the distance squared, and the rate at which area is swept out is constant. These relations are known as [[Kepler's laws of planetary motion]]
==SeeTempo alsoogé==
*[[KinematicsLaju relativitas]]
*[[Relative velocity]]
*[[Terminal velocity]]
*[[Four-velocity]] (relativistic version of velocity for [[Minkowski spacetime]])
*[[Rapidity]] (a version of velocity additive at relativistic speeds)
*[[Proper velocity]] (in relativity, using traveler time instead of observer time)
*Halliday, David, Robert Resnick and Jearl Walker, ''Fundamentals of Physics'', Wiley; 7 Sub edition (June 16, 2004). ISBN 0471232319.
==ExternalTumbu linkska luar==
*[http://www.physicsclassroom.com/Class/1DKin/U1L1d.html Speed and Velocity] (The Physics Classroom)
*[http://www.scs.cmu.edu/~rapidproto/mechanisms/chpt1.html Introduction to Mechanisms] (Carnegie Mellon University)
[[Category:Physical quantities]]
[[ar:سرعة (ميكانيكا)]]