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Baris ka-35:
The fact that only males produce the cicadas' distinctive sound prompted [[Xenophon]] to remark "Blessed are the cicadas, for they have voiceless wives." Both sexes, however, have [[tympana]], which are membranous structures used to detect sounds; thus, the cicadas' equivalent of [[ear]]s.
{{Listen|filename=New_Zealand_cicada_song.ogg|title=Cicada song|description=The sound of a cicada in [[Lower Hutt]], [[New Zealand]], recorded in mid-February, [[2006]]|format=[[Ogg]]}}-->
==Daur hirup==
[[Image:Snodgrass Magicicada septendecim.jpg|thumb|right|17-yearTuraés cicada,umur 17 ortaun (''magicicada'')]]
Sanggeus [[sanggama|jalangan]], bikangna bakal nyelapkeun endogna dina sela-sela kai. Nalika megar, bilatungna bakal ragrag kana taneuh pikeun ngamimitian daur hirup lianna, nu katelah '''kuuk'''. Daur hirup turaés bisa nepi ka 2-5 taun, malah sababaraha spésiés mah aya nu bisa leuwih (daur hirup ''[[Magicicada]]'' bisa nepi ka 13-17 taun). Daur hirup nu panjang ieu mangrupakeun adaptasi pikeun nyingkahan prédasi, sangkan pola hirupna teu luyu jeung daur hirup turaés. Nu ahéng téh yén angka 13 jeung 17 téh angka prima; turaés nu daur hirupna 15 taun bisa dimangsa ku prédator nu daur hirupna tilu atawa lima taun. Tina mangsa hirup nu sakitu lilana, turaés téh lolobana aya dina bentuk kuuk, nu hirup na jero taneuh (30 cm nepi ka 2,5 méter.
[[Image:20040515_083441_1_crop2.jpg|200px|right|thumb|Magicicadas molting]]
Sanggeus nincak kana mangsana, ieu kuuk bakal kaluar tina taneuh sarta naék kana tatangkalan di deukeutna. Di dinya kuuk lajeng bakal asup kana hambalan hirupna anu panungtung salaku turaés sawawa.
After mating, the female cuts slits into the bark of a twig and deposits her eggs there. She may do so repeatedly, until she has laid several hundred eggs. When the eggs hatch, the newborn nymphs drop to the ground, where they burrow and start another cycle. Most cicadas go through a life cycle that lasts between two to five years. Some species have much longer life cycles, e.g. the ''[[Magicicada]]'' goes through a 13- or even 17-year life cycle. These long life cycles are an adaption to predation, as a predator could not regulary fall into synchrony with the cicadas. Another feature of these life cycle is that 13 and 17 are prime numbers. A cicada with a 15-year life cycle could be preyed upon by a predator with a 3- or 5-year life cycle, but the 13- and 17-year cycles allow them to stop the predators falling into step.
Most of this time, the animals spend underground as [[nymph (biology)|nymph]]s at depths ranging from about 30 cm (1 [[Foot (unit of length)|ft]]) up to 2.5 [[metre|m]] (about 8½ ft). The nymphs feed on root juices and have strong front legs for digging.
In the final nymphal [[instar]], they construct an exit tunnel to the surface and emerge. On a nearby plant, they [[ecdysis|moult]] one last time and emerge as an adult. When they moult, they shed their skins, and the abandonded skins can often be found left on trees, still clinging to the bark.
|[[Image:Exit_tunnels_of_Cicada_A.jpg|150px|ExitLiang tunnelskaluar of Cicadakuuk]]
|[[Image:Exit_tunnels_of_Cicada_B.jpg|150px|ExitLiang tunnelskaluar of Cicadakuuk]]
|[[Image:Exit_tunnels_of_Cicada_C.jpg|150px|ExitLiang tunnelskaluar of Cicadakuuk]]
| colspan=3|ExitLiang tunnelskaluar of Cicadakuuk (JapanJepang)
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