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Baris ka-22:
Aya rébuan [[spésiés]] turaés, nu disusun kana dua famili: '''[[Tettigarctidae]]''' jeung '''Cicadidae'''. Spésiés Tettigarctidae nu hirup kénéh aya dua: hiji di [[Australia]] Kidul, hiji deui di [[Tasmania]]. Famili Cicadidae dibagi kana subfamili Tettigadinae, Cicadinae jeung Tibicininae, nu kabéhanana aya di sakuliah dunya, iwal [[Antartika]].
Most of the [[North America]]n species are in the genus ''[[Tibicen]]''&mdash;the ''annual'' or ''dog-day cicadas'' (named after the "[[Dog Days]]" because they emerge in late July and August). The best-known North-American genus is ''[[Magicicada]]'', however. These periodical cicadas have an extremely long life cycle of 13 or 17 years and emerge in large numbers. Another American species is the Apache Cicada (''[[Diceroprocta apache]]'').
Spésiés turaés di [[Amérika Kalér]] lolobana kaasup genus ''[[Tibicen]]''&mdash;''turaés taunan'', tapi nu paling dipikanyaho mah genus ''[[Magicicada]]''. Turaés ieu mah daur hirupna téh panjang pisan (13 atawa 17 taun), sarta mucunghul dina jumlah anu mahabu. Spésiés Amérika lianna, di antarana Turaés Apacé (''[[Diceroprocta apache]]'').
38 species from 5 genera populate [[New Zealand]], and all of the species are endemic to [[New Zealand]] and the surrounding islands ([[Norfolk Island]], [[New Caledonia]]).
Di [[Selandia Anyar]], turaésna kabagi kana 38 spésiés ti 5 genera, nu kabéhanana éndemik Selandia Anyar jeung kapuloan sabudeureunana ([[Kapuloan Norfolk]], [[Kalédonia Anyar]]).
Turaés sawawa panjangna 2 - 5&nbsp;[[séntiméter|cm]], najan di [[Malaysia]] mah aya ''[[Pomponia imperatoria]]'' nu panjangna nepi ka 15 cm. Panon turaés mah pajauh, nonjol di sisi kénca-katuhu huluna, [[anténeu (biologi)|anténeuna]] pondok, aya di antara/hareupeun panonna, sedengkeun jangjang hareupna mémbranan. Di wewengkon nu tiris, turaés bisa manaskeun awakna sorangan, sedengkeun di daérah sagara keusik nu panas bisa nurunkeun hawa awakna (ku cara ngésangan manéh).
Turaés jalu boga ''[[tymbal]]'', sumber sorana nu nongtoréng, dina sisi handap [[abdomén]]na. Sorana téh lain [[stridulasi]] sakumaha dina [[jangkrik]] (nu ngaluarkeun sora tina gésékan jangjang luarna): tymbal téh bagian [[éksoskeleton]] nu dirobah jadi mémbran kompléks nu ngandung [[mémbran]] ipis. Mémbran ieu digeterkeun gancang pisan ku [[otot]] anu kuat, nu lajeng dirésonansikeun ku rongga nu diturunkeun tina [[trahéa]], sahingga sorana narikan. Aya turaés nu sorana bisa ngaleuwihan 106&nbsp;[[dB (SPL)]], pangtarikna ti antara serangga nu ngaluarkeun sora.
Adult cicadas, sometimes called [[Imago|imagines]], are usually between 2 and 5&nbsp;[[centimetre|cm]] (1 to 2&nbsp;[[inch]]es) long, although there are some tropical species that reach 15&nbsp;cm (6&nbsp;in), e.g. ''[[Pomponia imperatoria]]'' from [[Malaysia]]. Cicadas have prominent eyes set wide apart on the sides of the head, short [[antenna (biology)|antenna]]e protruding between or in front of the eyes, and membranous front wings. Desert cicadas are also one of the few insects known to cool themselves by sweating, while many other cicadas can raise their body temperatures voluntarily to around 40°C, even when the air temperature is only 18°C.
Male cicadas (and only males) have loud noisemakers called "[[tymbal]]s" on the sides of the [[abdomen|abdominal]] base. Their "singing" is not [[stridulation]] as in many other familiar sound-producing insects like [[cricket]]s (where two structures are rubbed against one another): the tymbals are regions of the [[exoskeleton]] that are modified to form a complex membrane with thin, membranous portions and thickened "ribs". They rapidly vibrate these [[membrane]]s with strong muscles, and enlarged chambers derived from the [[tracheae]] make their body serve as a [[resonance]] chamber, greatly amplifying the sound. Some cicadas produce sounds louder than 106&nbsp;[[dB (SPL)]], among the loudest of all insect-produced sounds. (This amazing sound has frequently inspired [[haiku]] poets in [[Japan]] to write about them.) They modulate their noise by wiggling their abdomens toward and away from the tree that they are on.
The fact that only males produce the cicadas' distinctive sound prompted [[Xenophon]] to remark "Blessed are the cicadas, for they have voiceless wives." Both sexes, however, have [[tympana]], which are membranous structures used to detect sounds; thus, the cicadas' equivalent of [[ear]]s.
{{ListenBandungan|filename=New_Zealand_cicada_song.ogg|title=Cicada song|description=TheSora soundturaés of a cicada indi [[Lower Hutt]], [[NewSelandia ZealandAnyar]], recordeddirékam intengah mid-February,Pébruari [[2006]]|format=[[Ogg]]}}-->
==Daur hirup==