Romanisasi aksara Jepang: Béda antarrépisi

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Baris ka-28:
'''Nihon-shiki''' sistim nu pangjarangna dipake diantara tilu sistim nu aya. Aslina metoda ieu dipake keur nuliskeun Basa Jepang kana basana sorangan. Sistim ieu nuturkeun fonologi jeung suku kata sacara disiplin, sarta hiji-hijina sistim romanisasi utama nu ngidinan keur metakeun ti jeung ka [[kana]]. Sistim ieu dibakukeun dina ISO 3602.
'''Nihon-shiki''' is probably the least used of the three main systems. It was originally invented as a method for the Japanese to write their own language. It follows Japanese phonology and the syllabary order very strictly and is hence the only major system of romanization that allows lossless mapping to and from kana. It has also been standardized as ISO 3602 strict form.