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Baris ka-7:
Suluh nyimpen énérgi dina struktur kimiana. Mun struktur kimia suluhna robah, mangka bakal ngaleupaskeun [[énérgi kimia]]. Énérgi anu dikandung dina suluh téh bisa digambarkeun dina rupa-rupa bentuk, misalna [[ajén suluh]] (''fuel value'') nu dipaké pikeun ngukur [[énérgi poténsial]] suluh.
All [[carbon-based life]] forms—from [[microorganism]]s to [[animal]]s and [[human]]s—depend on and use fuels as their source of energy. Their bodies posess a natural mechanism called ''[[metabolism]]'' to convert energy stored in [[food]]. Additionally, humans employ a variety of techniques to convert one form of energy into another, producing usable energy for purposes that go far beyond energy needs of a [[human body]]. The application of energy released from fuels ranges from [[heat]] to [[cooking]] and from powering [[weapon]]s to [[propulsion]] and generation of [[Electric power|electricity]]. The method of conversion used for a particular type of fuel depends on the molecular structure of the fuel. For example, the most efficient method for releasing energy from [[fossil fuel]]s is by burning them in [[oxygen]]. In this process known as ''[[combustion]]'', fuel reacts with [[oxygen]] and releases energy as [[heat]]. Humans have also mastered to extract energy from an [[atom]] by subjecting [[Fissile| fissile material]]s to [[nuclear reaction]].-->
==TypesRupa-rupa of fuelsuluh==
Sacara téoritis, suluh naon baé bisa dipaké salaku sumber énérgi. Tapi, najan kitu, dina prakna mah kudu dipilih nu sacara itung-itungan (ékonomis) murah sarta jumlahna loba.
Theoretically any fuel can be used as a source of energy. However, it is economically practical to use only those fuels that contain large amounts of easily extractable energy. Luckily, there are many different types of fuel that can be obtained and prepared for consumption relatively inexpensively.
[[Karbohidrat]], [[lemak]], jeung [[protéin]], nu diturunkeun tina [[pangan|dahareun]], mangrupakeun suluh pikeun sistim biologis. Pikeun conto, glukosa (karbohidrat basajan) digabung jeung [[oksigén]] ngahasilkeun cai, [[karbon dioksida]], jeung énérgi. Dina awak kalolobaan [[sato]], énérgi nu dileupaskeun téh dipaké ku [[otot]].
[[Carbohydrate]]s, [[fat]]s, and [[protein]]s, derived from food, are the fuels for biological systems. For instance, glucose (a simple carbohydrate) combines with oxygen to produce water, carbon-dioxide, and energy. In the bodies of most animals, the released energy is used by the [[muscle]]s.
===FossilSuluh fuelfosil===
{{main|FossilSuluh fuelfosil}}
====SolidSuluh fuelspadet====
[[Image:Coal.jpg|150px|thumb|AGuruntul lump of coal.[[batubara]]]]
[[Suluh padet]] téh ngawengku [[batubara]], [[kai]], jeung ''[[peat]]''. Sakabéh suluh tipe ieu bisa diduruk (ngahasilkeun seuneu jeung panas). Baheula, batubara dipaké pikeun ngajalankeun [[karéta api]]. Kai mah, nepi ka kiwari, ilaharna dipaké pikeun kaperluan rumah tangga jeung industri leutik.
[[Image:Coal.jpg|150px|thumb|A lump of coal.]]
[[Solid fuel]]s include [[coal]], [[wood]] and [[peat]]. All these types of fuel are combustible (they create fire and heat). Coal was burnt by [[steam]] [[rail transport|trains]] to heat water into steam to move parts and provide power. Peat and wood are mainly used for domestic and industrial heating, though peat has been used for [[power generation]], and wood-burning steam [[locomotive]]s were common in times past. Steam power is becoming more and more desirable as oil and gas supplies begin to run out, given the wide number of possible things that can [[combustion|burn]] to heat water.
====Suluh cair jeung gas====
====Liquid and gaseous fuels====
Non-solid fuels include [[alkanes]] such as [[petroleum]] and [[gas]] (both fuel types have myriad varieties including [[petrol]] (gasoline) and [[natural gas]]). The former is widely used in the [[internal combustion engine]] while both are used in power generation.