Sistim tulis Jepang: Béda antarrépisi

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Baris ka-89:
== Tulisan langsung==
{{main|Horizontal and vertical writing in East Asian scripts}}
Traditionally, Japanese is written in a format called ''tategaki''. In this format, the characters are written in columns going from top to bottom, with columns ordered from right to left. After reaching the bottom of each column, the reader continues at the top of the column to the left of the current one. This copies the column order of Chinese.
Sacara tradisional, Basa Jepang ditulis dina format nu disebut ''tategaki''. Dina format ieu, karakter ditulis di katuhu ke kenca. Sanggeus nepi ka panghandapna dina unggal kolom, nu maca neruskeun deui ka luhur beulah kencana. Sistim kolom ieu nuturkeun sistim dina Basa Cina.
Modern Japanese also uses another writing format, called ''yokogaki''. This writing format is identical to that of European languages such as English, with characters arranged in rows which are read from left to right, with successive rows going downwards.
Basa Jepang modern oge migunakeun sistem nulis sejenna nu disebut ''yokogaki''. Sistim nulis ieu saperti dina nulis Basa Eropa upamana Basa Inggrism nu karakterna disusun unggal baris, dibaca ti kenca ka katuhu, tur diteruskeun ka baris saterusna ka arah handap.
== Sistin nulis kiwari ==