Mikrobiologi: Béda antarrépisi

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Mssetiadi (obrolan | kontribusi)
m eukaryote --> eukariot
Mssetiadi (obrolan | kontribusi)
nambihan tarjamah, ngarapikeun sakedik-sakedik
Baris ka-1:
<!--[[Image:Agar plate with colonies.jpg|thumb|250px|right|An [[agar plate]] streaked with [[microorganism]]s]]-->
'''Mikrobiologi''' nyaéta studi ngeunaan ''[[mikroorganisme]]'', nu [[unisélulér]] atawa [[organisme]] [[mikroskopik]] ''cell-cluster''. KasupKaasup diantarana [[eukariot]] (nu ngabogaan [[nukleus]]) saperti dina [[supafungi]] jeung [[protists]], jeung [[prokariot]] (nu henteu miboga nukleus) saperti [[baktéri]] jeung [[virus]] (sanajan ari virus mah henteu pasti digolongkeun minangka mahluk hirup).
Sanajan ayeuna geus loba anu dipikawanoh dina dicrobiologymikrobiologi, kamajuannana tetep dikembangkeun sacara régulér. Dina kanyatannana, pangiraan umum ningali yen urang kakara manggihan 1% tinu sakabéh [[mikroba]] dina sababaraha lingkungan. Ku sabab eta, sanajan paktana pamanggihan mikroba teh geus leuwih ti tilu ratus taun, cabang mikrobiologi kakara tuwuh sakedik dibandingkeun jeung [[disiplin élmu]] séjénna saperti [[zoologi]], [[botani]] atawa [[éntomologi]].
BacteriaBaktéri weremunggaran firstditalingakeun observed byku [[Anton van Leeuwenhoek]] indina [[1676]] usingmigunakeun a[[mikroskop]] single-lens[[lénsa microscope oftunggal]] hisrancangan ownanjeunna designsorangan. TheNgaran namebaktéri "bacterium" wasdiwanohkeun introducedsababaraha muchwaktu latersatuluyna, byku [[Christian Gottfried Ehrenberg|Ehrenberg]] indina [[1828]], derivedditurunkeun from thetina [[Greekkecap wordYunani]] βακτηριον meaningnu ngandung harti "smallteteken stickleutik". WhileSamentara [[Antony van Leeuwenhoek]] issering often citeddisebut-sebut as the firstminangka [[microbiologistmikrobiologis]] pangmimitina, thesedengkeun firstpanalungtikan recordedmikrobiologi microbiologicalmimiti observation,nu karékam <!--(that of the fruiting bodies of molds)-->, was made earlierdijieun indina [[1665]] byku [[Robert Hooke]].
The field of '''bacteriology''' (later a subdiscipline of microbiology) is generally considered to have been founded by [[Ferdinand Cohn]] ([[1828]]-[[1898]]), a botanist whose studies on algae and photosynthetic bacteria led him to describe several bacteria including ''[[Bacillus]]'' and ''[[Beggiatoa]]''. Ferdinand Cohn was also the first to formulate a scheme for the taxonomic classification of bacteria.
Baris ka-30:
[[Image:Samadams2.jpg|thumb|300px|right|[[Ferment]]ing tanks with [[yeast]] being used to [[Brewing|brew]] [[beer]] ]]
==Kauntungan Mikrobiologi==
==Benefits of microbiology==
While microbes are often viewed negatively due to their association with many human illnesses, microbes are also responsible for many beneficial processes such as [[industrial fermentation]] (e.g. the production of [[alcohol]] and [[dairy products]]), [[antibiotic]] production and as vehicles for cloning in higher organsisms such as plants. Scientists have also exploited their knowledge of microbes to produce biotechnologically important enzymes such as [[Taq polymerase]], [[reporter gene]]s for use in other genetic systems and novel molecular biology techniques such as the [[two-hybrid screening|yeast two-hybrid system]].
<!--These traits allowed Joshua and Esther Lederberg to devise an elegant experiment in [[1951]] demonstrating that adaptive mutations arise from [[preadaptation]] rather than directed mutation. For this purpose, they invented [[replica plating]], which allowed them to transfer numerous [[colony (biology)|bacterial colonies]] from their specific locations on one agar-filled petri dish to analogous locations on several other petri dishes. After replicating a plate of ''E. coli'', they exposed each of the new plates to a [[bacteriophage]] (also called phage). They observed that phage-resistant colonies were present at analogous locations on each of the plates, allowing them to conclude that the phage resistance trait had existed in the original colony, which had never been exposed to phage, instead of arising after the bacteria had been exposed to the virus. <!-- This was on the page before I modified it to read more like a general description of the field of microbiology, but it just didn't seem to make sense with the rest of the page the way I wrote it. I didn't want to just throw it out, but I don't know what to do with it now! Any suggestions? -->