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AmphBot (obrolan | kontribusi)
m bot Nambih: eu:Glizina
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m bot Nambih: fa:گلیسین; kosmetik perubahan
Baris ka-1:
{{OrganicBox small
| image= [[ImageGambar:Glycine-skeletal.png|105px|Struktur kimia Glisin]][[ImageGambar:Glycine-3D-sticks-2.png|105px|Modél 3D molekul glisin]][[ImageGambar:Glycine-3D-vdW.png|105px|Modél ngeusi-rohangan molekul glisin]]
| name=Asam aminoétanoat| C=2 | H=5 | N=1 | O=2
| mass=75,07
Baris ka-10:
Protéin téh lolobana ngandung saeutik glisin, iwal [[kolagén]] nu ampir sapertiluna diwangun ku glisin.
== Guna fisiologis ==
Glisin téh [[neurotransmitter]] inhibitor dina [[sistim saraf puseur]], utamana dina [[sungsum tulang tonggong]]. Nalika reséptor glisin diaktipkeun, Cl<sup>-</sup> asup ka neuron ngaliwatan reséptor ionotropik, ngabalukarkeun ''[[Inhibitory postsynaptic potential]]'' (IPSP). Antagonis pikeun reséptor ionotropik ieu di antarana [[strihnin]], nu [[LD50]]-na 7.930 mg/kg pikeun beurit (oral){{fact}} sarta ilaharna ngabalukarkeun paéh alatan [[hiperéksitabilitas]]. <!--Glisin téh [[ko-agonis]] nu perlu pikeun marengan [[glutamat|Glu]] dina sistim saraf puseur. In contrast to the inhibitory role of glycine in the spinal cord, this behaviour is facilitated at the ([[NMDA]]) glutaminergic receptors which are excitatory.
Baris ka-22:
Should any glycine claim be substantiated, it does not prove that life exists outside the [[Earth]], but certainly makes that possibility more plausible by showing that amino acids can be formed in the interstellar medium. The finding would also indirectly support the idea of [[panspermia]], the theory that life was brought to Earth from space.-->
== Rujukan ==
#{{note_N|1|a}} Kuan YJ, Charnley SB, Huang HC, et al. (2003) Interstellar glycine. ASTROPHYS J 593 (2): 848-867
#{{note_N|2|a}} Snyder LE, Lovas FJ, Hollis JM, et al. (2005) A rigorous attempt to verify interstellar glycine. ASTROPHYS J 619 (2): 914-930
Baris ka-28:
#{{note_N|4|a}} [http://www.newscientist.com/news/news.jsp?id=ns99992558 <nowiki>www.newscientist.com</nowiki>]
== Tumbu kaluar ==
*[http://www.pdrhealth.com/drug_info/nmdrugprofiles/nutsupdrugs/gly_0127.shtml PDRHealth - Glycine]
*[http://www.compchemwiki.org/index.php?title=Glycine Computational Chemistry Wiki]
Baris ka-35:
[[CategoryKategori:Asam amino protéinogénik]]
Baris ka-48:
[[fr:Glycine (acide aminé)]]