Métamorfosis: Béda antarrépisi

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==Métamorfosis serangga==
==Insect metamorphosis==
Sakabéh [[serangga]] [[Apterygota]] jeung kalolobaan [[Exopterygota]] kagolongkeun hémimétabolik, sedengkeun [[Endopterygota]] mah kabéhanana holométabolik. Najan kitu, aya sababaraha [[Exopterygota]] -- kayaning [[Thysanoptera]], [[Aleyrodidae]], jeung [[Coccoidea]] jalu -- ngalaman métamorfosis nu sarupa jeung nu hémimétabolik.
All [[Apterygota]] and most [[Exopterygota]] [[insect]]s are hemimetabolic, while all [[Endopterygota]] are holometabolic.
===Pangaturan hormonal===
But a few [[Exopterygota]] -- such as [[Thysanoptera]], [[Aleyrodidae]] and male [[Coccoidea]] -- undergo a metamorphosis more similar to the hemimetabolic one.
Métamorfosis jeung tumuwuhna serangga diatur ku [[hormon]] nu dijieun ku [[kelenjar]] [[éndokrin]] di bagian hareup awakna.
Sababaraha [[sél (biologi)|sél]] [[uteuk]] serangga nyékrésikeun hormon nu ngagiatkeun kelenjar [[toraks]], nu ngaluarkeun hormon kadua nu mangrupa [[stéroid]] ([[ékdisona]]), nu nginduksi métamorfosis. [[Corpora allata]] ngahasilkeun [[hormon juvenil]], nu nyegah mekarna ciri kasawawaan, sangkan bisa neruskeun [[ékdisis]]. Ku kituna, serangga kakara ngalaman métamorfosis mun produksi hormon juvenilna eureun.
===Hormonal control===
[[Insect]] growth and metamorphosis are controlled by [[hormone]]s synthesized by [[endocrine]] [[gland]]s near the front of the body.
Some [[cell (biology) | cell]]s of an insect's [[brain]] secrete a hormone that activates [[Thorax|thoracic]] glands, which secrete a second hormone, usually [[Ecdysone]] (a [[steroid]]), that induces metamorphosis.
Moreover, the [[corpora allata]] produce the [[juvenile hormone]], whose effect is to prevent the development of adult characteristics while allowing [[ecdysis]]. Therefore, the insect is subject to a series of moult, controlled by [[Ecdysone]], until the production of juvenile hormone ceases and metamorphosis occurs.-->
==Baca ogé==