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m bot Nambih: roa-rup:Alger
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m bot Nambih: yo:Algiers; kosmetik perubahan
Baris ka-64:
|footnotes =
'''Aljir''' ({{lang-ar|الجزائر}}, [[Basa Arab Standar]]: ''Al Jaza'ir'' {{IPA2|ɛlʤɛˈzɛːʔir}}, [[Basa Arab Aljazair]]: ''Dzayer'' ({{IPA|[dzæjer]}} (tina pronunsiasi Berber), [[Basa Berber]]: [[ImageGambar:Algiers in Tifinagh.svg]], ''Ledzayer'' {{IPA|[ldzæjər]}}, {{lang-fr|Alger}} {{IPA|[ɑlʒe]}}) nyaeta [[ibu kota]] sarta kota panggedena di [[Aljazair]] tur mangrupakeun kota panggedena kadua di [[Afrika Kalér]] sanggeus [[Kasablangka]], Moroko. Dumasar kana sensus taun 1998, populasi kota ieu aya 1,519,570; di wewengkon urban aya 2,135,630; di wewengkon metropolitan aya 3,518,083; sarta di [[Propinsi Aljir]] sakabehna aya 5,723,749 (2006). Ku kituna [[wewengkon urban]] ''Aljazair Raya'' mangrupakeun salasahiji wewengkon panglegana di [[Maghreb]]<ref>{{en}} - [http://www.citypopulation.de/World.html http://www.citypopulation.de/] Thomas Brinkhoff: The Principal Agglomerations of the World.</ref> (sanggeus [[Kasablangka]]).
Katelah ''El-Bahdja'' (البهجة) atawa ''Alger la Blanche'' ("Algiers the White") for the glistening white of its buildings as seen rising up from the sea, Algiers is situated on the west side of a bay of the [[Mediterranean Sea]]. The city name is derived from the [[Arabic language|Arabic]] word ''al-jazā’ir'', which translates as ''the islands'', referring to the four islands which laid off the city's coast until becoming part of the mainland in 1525. ''Al-jazā’ir'' is itself a truncated form of the city's older name ''jazā’ir banī mazghannā'', "the islands of (the tribe) Bani Mazghanna", used by early medieval geographers such as [[al-Idrisi]] and [[Yaqut al-Hamawi]]. Algiers is the only Algerian city with an [[English language|English]] name different from its [[French language|French]] name.
Baris ka-75:
* {{flagicon|China}} [[Beijing]], [[Republik Rahayat Cina|Cina]]
* {{flagicon|Germany}} [[Berlin]], [[Jerman]]
* {{flagicon|Egypt}} [[Cairo]], [[Mesir]]
* {{flagicon|France}} [[Paris]], [[Perancis]]
* {{flagicon|Canada}} [[Montreal]], [[Kanada]]
* {{flagicon|Morocco}} [[Casablanca]], [[Moroko]]
* {{flagicon|United Kingdom}} [[London]], [[Karajaan Ngahiji]]
* {{flagicon|Tunisia}} [[Tunis]], [[Tunisia]]
* {{flagicon|Russia}} [[Moscow]], [[Rusia]]
* {{flagicon|Spain}} [[Barcelona]], [[Spanyol]]
* {{flagicon|Switzerland}} [[Jenewa]], [[Swiss]]
* {{flagicon|Libya}} [[Tripoli]], [[Libya]]
* {{flagicon|Italy}} [[Rome]], [[Itali]]
* {{flagicon|Senegal}} [[Dakar]], [[Senegal]]
* {{flagicon|Netherlands}} [[Amsterdam]], [[Walanda]]
* {{flagicon|USA}} [[Washington, D.C]], [[AS]]
* {{flagicon|China}} [[Shanghai]], [[Republik Rahayat Cina]]
Baris ka-102:
<!-- Image with unknown copyright status removed: [[Image:Théatre d'Alger.jpg|thumb|right|240px|Great Theater]] -->
== Film ngeunaan Aljazair ==
* [[The Battle of Algiers (film)|The Battle of Algiers]], 1966, directed by [[Gillo Pontecorvo]];
Baris ka-111:
* [[Beur, White, Red]], 2005, directed by [[Mahmoud Zemmouri]].
== Rujukan ==
* {{1911}}
Baris ka-118:
* [[List of Pasha and Dey of Algiers]]
== Tumbu luar ==
* [http://www.samasafia.dz/carte%20d'alger.gif Map of Algiers]
Baris ka-129:
{{All-Africa Games Host Cities}}
[[CategoryKategori:Ibu kota di Afrika]]
[[CategoryKategori:Kota di Aljazair]]
[[CategoryKategori:Kota basisir]]
[[CategoryKategori:Aljazair| ]]
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[[CategoryKategori:Nu ngadeg taun 944]]
[[CategoryKategori:Situs Warisan Dunya di Aljazair]]
[[CategoryKategori:Kota palabuan di Afrika]]
[[CategoryKategori:Kota palabuan di Sagara Tengah]]
Baris ka-230: