Sél getih beureum: Béda antarrépisi

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TXiKiBoT (obrolan | kontribusi)
m bot Nambih: nds:Root Bloodkörper
Xqbot (obrolan | kontribusi)
m bot Miceun: ku:خڕۆکەی سوور; kosmetik perubahan
Baris ka-1:
[[imageGambar:redbloodcells.jpg|right|frame|Sél getih beureum manusa]]
'''Sél getih beureum''' nyaéta [[sél getih]] anu paling umum anu pancénna pikeun ngakut [[oksigén]] ti [[bayah]] atawa [[insang]] [[vertebrata]] ka jaringan-jaringan awak ngaliwatan [[getih]]. Dina istilah médis, sél getih beureum katelahna '''RBC''' (''red blood cell''), '''hématid''', atawa '''éritrosit''' (tina [[basa Yunani]] ''erythros'' nu hartina beureum "red" jeung ''cyte'' nu hartina "sél"). '''Sistosit''' hartina sél getih beureum anu keur ngarandapan fragméntasi atawa potongan-potongan sél getih beureum.
== Éritrosit vertebrata ==
[[ImageGambar:Red White Blood cells.jpg|thumb|Ti kénca ka katuhu: [[éritrosit]], [[Platélét|trombosit]], [[leukosit]].]]
Érintrosit utamana dieusi [[hémoglobin]], [[molekul]] kompléks anu ngandung gugus [[hémé]] anu ngabeungkeut atom [[beusi]] anu pancénna ngabeungkeut molekul oksigén pikeun dileupaskeun di jaringan-jaringan sakujur awak. Oksigén bisa [[difusi|nembus]] [[mémbran sél]] éritrosit. [[Myoglobin]], sanyawa nu sarupa jeung hémoglobin, boga pancén neundeun oksigén dina sél [[otot]].
Baris ka-21:
[[Image:Gray453.png|thumb|400px|Erythrocytes: (a) seen from surface; (b) in profile, forming rouleaux; (c) rendered spherical by water; (d) rendered crenate by salt. (c) and (d) do not normally occur in the body.]]-->
== Éritrosit manusa ==
Diaméter éritrosit manusa ilaharna mah [[1 E-6 m|6&ndash;86–8 µm]], leuwih leutik batan kalolobaan [[Daptar tipeu sél dina awak manusa sawawa|sél manusa]]. Ieu sél leutik téh ngandung kira 270 juta molekul hémoglobin nu masing-masing mawa opat gugus hémé.<!--
Adult humans have roughly [[1 E12|2&ndash;32–3 &times;× 10<sup>13</sup>]] red blood cells at any given time (women have about 4 to 5 million erythrocytes per [[liter|microliter]] (cubic millimeter) of blood and men about 5 to 6 million; people living at high altitudes with low oxygen tension will have more). Red blood cells are thus much more common than the other blood particles: There are about 4,000&ndash;11000–11,000 [[white blood cells]] and about 150,000&ndash;400000–400,000 [[platelet]]s in each microliter of human blood. The red blood cells store collectively about 3.5 grams of [[iron]], more than five times the iron stored by all the other tissues combined.
===Life cycle===
Baris ka-37:
===Separation and blood doping===
Red blood cells can be separated from [[blood plasma]] by [[centrifugation]]. During [[blood donation|plasma donation]], the red blood cells are pumped back into the body right away, and the plasma is collected. Some athletes have tried to improve their performance by [[blood doping]]: first about 1 litre of their blood is extracted, then the red blood cells are isolated, frozen and stored, to be reinjected shortly before the competition. (Red blood cells can be conserved for 5 weeks at &minus;79−79 °C.) This practice is hard to detect but may endanger the human [[cardiovascular system]] which is not equipped to deal with blood of the resulting higher [[viscosity]].
== Diseases and diagnostic tools ==
Baris ka-74:
[[CategoryKategori:Sél getih]]
{{Link FA|nn}}
Baris ka-110:
[[ku:خڕۆکەی سوور]]
[[lt:Raudonasis kraujo kūnelis]]