Sindangan: Béda antarrépisi

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Escarbot (obrolan | kontribusi)
m robot Adding: el:Cache
Mssetiadi (obrolan | kontribusi)
m +eusi
Baris ka-1:
Dina [[élmu komputer]], '''sindangan''' ([[basa Inggris|Ing.]] ''cache'', dibaca "kés") hartina kumpulan data salinan ti nu aslina nu disimpen di tempat séjén. Hal ieu ditujukeun pikeun ngirit, mun data aslina "mahal", dina harti hésé dicokotna. Mun datana geus disindangkeun (''cached''), engkéna aksés data téh bakal leuwih gampang.
[[Image:cache,basic.png|frame|Diagram of a CPU memory cache]]
A cache is a block of memory for temporary storage of data likely to be used again. The CPU and hard drive frequently use a cache, as do web browsers.
[[Image:cache,basic.png|frame|Diagram ofsindangan amémori CPU memory cache]]-->
Sindangan mangrupakeun hiji blok mémori keur nyimpen data samentara waktu ngarah gmpang dipigunakeun deui. CPU jeung hard disk sacara rutin migunakeun sindangan, nya kitu deui browser wéb.
A simple definition of ''Cache'' would be: ''A temporary storage area where frequently accessed data can be stored for rapid access''.
Baris 21 ⟶ 23:
The data in the backing store may be changed by entities other than the cache, in which case the copy in the cache may become out-of-date or '''stale'''. Alternatively, when the client updates the data in the cache, copies of that data in other caches will become stale. Communication protocols between the cache managers which keep the data consistent are known as [[cache coherency|coherency protocols]].
==Applications=Sindangan CPU===
{{main|sindangan CPU}}
===CPU caches===
:''Main article: [[CPU cache]].''
Small memories on or close to the CPU chip can be made faster than the much larger main memory. Most CPUs since the 1980s have used one or more caches, and modern general-purpose CPUs inside personal computers may have as many as half a dozen, each specialized to a different part of the problem of executing programs.
Mémori nu leutik dina atawa deukeuteun chip CPU bisa leuwih gampang dijieun tinimbang mémori nu leuwih gedé. Kalolobaan CPU ti taun 1980-an geus maké hiji atawa leuwih sindangan, sarta CPU multiguna modéren dina jero komputer pribadi bisa mibanda satengah losin sindangan, numana masing-masingna dihusukeun keur bagian nu béda-béda dina masalah ngéksekusi program.
===Disk buffer===
(also known as ''disk cache'' or ''cache buffer'')
Baris 52 ⟶ 54:
* '''[[Native Command Queuing|Command queuing]]''': Newer [[Serial ATA|SATA]] and most [[SCSI]] disks can accept multiple commands while any one command is in operation. These commands are stored by the disk's embedded computer until they are completed. Should a read reference the data at the destination of a queued write, the write's data will be returned. Command queuing is different from write acceleration in that the main computer's operating system is notified when data are actually written onto the magnetic media. The OS can use this information to keep the filesystem consistent through rescheduled writes.
===OtherSindangan cachesséjén===
CPU caches are generally managed entirely by hardware. Other caches are managed by a variety of software. The cache of disk sectors in main memory is usually managed by the operating system [[Kernel (computer science)|kernel]] or [[file system]]. The BIND [[Domain Name System|DNS]] daemon caches a mapping of domain names to IP addresses, as does a resolver library.
Baris 63 ⟶ 65:
Another type of caching is storing computed results that will likely be needed again, or [[memoization]]. An example of this type of caching is [[ccache]], a program that caches the output of the compilation to speed up the second-time compilation.
===TheBédana differenceantar betweenbuffer buffers andjeung cache===
Buffers are allocated by various processes to use as input queues, etc. Most of the time, buffers are some processes' output, and they are file buffers. A simplistic explanation of buffers is that they allow processes to temporarily store input in memory until the process can deal with it.
Baris 74 ⟶ 76:
*[[Sindangan ramat]]
[[Kategori:Arsitéktur komputer]]
[[Kategori:Mémori komputer]]