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m {{tarjamahkeun|Inggris}}
Baris ka-1:
'''Patologi''' (tina [[basa Yunani]] ''[[pathos]]'', ngarasa, nyeri, ''menderita''; jeung ''[[logos]]'', élmu ngeunaan; tingali oge [[-ologi]]) nyaéta studi ngeunaan prosés nu midasar [[panyakit]] jeung wangun séjén tinu [[gering]], kahenteunormalan anu ngabahayakeun, atawa [[disfungsi]]. Dina [[biologi]] ogé aya cabang [[obat-obatan]], anu husus ngalakukeun studi jeung diagnosa parobahan struktural jeung fungsional [[sél (biologi)|sél]], [[jaringan (biologi)|jaringan]] jeung [[organ (biologi|organ)]] nu midasar panyakit. Patologi minangka cabang élmu pangaweruh saterusna ngawangun dasar pamikiran élmu pangaweruh di satukangeun praktek médis.
==Scope of pathology==
The primary goal of pathology is the study of the four main aspects of a disease:
Baris ka-8:
* [[Morphology (biology)|Morphologic changes]]: the structural changes induced in the cells, tissues and organs
* Clinical significance: the functional consequences of the morphologic changes
== Pathologists' work ==
Pathologists are physicians whose residency varies from 3-4 years followed by fellowship training for most. Because the public rarely meets pathologists, their work is not well understood. Pathology is a large and diverse field that allows a pathologist to participate in multiple areas of the field or focus their scope to a specific area. Essential to everyday surgeries, pathologists are responsible for processing and reporting on all specimens generated during a given surgery. Tissue samples are taken from the submitted specimens, stained, and processed for microscopic evaluation. Microscopic examination searches for disease of any type and this information is returned to the surgeon via a pathology report. Pathologists are also responsible for laboratory specimens. They, along with medical [[technologists]], process specimens at medical [[laboratories]] for interpretations. In other words, patients should know that what their doctor calls a "laboratory result" is not a number generated by a black box. Instead, it is the interpretation of the value by a pathologist or a technologist. It is also important to understand that a different laboratory might produce a different value on the same specimen. Pathologists are also called upon to perform [[autopsies]]. Autopsies represent less than 5% of the workload of a typical modern pathologist. There exists a subspecialty in pathology that allows for the training of medical examiners who wish to pursue forensics.
Baris ka-78: