Probabilitas: Béda antarrépisi

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m bot Nambih: eu, lt, ms, sh; kosmetik perubahan
Baris ka-1:
Kecap '''''probabilitas''''' asalna tina basa [[Latin]] ''probare'' (ngabuktikeun, atawa nyoba).
Sacara teu resmi, ''probable'' ngarupakeun salah sahiji kecap anu digunakeun keur kajadian jeung kanyaho anu teu pasti, kecap sejenna atawa anu rada bisa ngagantina nyaeta ku ''likely'', ''risky'', ''hazardous'', ''uncertain'', and ''doubtful'', gumantung kana konteksna.
''Chance'', ''odds'', jeung ''bet'' ngarupakeun kecap sejen anu ngagambarkeun kaayaan anu sarua. Heunteu saperti dina [[classical mechanics|theory of mechanics]] nu nangtukeun harti pasti tina saperti dina watesan ''gawe'' jeung ''gaya'', dina [[tiori probabiliti]] nyobaan keur ngitung dina notasi ''probable''.
Baris ka-111:
:<math>\Pr(H) = \lim_{N \to \infty}{N_H \over N} </math>
In actual practice, of course, we cannot flip a coin an infinite number of times; so in general, this formula most accurately applies to situations in which we have already assigned an ''a priori'' probability to a particular outcome (in this case, our ''assumption'' that the coin was a "fair" coin). The law of large numbers then says that, given Pr(''H''), and any arbitrarily small number &epsilon;ε, there exists some number ''n'' such that for all ''N'' > ''n'',
:<math>\left| \Pr(H) - {N_H \over N}\right| < \epsilon</math>
Baris ka-183:
Baris 194 ⟶ 195:
[[nl:Kans (statistiek)]]
Baris 202 ⟶ 205: