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Baris ka-2:
'''Peta''' atawa '''atlas''' ngarupakeun gambaran dua-diménsi pikeun rohangan tilu diménsi. Élmu nyieun peta disebut [[kartografi]].
== Pedaran ==
Atlas baheula mah tara jelas, sarta biasana mah sok dilieurkeun ku masalah mana nu jadi puseurna. Sigana mah tujuan dijieunna peta gé lain pikeun tujuan géografis, sabab leuwih condong midangkeun sajarah nu patali jeung éta wewengkon.
Baris ka-18:
== Peta éléktronik ==
For maps on a computer display, e.g. from the web or locally stored on CD-ROM or harddisk, zooming in means enlarging the scale, either by showing a smaller area in the same viewing window or by showing the same area in a larger viewing window, and one of the following:
* replace the map by a more detailed one
* enlarge the same map without enlarging the [[pixel]]s, hence show more detail
* enlarge the same map with the pixels enlarged (replaced by rectangles of pixels); no additional detail is shown, but, depending on the quality of one's vision, possibly more detail can be seen; if a computer display does not show adjacent pixels really separate, but overlapping instead (this does not apply for an [[LCD]] display, but may apply for a [[cathode ray tube|CRT]]), then replacing a pixel by a rectangle of pixels does show more detail.
Combinations are possible, e.g. the second applying for text and the third for the outline of a map feature such as a forest, a building etc. Also the map may have layers which are partly [[raster graphics]] and partly [[vector graphics]].
Baris ka-39:
== Peta na Wikipédia ==
[[Daptar nagara|Unggal artikel nagara]] kudu nyadiakeun peta nagarana, ogé [[Daptar éntitas subnasional|bagian-bagian tina nagara éta]]. ''Tempo ogé [[Peta dunya]], [[Peta na Wikipédia]].''
== Tumbu jeung acuan ==
=== Acuan ===
* David Buisseret, ed., ''Monarchs, Ministers and Maps: The Emergence of Cartography as a Tool of Government in Early Modern Europe.'' Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1992, [ISBN 02260798720-226-07987-2]
* Mark Monmorier, ''How to Lie with Maps'', [ISBN 02265342190-226-53421-9]
=== Tempo ogé ===
* [[Atlas (kartografi)]]
* [[Peta topografik]]
* [[Peta géologis]]
=== Tumbu kaluar ===
* [http://www.multimap.com/ Multimap world atlas]: on UK, US, Canada, Australia and Western Europe more detailed than the rest of the world
* [http://www.expedia.com/pub/agent.dll?qscr=mmfn] - [[Microsoft]]/[[Encarta]]/[[Expedia]] world atlas, for North America and Europe to street level.
* [http://www.mapquest.com/maps MapQuest]: on US, Canada and Western Europe more detailed than the rest of the world
* [http://maps.yahoo.com Yahoo Maps]: on US, Canada, Germany, France, Spain, Italy
* [http://de.maps.yahoo.com/ Yahoo Germany]: on France, UK, Germany, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Austria, Switzerland, Benelux
* [http://www.mapsouthpacific.com/ Map South Pacific]: on Polynesia, Melanesia, Micronesia
* [http://mapapps.esri.com/routing/] - [[ESRI]] atlas of the US
* [http://www.nationalatlas.gov/ National Atlas of the United States]
* [http://www.infoplease.com/atlas/ Small country maps, conveniently linked from continent maps]
* [http://www.lib.utexas.edu/maps UT scanned collection]: by the [[University of Texas at Austin]]
* [http://www.citoplan.nl/citoplan/img/legenda_groot.gif Example of legend (Cito-Plan city maps)]
* http://www.geocities.com/marcoschmidt.geo/geo-data.html
* [http://nationalmap.usgs.gov/ USGS National Map]
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Baris ka-73:
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Baris ka-102:
Baris 146 ⟶ 147:
[[vi:Bản đồ]]