Sebaran probabilitas: Béda antarrépisi

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Dina [[matematika]], '''sebaran probabilitas''' nangtukeun unggal [[interval (matematika)|interval]] tina [[wilangan nyata]] [[kamungkinan]], mangka kitu [[aksioma probabilitas]] ''terpenuhi''. Dina watesan teknik, probabiliti sebaran nyaeta [[ukuran probabilitas]] numana domain mangrupa [[aljabar Borel]] dina kaayaan riil.
Probabilitas sebaran dina kasus husus ngarupakeun notasi nu leuwih tina ukuran probabilitas, nyaéta fungsi nu assigns probabilities satisfying the [[Kolmogorov axioms]] to the measurable sets of a [[aljabar sigma|measurable space]].
Unggal [[variabel acak]] gives rise to a probability distribution, and this distribution contains most of the important information about the variable. If ''X'' is a random variable, the corresponding probability distribution assigns to the interval [''a'', ''b''] the probability Pr[''a'' ≤ ''X'' ≤ ''b''], i.e. the probability that the variable ''X'' will take a value in the interval [''a'', ''b''].