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m bot Ngarobih: fr:Valeur p; kosmetik perubahan
Baris ka-1:
Dina [[statistik]], '''nilai-p''' tina variabel random T nyaeta [[téori probabilitas|probabilitas]] Pr(T &le; t<sub>observed</sub>) numana T bakal dianggap leuwih gede atawa sarua jeung nilai observasi t<sub>observed</sub>, dina kayaan [[null hypothesis]] dianggap bener.
Dina basa sejen, anggapan yen null hypothesis sederhana ditolak lamun tes [[statistic]] ''T'' leuwih gede tinimbang nilai kritis ''c''. Kira-kira dina sabagean kasus T nu di-observasi sarua jeung t<sub>observed</sub>. Mangka nilai-p tina T dina eta kasus probabiliti yen T bakal sarua atawa leuwih ti t<sub>observed</sub>.
The p-value does not depend on unobservable parameters, but only on the data, i.e., it is observable; it is a "statistic." In classical frequentist inference, one rejects the null hypothesis if the p-value is smaller than a number called the ''level'' of the test. In effect, the p-value itself is then being used as the test statistic. If the level is 0.05, then the probability that the p-value is less than 0.05, given that the null hypothesis is true, is 0.05, provided the test statistic has a continuous distribution. In that case, the p-value is [[sebaran seragam|uniformly distributed]] if the null hypothesis is true.
Baris ka-19:
c) The p-value is the probability that a replicating experiment would not yield the same conclusion.
== Sumber Rujukan ==
* Sellke, T., M.J. Bayarri, & J. Berger. 2001. Calibration of P-values for Testing Precise Null Hypotheses. ''Am. Statistician'' 55: 62-71.
Baris ka-31:
[[fa:پی - مقدار]]
[[fr:P-valueValeur p]]
[[it:Valore p]]