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ArthurBot (obrolan | kontribusi)
m bot Nambih: xal:Нүдн
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m bot Nambih: ksh:Oohr; kosmetik perubahan
Baris ka-2:
[[Gambar:Eye_iris.jpg|250px|thumb|right|Panon [[manusa]]]]
[[ImageGambar:Cheche.JPG|thumb|right|250px|Panon manusa cenah mangrupa jandéla jiwa]]
'''Panon''' ngarupakeun hiji [[organ (anatomi)|organ]] nu boga tujuan pikeun ngariksa [[cahya]]. Panon nu pangbasajanna teu migawé lian ti ngariksa naha sakuriling téh caang atawa poék. Panon nu leuwih kompléks dipaké pikeun nyadiakeun rasa [[daya téwak visual|sawangan]].
[[Panon majemuk]] dipimilik ku [[arthropod]] (serangga jeung sabangsana), nu disusun ku fasét-fasét basajan nu ngahasilkeun ''pixelated image'' (lain sababaraha gambar sakumaha nu disangka).
Pikeun kalolobaan [[vertebrata]] jeung sababaraha [[molluska]], fungsi panon nyaéta pikeun ngeunteungkeun (proyéksi) gambar kana [[rétina]] nu peka ku cahya, nu lajeng ditransmisikeun ngaliwatan [[saraf optik]] ka [[uteuk]]. Panon bentukna buleud, dieusi ku zat kawas jél [[transparansi (optika)|transparan]] nu disebut ''[[vitreous humour]]'', lajeng [[lénsa]] jeung otot nu disebut [[iris panon|iris]] nu ngatur kadar cahya nu asup.
== Mokuskeun ==
Sangkan bisa fokus, cahya nu asup kudu [[réfraksi|diréfraksikeun]]. Jumlah réfraksi nu diperlukeun gumantung kana jarak objék nu keur ditempo. A distant object will require less bending of light than a nearer one. Most of the refraction occurs at the [[cornea]] which has a fixed curvature. The remainder of the required refraction occurs at the lens. The lens can be pulled flatter or rounder by muscles, which adjust the power of the lens. As we age we lose this ability to adjust the focus. Such a condition is known as [[presbyopia]]. There are other [[refraction error]]s arising from the shape of the cornea and lens, and from the length of the eyeball. These include [[myopia]], [[hyperopia]], and [[astigmatism]].
Tempo ''site'' ieu pikeun diagram panon nu hadé [http://webvision.med.utah.edu/anatomy.html]
[[imageGambar:Human eye cross-sectional view grayscale.png|thumb|250px|right|Diagram panon manusa. Catet yén teu sadaya panon mibanda anatomi nu sarua jeung panon manusa.]]
== Bagéan-bagéan panon ==
* [[Kornéa]]
* [[Iris panon|Iris]]
Baris ka-29:
[[Gambar:Stye02.jpg|thumb|250px|right|Bintitan dina panon manusa]]
== Gangguan ==
* [[Achromatopsia]]
* [[Age-related macular degeneration]]
* [[Aniridia]]
* [[Amblyopia]]
* [[Anisometropia]]
* [[Arc eye]]
* [[Astigmatism]]
* [[Lolong]]
* [[Katarak]]
* [[Lolong warna]]
* [[Conjunctivitis]]
* [[Corrective lens]]es
* [[Floater|Floaters]]s
* [[Glaukoma]]
* [[Hypermetropia]]
* [[Myopia]]
* [[Nyctalopia]]
* [[Presbyopia]]
* [[Retinopathy]]
* [[Scotoma]]
* [[Snow blindness]]
* [[Strabismus]]
* [[Uveitis]]
== Tempo ogé ==
* [[Visual perception]]
* [[Saccade]]
* [[Persistence of vision]]
* [[Macropsia]]
* [[Micropsia]]
* [[Optometry]]
* [[Opthamologist|Opthamology]]
* [[Eyeglass prescription]]
* [[Crystallin]]
* [[Nictating membrane]]
* [[Adaptation]]
* [[Tears]]
* [[Visual acuity]]
* [[Snellen chart]]
== Tumbu kaluar ==
* [http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/evolution/library/01/1/l_011_01.html Évolusi Panon]
[[CategoryKategori:Sistim visual]]
[[CategoryKategori:Computer vision]]
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Baris 138 ⟶ 139:
[[ko:눈 (해부학)]]