Sebaran-t student: Béda antarrépisi

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Baris ka-42:
numana ''A'' nyaeta pendekatan titik-persentasi sebaran -''t'', ngarupakeun [[confidence interval]] keur μ. Saterusna, lamun nilai mean tina susunan observasi dipikanyaho maka bisa disebutkeun aya alesan keur merkirakeun yen data ngaboogan sebaran normal, bisa digunakeun sebaran-''t'' keur nge-tes confidence limits nu sacara tiori mean kaasup nilai nu diprediksi - saperti nilai prediksi dina [[null hypothesis]].
ItHasil isieu thisdigunakeun result that is used in thedina [[Student's t-test|Student's ''t''-test]]s: sincebeda theantara differencedua betweensampel themean meanstina ofdua samples from twosebaran normal distributionsbakal ismibanda itselfkasebar distributedsacara normallynormal, the sebaran-''t''-distribution canbisa bedigunakeun usedkeur tongetes examinebeda whetherieu thatnu differencesacara canalesan reasonablystatistik bebisa supposeddiperkirakeun tobakal bejadi zeronol.
AAngka numberstatistik ofsejen othernunjukeun statistics can be shown to haveyen sebaran-''t''-distributions forkeur samplessampel ofanu moderateukuran sizesedeng underaya dina kaayaan [[null hypothesis|null hypotheses]] that are ofnu interestdipiharep, sosabab thatkitu thebentuk sebaran-''t''-distribution formsjadi thedasar basiskeur fortes significancesignifikan testsdi inkaayaan othersejen situationsnu assarua wellhadena aswaktu whenngetes examiningbeda thedua differences between meansmean. For exampleContona, the distribution ofsebaran [[Spearman's rank correlation coefficient]], rho, indina thekasus null case (zerotaya correlationkorelasi) isnembongkeun wellhasil approximatednu byhade theku pendekatan sebaran-''t'' distributionkeur forukuran sample sizes aboveleuweih aboutti 20.
SeeTempo [[prediction interval]] forkeur anotherconto examplesejen ofnu themake usedistribusi of this distributionieu.
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