Élmu komputer: Béda antarrépisi

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Keur kaperluan praktis, Élmu komputer kaasup oge topik-topik anu aya hubunganna jeung [[computer]]s, tina hal saperti analisa [[algorithms]] abstrak, [[formal grammar]]s, jeung salian ti eta, nepi ka subyek anu kongkret saperti [[programming language]]s, software, and hardware komputer. Sabage disiplin sains, loba bedabedana jeung [[mathematicsmatematika]], [[programming]], [[software engineering]], sarta [[computer engineering]], sanajan kadang-kadang ngabingungkeun. [[Edsger Dijkstra]] nyebutkeun yen:
:''"Computer science is no more about computers than [[astronomy]] is about [[telescope]]s."''
TheDilengkepan renownedku [[physicist]] [[Richard Feynman]] saidnyebutkeun:
:''"Computer science is not as old as physics; it lags by a couple of hundred years. However, this does not mean that there is significantly less on the computer scientist's plate than on the physicist's: younger it may be, but it has had a far more intense upbringing!"''
TheTesis [[Church-Turing thesis]] statesnyebutkeun thatyen allsakabeh knowntipe kindsparadigma ofkanyaho anu [[reasonable]] paradigmstina ofkomputasi computationngarupakeun arehal essentiallyanu equivalentsarua inpentingnya whatsalila theybisa canngagawekeun do,sanajan althoughaya theyvariasi varyefisien indina timewaktu andjeung space efficiencyruang. The thesis is notTesis aieu mathematicallain theoremteorema thatmatematika cananu bebisa provendibuktikeun, buttapi a statement based on empirical observation that two distinct computational schemes do in fact have the same computational power. This thesis is a fundamental principle of computer science.
Most research in computer science has been related to [[von Neumann machine|von Neumann computer]]s or [[Turing machine]]s (computers that do one small, deterministic task at a time). These models resemble most real computers in use today. Computer scientists also study other kinds of machines, some practical (like [[Parallel computers|parallel]] machines) and some theoretical (like [[Random computer|random]], [[Oracle (computer science)|oracle]], and [[Quantum computers|quantum]] machines).