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Baris ka-1:
[[ImageGambar:SickGirlInPyjamas.jpg|thumb|Budak [[Awéwé]] keur saré]]
'''Saré''' atawa '''héés''' (''[[Tatakrama Basa Sunda|lemesna]]'':'''kulem''') mangrupakeun bentuk-maneuh reureuh sacara alami anu aya dina sakabéh [[mamalia]], [[manuk]] jeung [[lauk]]. Saré teu kaasup "kaayaan teu sadar" (''unconsciousness''), tapi mangrupa bentuk alami reureuh nu dicirikeun ku ojah awak nu ngurangan sarta nurunna kaawas kana kaayaan sakurilingna. Ku kituna, kusabab [[kasadaran]] (''consciousness'') hartina kaawas ka sakuriling, saré mah ukur bentuk kagangguna kasadaran. Anu paling mangaruhan saré téh nyaéta [[ritme sirkadian]] jeung [[hormon]], ditambah pangaruh. Saré téh sigana mah ngajalankeun pancén réstoratif pikeun awak jeung [[uteuk]], sakumaha dibuktikeun ku gejala/simtom rupa-rupa disfungsi métabolik nalika rupa-rupa sasatoan keur saré (Gottlieb ''et al''., 2005).
Baris ka-5:
== Pisiologi saré ==
=== Métodologi ===
Saméméh mekarna widang-widang [[neurologi]], [[neurosains]], [[éléktronika]] jeung [[genetika]], para élmuwan ngulik paripolah jeung ciri-ciri saré téh dina wanda pola, tibra, jeung mindengna. Ka dieunakeun, impuls listrik nu dihasilkeun ku [[otak]] téh dicatet migunakeun alat nu disebut [[éléktroénséfalograf]] (''electroencephalograph'', EEG), sarta [[gén|gén-gén]] nu patali jeung fungsi otak, kayaning [[ritme sirkadian]], ogé geus diisolasi.
Baris ka-24:
The interrelationships and relative importance of each process and system remain uncertain.
=== Hambalan-hambalan saré ===
[[ImageGambar:Sleep-cycle.gif|right|Hambalan saré]]
[[ImageGambar:Sleep_EEG_Stage_1.jpg|thumb|200px|right|Saré hambalan ka-1; EEG dicirian ku kotak beureum]]
[[ImageGambar:Stage2.jpg|thumb|200px|right|Saré hambalan ka-2; EEG dicirian ku kotak beureum. Sleep spindles highlighted by red line.]]
[[ImageGambar:SWS.jpg|thumb|200px|right|Saré hambalan ka-4. EEG dicirian ku kotak beureum.]]
[[ImageGambar:REM.png |thumb|200px|right|Saré REM. EEG dicirian ku kotak beureum; gerak panon dicirian ku garis beureum.]]
Studi ngeunaan saréna manusa ngabagi saré kana lima hambalan dumasar kana rékaman [[éléktroénsefalografi]] (EEG) jeung [[polisomnografi]]:
* Saré non-REM ([[NREM]]), ngawengku 75-80% total saré:
Baris ka-40:
Saré téh lumangsung dina daur fase [[NREM]] jeung REM. Di manusa, daur ieu kira 90 menit. Unggal hambalan mibanda fungsi fisiologis nu béda-béda. Obat sabangsaning [[inuman alkohol|alkohol]] jeung [[pél saré]] (''pil tidur'' téa) bisa neken sababaraha hambalan saré (baca ''[[#Deprivasi saré|deprivasi saré]]'' di handap) nu ngabalukarkeun leungitna kaawas tapi ogé teu nedunan fungsi fisiologisna.
== Téori ngeunaan gunana saré ==
<!--Restorative theories of sleep describe sleep as a dynamic time of healing and growth for organisms. For example, during stages 3 and 4, or [[slow-wave sleep]], [[growth hormone]] levels increase, and changes in immune function occur. The myriad illnesses associated with sleep deprivation testify to its restorative function.
Baris ka-53:
Another view is that the function of sleep is for memory processing. This theory argues that saving memory directly into the long-term memory is a slow and error prone process, and, thus, proposes that the memory formed during waking time is not saved directly into the long-term memory; instead it is saved into a temporary memory store first. The function of sleep is to process, encode and transfer the data from the temporary memory store to the long-term memory store. (Zhang, 2004).-->
== Ngimpi ==
<!--The demonstrably necessary phenomenon of dreaming would suffice to prove the importance of sleep to humans, and perhaps to other animals as well. Dreaming involves an involuntary conjuring up of images in a sequence in which the sleeper/dreamer is usually more a participant than an observer. Most scientists agree that dreaming is stimulated by the [[pons]] and occurs during the [[Rapid Eye Movement|REM]] phase of sleep.
Baris ka-59:
Aya sawatara fungsi nu kungsi diajukeun salaku hipotésis ngimpi. Postulasi [[Freud]] nyebutkeun yén ngimpi téh mangrupakeun éksprési simbolis tina hiji angen-angen. Freud sorangan migunakeun interprétasi ngimpi dina [[psikoanalisis]], nu ku élmuwan kiwari mah teu pati disatujuan.<!-- Another theory is that dreaming allows an animal to play out scenarios that may help the animal avoid dangers when awake. For example, a rabbit might dream about being cornered by a fox and may play out different scenarios that might increase chances of survival should he come across a fox in reality.-->
== Deprivasi saré ==
{{main|Deprivasi saré}}
<!--A common misperception is that everyone needs eight hours of sleep. The amount of sleep needed is different for each person. This amount needed is individually and biologically determined. Some can do with six hours of sleep, others need nine. However, as a general rule, eight hours is recommended. Sleep experts state that you cannot "store" sleep by sleeping more on the weekends in preparation for the normal work week. Just how much sleep deprivation leads to death in humans is unknown.[http://www.nytimes.com/specials/women/warchive/980331_1363.html]
Baris ka-76:
In sleep-deprived states less extreme than that suffered by Randy Gardner, humans display irritability, impaired cognitive function, and poor judgment. Experiments on sleep-deprived medical trainees, for example, have shown them less able to interpret EKGs and x-rays than their well rested peers. As late as the early 21st century people thought that too little sleep could be negated by "paying back the sleep debt". However, recent studies have shown this to be false.-->
== Gangguan saré ==
{{main|Gangguan saré}}
Sacara umum, gangguan saré dibagi kana tilu golongan:
Baris ka-85:
Gangguan saré téh loba nu mangrupa balukar tina kasalahan dina nyaluyukeun (singkronisasi) saré jeung 'jam awak'. Nu lianna mah sipatna organik, sahingga moal bisa diubaran ku [[kronoterapi]]. Salah sahiji cara pikeun ngubaran insomnia nyaéta ''free-running sleep'', nu hartina ukur saré nalika capé. Ngan, masalahna téh, cara ieu mah ngabalukarkeun jalmana jadi teu galib jeung nu séjén, kaasup jadi teu miroséa daur beurang-peuting anu dituturkeun ku kalolobaan masarakat.
== Sato ==
Di alam sasatoan, saré téh lilana antara dua jam ([[jarapah]]) nepi ka 20 jam ([[kalong]]). Sacara umum, pangabutuh saré téh ngurangan mun awakna leuwih badag. [[Ucing]] mangrupakeun salah sahiji sato nu teu perlu saré dina waktu anu sakaligus, dina sapoéna téh bisa baé dibagi kana sababaraha rintakan. Aya deui mamalia cai, nu saréna téh ukur wawaréhan: sabagian awakna saré, sedengkeun sabagian nu lian tetep nyaring. Nu saréna kawas kieu téh di antarana (sigana) manuk nu migrasi.
Baris ka-94:
[[Cattle]], [[horses]], and [[sheep]] are unique in that they can sleep while standing, though for [[cattle]] and [[sheep]], [[REM sleep]] will not occur in such a position. For [[REM sleep]] to take place, the animals must lie down. Sleeping while standing is thus only partial sleep. However, birds may have periods of REM sleep while perched.-->
== Kabiasaan saré ==
<!--Many non-pharmacological approaches exist to improve falling asleep and staying asleep. Doctors and health professionals may suggest any of the following, depending on the type of sleep disruption, the person's situation, and their specific sleep needs.
*Decrease the light level in the sleeping environment. Studies have indicated that the brain has a separate neural pathway to the optical nerve, separate from the visual path, to detect whether it's day or night. This detection system could have a direct effect on successful sleep inducement. Moreover, other studies have shown sleep inducement is dramatically increased by reductions in light level, in the sleeping environment. Use appropriate [[curtains]] and shading to keep light out or at minimal levels.
Baris ka-112:
*Controlled crying is used as a method of increasing the length of time babies or young children will sleep.
== Saré jeung obat ==
<!--===Sleep aiding===
The [[pharmacological]] approach to facilitating sleep involves the use of [[depressant]] drugs, with the goal of inducing sleep without producing excessive drowsiness the following morning. [http://www.mdausa.org/publications/Quest/q75sleepingpills.html]. Until the 1970s, [[barbiturate]]s were commonly prescribed for sleep, but today [[benzodiazepine]]s and other newer families of drugs with less potential for abuse and overdose are more commonly used. Non-prescription antihistamines also have a sedative effect, and are commonly marketed as sleep aids.
Baris ka-121:
Conversely, drugs may also be used to dissuade or delay sleep. The [[stimulant]] [[modafinil]] reduces drowsiness and is prescribed to treat [[narcolepsy]]. It allows the user to cope with shorter sleep periods while producing only minimal [[euphoric]] effects. The [[amphetamine]] family of stimulants by comparison would help to keep people awake longer but preclude the opportunity for a given person to obtain "recovery sleep" for a longer time. [[Modafinil]], while maintaining a longer elimination half-life, does seem to allow sleep earlier than amphetamines. Simply put, modafinil removes the urge to fall asleep, rather than encouraging wakefulness. Modafinil also appears to reduce, but not elimate, the need for recovery sleep, compared to amphetamine and placebo PMID 10607162.
== Baca ogé ==
* [[Ritme Sirkadian]]
* ''[[Jet lag]]''
* [[Hibernasi]]
* [[Méditasi]]
* [[Yoga Nidra]]
== Rujukan ==
* ''[[:en:Sleep|Sleep]]'', Wikipédia édisi basa Inggris (20 Maret 2006).
* '''Gottlieb''' ''et al''. 2005. Association of sleep time with diabetes mellitus and impaired glucose tolerance. ''Arch. Intern. Med.'', '''165''' (8), 863-867.
* Morrissey, M. J., Duntley, S. P., Anch, A. M., & Nonneman, R. (2004). Active sleep and its role in the prevention of apoptosis in the developing brain. Medical Hypotheses, 62(6), 876-879.
Baris ka-136:
* Zhang, J. (2004). [http://www.journaloftheoretics.com/Articles/6-6/Zhang.pdf Memory process and the function of sleep]. Journal of Theoretics.Vol 6-6.
== Tumbu kaluar ==
* [http://www.sleepfoundation.org National Sleep Foundation]
* [http://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/about/ncsdr/index.htm National Center on Sleep Disorders Research]
* [http://www.sleepeducation.com Everything you wanted to know about sleep and sleep disorders]
* [http://www.aasmnet.org American Academy of Sleep Medicine]
* [http://www.sleepcenters.org Find an accredited sleep center]
* [http://www.sleepresearchsociety.org Sleep Research Society]
* [http://www.psychologytoday.com/rss/pto-20031028-000007.html How to Get Great Sleep]
* [http://budak.blogs.com/the_annotated_budak/2005/11/two_for_thought.html Down for the Count]
* [http://www.wrongplanet.net/asperger.html?name=Articles&pa=showpage&pid=2 Tips for Sleeping]
* [http://www.nature.com/nature/supplements/insights/sleep/index.html Sleep primer] ti jurnal [[Nature]]
* [http://www.worldsleepfoundation.com Sleep Apnea, Isomina, Narcolepsy Foundational Resources]
* [http://www.healthdiaries.com/news/sleep/ Sleep News]
* [http://www.TalkAboutSleep.com TalkAboutSleep.com] Nyadiakeun émbaran jeung sumberdaya ngeunaan 80+ gangguan saré
* [http://www.sleephomepages.org/sleepsyllabus/sleephome.html The Basics of Sleep Behavior]
* [http://helpguide.org/aging/sleeping.htm Getting the Sleep You Need: Sleep Stages, Sleep Tips and Aids]
* [http://www.thedoctorslounge.net/medlounge/articles/sleep/index.htm Sleep: Understanding its importance] (artikel ti thedoctorslounge.net)
* [http://www.sciam.com/askexpert_question.cfm?articleID=0000F879-8E01-1CD1-B4A8809EC588EEDF&catID=3&topicID=3 Going without sleep] Jawaban [[Scientific American]] kana pananya ti masarakat
* [http://sleepfoundation.org/press/index.php?secid=&id=82 Sleep and Obesity]
* [http://www.psychiatrictimes.com/p991064.html Neurobehavioral Consequenses of Sleep Dysfunction]
* [http://www.cancercontrol.cancer.gov/TREC/cwru.html Determinants of Obesity and Metabolic Dysfunction in Adolescents]
* [http://www.smh.com.au/articles/2003/05/15/1052885324622.html Dysfunction Associated with Sleep-disordered Breathing Increases the Risk of Cardiovascular Morbidity and Mortality]
* [http://ajrccm.atsjournals.org/cgi/content/full/169/2/139 Improvement of Metabolic Function in Sleep Apnea]
[[Kategori:élmuÉlmu saraf]]
Baris 185 ⟶ 186:
Baris 228 ⟶ 230:
[[uk:Сон (фізіологічний стан)]]