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Baris ka-46:
Mangsa jalangan biruang mah sakeudeung, nyaéta sanggeus mangsa cicing nu sawanda jeung hibernasi. Sakali anakan, ilaharna mah indung biruang téh ngaborojolkeun 1-3. Anakna, pas borojol téh ompong, lolong, jeung botak. Anakna ieu bakal disapih mun umurna geus satengah taunan. Dina mangsa éta, anak biruang téh disusuan nepi ka umur tilu bulan, laju diajar barang hakan kawas indungna. Najan geus disapih, salila tilu taun mah anak biruang téh tara jauh ti indungna. Biruang nincak sawawa dina umur tujuh taunan.
===Bear/human interaction===
Despite being large animals, bears often coexist in surprisingly close proximity with humans. Despite their large size, bears, like many other forest animals, are adept at moving through wooded or rugged terrain without detection.
===Biruang jeung manusa===
Bears will generally avoid contact with humans, and are usually aware of a human's presence long before the human is aware of the bear. As a result, encounters are typically avoidable and rare. However, bears are opportunistic feeders, and will generally take food where it is available. When humans provide feeding opportunities, such as left out garbage, food stored outside, or deliberate feeding, the chance of confrontation escalates. As a bear begins to associate human presence with food, it may lose its shyness and possibly pose great hazard to humans.
Di wewengkon nu deukeut ka habitatna, biruang kaitung dalit jeung kahirupan [[manusa]].
Sacara umum, biruang sok nyingkahan tepung jeung manusa. Migunakeun pangambeuna nu seukeut, kadatangan manusa bisa kanyahoan ku biruang jauh saméméh manusa mireungeuh ayana biruang. Tapi, mun patali jeung dahareun (nu dibawa), aya kamungkinan biruang justru ngadeukeutan manusa, malah bisa narajang pikeun ngala dahareun.
Conflicts may also arise in situations where the bear regards a human as an immediate threat to itself, its cubs, or food cache (which is one reason that found animal carcasses should be avoided). In a chance encounter with a bear, the best course of action is usually to back away slowly in the direction that you came, speaking in a loud, calm tone to make sure the bear is aware of your presence and will not be caught off guard.[http://www.nps.gov/yell/planyourvisit/bearenc.htm]
The bear will rarely become aggressive and approach you. In order to protect yourself, some suggest passively lying on the ground and waiting for the bear to lose interest. Another approach is to constantly maintain an obstacle between you and the bear, such as a thick tree or boulder. A person is much more agile and quick than a bear allowing him or her to respond to a bear's clockwise or counter-clockwise movement around the obstacle and move accordingly. The bear's frustration will eventually cause disinterest. One can then move away from the bear to a new obstacle and continue this until he or she has created a safe distance from the bear. When encountering a bear, one should never look directly into the bear's eyes. This action can be misconstrued by many wild animals as an aggressive act.