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m mindahkeun G-spot ka G-Spot
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{{Other uses}}
G-spot nyaeta alat rangsang awewe dina jero heunceut
[[File:Female reproductive system lateral nolabel.png|thumb|240px|alt=Gambar anatomi séksual awéwé.|G-Spot (4) perenahna dina hiji tepikeun ka tilu inci dina jero vagina, sagigireun urethra (6) jeung kantong cikiih (2).]]
'''Gräfenberg Spot''', mindeng disebut '''G-Spot''', nyaéta hiji daérah dina [[vagina]] nu gedéna saukuran kacang buncis<ref name="time1982"/>. Loba awéaé nu ngalaporkeun yén G-Spot mangrupakeun [[erogenous zone]] nu nalika dirangsang bakal nyababkeun hiji dorongan sahwat nu gedé, [[orgasme]] nu kacida kuatna sarta [[éjakulasi wanoja]].<ref name="Ladas">{{cite book |last=Ladas |first=AK |coauthors=Whipple, B; Perry, JD |title=The G-Spot and other discoveries about human sexuality |publisher=Holt, Rinehart, and Winston |location=New York |year=1982 |isbn=0440130409}}</ref> Gräfenberg Spot ilaharna aya dina sainci tepikeun ka tilu inci (2.5 to 7.6 cm) saluhureun pinding vagina béh hareup antara bukaan vagina jeung [[urétra]]<ref name="sex101"/> tur mangrupakeun daérah sénsitif nu mangrupakeun bagéan tina [[#prostat wanoja|prostat wanoja]].<ref name="the-clitoris.com">{{cite web |url=http://www.the-clitoris.com/f_html/ejacula.htm |title=Female Ejaculation, the G-Spot, and the Female Prostate Gland |work= |accessdate=2010-05-09}}</ref>
Sok sanajan G-Spot téh geus ditalungtik ti taun 1940-an,<ref name="TheNakedWoman"/> kahanteupanujuan tetep mucunghul aya ngeunaan aya henteuna G-Spot minangka hiji struktur, définisi katut lokasi nu béda ti nu liana.<ref name="Hines">{{cite web |url=http://www.drgspot.net/Hines.htm |title=The G-Spot: A modern gynecological myth |work= |accessdate=2010-05-09}}</ref><ref name="AJOG"/> Panalungtikan di Inggris taun 2009 British nyindekkeun yén ayana G-Spot téh henteu kabuktian tur kacida subjéktifna, nu ngan ukur dumasar kana kuisionér katut pangalaman pribadi.<ref name="BBC8439000"/> Aya ogé hipotésis yén G-Spot téh cenah mah mangrupakeun papanjangan tina [[itil]] tur ieu pisan nu nyababkeun orgasme vagina.<ref name="Masters and Johnson">{{cite book |last=Federation of Feminist Women’s Health Centers |year=1991 |title=A New View of a Woman’s Body |publisher= Feminist Heath Press |pages=46 |isbn=0-929945-0-2}}</ref><ref name="O'Connell"/> Panalungtikan liana nu maké [[ultrasound]], geus manggihan bukti fisiologis ngeunaan G-Spot dina wanoja nu ngalaporkeun kungsi orgasme nalika saresmi.<ref name="Aquila"/><ref name="CNNreal"/>
Sexual [[psychologist]]s are concerned that women may consider themselves to be dysfunctional if they cannot find their G-Spot.<ref name="BBCGspotDetected">{{cite news |url=http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/7254523.stm |title=BBC NEWS &#124; Health &#124; Female G spot 'can be detected' |format= |work=html |accessdate=2010-01-03 | date=2008-02-20}}</ref> Women have undergone a [[plastic surgery]] procedure called [[G-Spot amplification]] to enhance its sensitivity.<ref name="TheNakedWoman"/>
The term "G-Spot" was coined by Addiego ''et al.'' in 1981,<ref name="Addiego"/> after the German [[Gynecology|gynecologist]] [[Ernst Gräfenberg]],<ref>{{cite journal|year=1950|journal=International Journal of Sexology|volume=3|issue=3|pages=145–148|title=The role of urethra in female orgasm|author=Ernest Gräfenberg|url=http://www.landman-psychology.com/284/sexuality/grafenberg-gspot.htm}}</ref> even though his 1940s research was dedicated to urethral stimulation and not internal vaginal wall stimulation. The concept entered popular culture after the publication of ''[[The G Spot and Other Recent Discoveries About Human Sexuality]]'' by Ladas ''et al.'' in 1982,<ref name="Ladas"/> but it was criticized immediately by leading gynecologists.<ref name="time1982">{{cite journal |date = September 13, 1982 |title =In Search of the Perfect G |journal =[[Time (magazine)|Time]]|url = http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,951842-1,00.html}}</ref> They denied its existence as it is not easily found if not aroused and autopsy studies missed this. After the G-Spot was demonstrated for their observation they changed their minds.<ref name="TheNakedWoman"/>
An anonymous questionnaire was distributed to 2350 professional women in the United States and Canada with a subsequent 55% return rate. Of these respondents, 40% reported having a fluid release (ejaculation) at the moment of orgasm. Further, 82% of the women who reported the sensitive area (Gräfenberg Spot) also reported ejaculation with their orgasms. A number of variables were associated with this perceived existence of female ejaculation.<ref>{{cite journal |author =Darling, CA; Davidson, JK; Conway-Welch, C.|year =1990 |title =Female ejaculation: perceived origins, the Grafenberg spot/area, and sexual responsiveness. |journal = Arch Sex Behav |volume =19 |pages =29–47 |doi =10.1007/BF01541824 |pmid =2327894 |issue =1}}</ref>
While not disputing vaginal responsiveness to stimulation, gynecologists and doctors continue to be skeptical of the existence of a distinct anatomical feature in the G-Spot rub zone.<ref name="time1982"/><ref name = AJOG>{{cite web|url = http://pt.wkhealth.com/pt/re/ajog/abstract.00000447-200108000-00016.htm;jsessionid=JRxHThBXZJqHPC2BRT5MQphBgHxpSYQ9LFKhLhG6vJMLQFJTK121!-749683226!181195629!8091!-1|format = abstract|title = The G-Spot: A modern gynecologic myth. |last = Hines|first = Terence M.|date = August 2001|work = Clinical Opinion: American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology. 185(2)|pages = pages 359–362|accessdate = 6 November 2008}}</ref><ref name = Delvin>{{cite web |url=http://www.netdoctor.co.uk/healthyliving/gspot.htm|title=The G-Spot|accessdate=5 November 2008 |work=Healthy Living|last = Delvin |first = David|coauthors = Christine Webber|publisher = NetDoctor.co.uk|date=May 2008}}</ref>
==Female prostate==
{{See also|Skene's gland|Urethral sponge}}
In 2001, the [[International Federation of Associations of Anatomists|Federative Committee on Anatomical Terminology]] accepted ''female prostate'' as an accurate term for the [[Skene's gland]] found in the G-Spot area along the walls of the [[urethra]].<ref name="the-clitoris.com"/> The male [[prostate]] is biologically [[Homology (biology)|homologous]] to the female G-Spot, which was first hypothesized by [[Regnier de Graaf]] in 1672 where he observed that the secretions (female ejaculation) by the women's G-Spot "lubricates their sexual parts in agreeable fashion during coitus."<ref name="the-clitoris.com"/>
The prostate in men has been unofficially called the male G-Spot because it can also be used as an erogenous zone.<ref name="about.com">{{cite web |url=http://sexuality.about.com/od/analplay/ht/htprostate.htm |title=How to Find and Stimulate the Prostate – Exploring Anal Play for Men |work= |accessdate=2010-05-09}}</ref> It is located about 50&nbsp;[[millimeter|mm]] (2&nbsp;in) along the front wall of the [[anus]], and when aroused it is a walnut-shaped swelling.
Links between G-Spot sensitivity and female ejaculation led to the idea that non-urine female ejaculate may originate from the Skene's gland. Tissue examination showed 15 prostate-specific antigens in the gland,<ref>{{cite journal |author =Tepper, Sl; Jagirdar, J; Heath, D; Geller, SA. |year =1984 |title =Homology between the female paraurethral (Skene's) glands and the prostate. |journal =Arch Pathol Lab Med. |volume =108 |pages =423–425 |pmid =6546868 |issue =5}}</ref> leading to a trend of calling the Skene's glands the female [[prostate]].<ref>{{cite journal |author =Zaviacic, M; Ablin, RJ. |year =2000 |title =The female prostate and prostate-specific antigen. Immunohistochemical localization, implications for this prostate marker in women, and reasons for using the term “prostate in the human female. |journal =Histol Histopathol |volume =15 |pages =131–142 |pmid =10668204 |issue =1}}</ref> Consequently, it has been argued that the G-Spot is a system of [[gland]]s and [[duct (anatomy)|ducts]] located within the anterior (front) wall of the vagina about one centimeter from the surface.<ref name="BrooksCole">{{cite book |last=Crooks |first=R |coauthors=Baur, K |title=Our Sexuality |publisher= Brooks/Cole |location=California |year=1999 |isbn=0495813478}}</ref> A similar approach has linked the G-spot with the [[urethral sponge]].<ref>{{cite web|url=http://womenshealth.about.com/cs/sexuality/a/clitoraltruthin.htm|title= "The Clitoral Truth": An Interview With Author Rebecca Chalker|publisher=About.com: Women's Health|author=Tracee Cornforth|year=2004}}</ref> The enzyme [[CGMP specific phosphodiesterase type 5|PDE5]] (involved with [[erectile dysfunction]]) has been associated with the G-Spot area.<ref>{{cite journal|author=Nicola Jones|url=http://www.newscientist.com/article.ns?id=dn2495|title= Bigger is better when it comes to the G-Spot|date=3 July 2002|journal=New Scientist}}</ref>
Several researchers consider the connection between the Skene's gland and the G-Spot to be weak.<ref name="Hines"/><ref name="santos">{{cite journal |author=Santos, F Taboga, S. |year=2003 |title=Female prostate: a review about biological repercussions of this gland in humans and rodents. |journal=Animal Reproduction. |volume=3 |issue=1 |pages= 3–18}}</ref> They contend that Skene's gland does not appear to have receptors for touch stimulation, and that there is no direct evidence for its involvement.<ref name="Alzate">{{cite journal |author =Alzate H Hoch Z |year =1986 |title =The "G spot" and "female ejaculation": a current appraisal. |journal =J Sex Marital Ther. |volume =12 |issue =3 |pages =211–20 |pmid =3531529}}</ref>
==Sexual stimulation and studies==
The G-Spot is typically located about 50 to 80&nbsp;mm (2 to 3&nbsp;in) inside the vagina, on the front wall.<ref name="TheNakedWoman">{{cite book
|author=Morris, Desmond |title=The Naked Woman: A Study of the Female Body
|publisher=Thomas Dunne Books |location=New York |year=2004 |pages=211–212
|isbn=0-312-33852-X}}</ref> For some women, stimulating the G-Spot creates a more intense orgasm than clitoral stimulation.<ref name="sex101"/><ref name="Newsbeat">{{cite news |url=http://news.bbc.co.uk/newsbeat/hi/health/newsid_7345000/7345799.stm |title=BBC - Newsbeat - Health - G Shot 'helps women in search of orgasm' |format= |work= BBC News|accessdate=2010-05-02 | date=2008-04-14}}</ref> The G-Spot needs direct [[Sexual stimulation|stimulation]], especially with firm moves and constant pressure as it is ~1&nbsp;cm below the surface.<ref name="BrooksCole"/> Stimulating the G-Spot through sexual penetration, especially in the [[missionary position]],<ref name="TheNakedWoman"/> is difficult to achieve because of the special angle at which penetration must occur. It is claimed that the best G-Spot stimulation is achieved by using both manual stimulation and sexual intercourse.<ref name="sex101">[http://www.sexinfo101.com/pw_gspot.shtml G spot stimulation] SexInfo 101. Retrieved on 2010-03-09</ref>
Two primary methods have been used to define and locate the G-Spot as a sensitive area in the vagina:<ref name="Hines"/>
*self-reported levels of arousal during stimulation
*stimulation of the G-Spot leads to [[female ejaculation]]
Studies using ultrasound have also been used to identify physiological differences between women<ref name="Aquila"/> and changes to the G-Spot region during sex.<ref name="CNNreal"/>
<!--Place studies in chronological order.-->
In a published case study of one woman, it was reported that stimulation of the [[anterior]] vaginal wall made the area grow by fifty percent and that self-reported levels of arousal/orgasm were "deeper" when the G-Spot was stimulated.<ref name="Addiego">{{cite journal |author =Addiego, F; Belzer, EG; Comolli, J; Moger, W; Perry, JD; Whipple, B. |year =1981|title =Female ejaculation: a case study. |journal =Journal of Sex Research |volume =17 |issue =1|pages =13–21 |doi =10.1080/00224498109551094}}</ref> Another study examined eleven women by [[palpate|palpating]] the entire vagina in a clockwise fashion, and reported a specific response to stimulation of the anterior vaginal wall in four of the women.<ref>{{cite journal |author =Goldberg, DC; Whipple, B; Fishkin, RE; Waxman H; Fink PJ; Wiesberg M. |year =1983 |title =The Grafenberg Spot and female ejaculation: a review of initial hypotheses. |journal =J Sex Marital Ther. |volume =9 |pages =27–37 |pmid =6686614 |issue =1}}</ref>
Researchers at the [[University of L'Aquila]] have found, using ultrasonography, that women who experience vaginal orgasm are statistically more likely to have thicker tissue in the anterior vaginal wall.<ref name="Aquila">{{cite journal |author=Gravina GL, Brandetti F, Martini P, ''et al.'' |title=Measurement of the Thickness of the Urethrovaginal Space in Women with or without Vaginal Orgasm |journal=J Sex Med |volume= 5|issue= 3|pages=610|year=2008 |pmid=18221286 |doi=10.1111/j.1743-6109.2007.00739.x}}</ref> The researchers believe these findings make it possible for women to have a rapid test to confirm whether or not they have a G-Spot.<ref>{{cite news |first=Ian |last=Sample |title=The elusive G-Spot really does exist, say researchers |url=http://www.guardian.co.uk/science/2008/feb/21/medicalresearch.sciencenews |publisher =The Guardian |date= 21 February 2008|accessdate=3 September 2008 | location=London}}</ref> A French study in late 2009 examined a small number of women with ultrasound as they had intercourse, by examining changes in the vagina they found physiological evidence of the G-Spot. The findings are under review by the ''[[Journal of Sexual Medicine]]''.<ref name="CNNreal">{{cite news |url=http://www.cnn.com/2010/HEALTH/01/05/g.spot.sex.women/index.html |title=Finding the G-spot: Is it real? - CNN.com |work= |accessdate=2010-05-02 | date=2010-01-05}}</ref>
There is some research suggesting that G-Spot and [[clitoris|clitoral]] orgasms are of the same origin. [[Masters and Johnson]] were the first to determine that the clitoral structures surround and extend along and within the labia, determining that all orgasms are of clitoral origin.<ref name="Masters and Johnson"/> Dr. Tim Spector hypothesizes thicker tissue in the G-Spot area may be part of the clitoris and is not a separate erogenous zone.<ref name="BBCGspotDetected"/> Supporting these conclusions is a 2005 study investigating the size of the clitoris – it found clitoral tissue extends considerably inside the vagina. This discovery indicates clitoral and vaginal orgasms are produced by the same internal source.<ref name="O'Connell">{{cite journal |author=O'Connell HE, Sanjeevan KV, Hutson JM |title=Anatomy of the clitoris |journal=The Journal of Urology |volume=174 |issue=4 Pt 1 |pages=1189–95 |year=2005 |month=October |pmid=16145367 |laysummary=http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/5013866.stm |laysource=[[BBC News]] |laydate=11 June 2006 |doi=10.1097/01.ju.0000173639.38898.cd}}</ref> The main researcher of the studies, Australian [[Urology|urologist]] Dr. Helen O'Connell, asserts that this interconnected relationship is the physiological explanation for the conjectured G-Spot and experience of vaginal orgasm, taking into account the stimulation of the internal parts of the clitoris during vaginal penetration. "The vaginal wall is, in fact, the clitoris," said O'Connell. "If you lift the skin off the vagina on the side walls, you get the bulbs of the clitoris – triangular, crescental masses of erectile tissue."<ref name="O'Connell"/>
G-Spot proponents are criticized for giving too much credence to [[anecdotal evidence]], and for questionable investigative methods: for instance, the studies which have yielded positive evidence for a precisely located G-Spot involve small participant samples.<ref name="Hines">{{cite journal |author =Hines, T |year =2001 |month =August |title =The G-Spot: A modern gynecologic myth |journal =Am J Obstet Gynecol |volume =185 |issue =2 |pages =359–62 | pmid = 11518892 |doi =10.1067/mob.2001.115995}}</ref>
Scientific examinations of vaginal wall innervation have generally shown that there is no single area with a greater density of nerve endings.<ref name="Hines"/> A recent study of 110 [[biopsy]] specimens drawn from 21 women concluded with the absence of a vaginal locus with greater nerve density.<ref>{{cite journal |author = Pauls, R; Mutema, G; Segal, J; Silva, WA; Kleeman, S; Dryfhout, Ma V; Karram, M.|year =2006 |month =November |title =A prospective study examining the anatomic distribution of nerve density in the human vagina. |journal = J Sex Med |volume =3 |issue =6 |pages =979–87 | pmid = 17100930 |doi = 10.1111/j.1743-6109.2006.00325.x}}</ref> However, while neither the area of the anterior vaginal wall where the G-Spot is said to be located nor the [[Skene's gland]] appear to possess them, the [[urethral sponge]], which is thought by some to be homologous to the G-Spot, does contain sensitive nerve endings as well as [[erectile tissue]]. It should also be noted that sensitivity is not determined by neuron density alone: other factors include the branching patterns of neuron terminals and cross or collateral innervation of neurons.<ref name="pmid10651316">{{cite journal |author=Babmindra VP, Novozhilova AP, Bragina TA, ''et al.'' |title=The structural bases of the regulation of neuron sensitivity |journal=Neurosci. Behav. Physiol. |volume=29 |issue=6 |pages=615–20 |year=1999 |pmid=10651316 |doi= 10.1007/BF02462474|url=http://resources.metapress.com/pdf-preview.axd?code=q6h325761132q014&size=largest |accessdate=2010-01-03}}</ref>
The existence of the G-Spot was questioned by a team at [[King's College London]] in late 2009. They acquired the largest sample size to date of 1,800 women – who are pairs of twins – and found they did not report a similar G-Spot in a questionnaire, suggesting its existence is subjective.<ref name="TimesOnline">{{cite news |url=http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/science/article6973971.ece |title=What an anti-climax: G-Spot is a myth - Times Online |work= The Times|author=Lois Rogers |accessdate=2010-01-03 | location=London | date=2010-01-03}}</ref> Study co-author Dr. Andrea Burri believes: "It is irresponsible to claim the existence of an entity that has never been proven and pressurise women and men too."<ref name="BBC8439000">{{cite news |url=http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/8439000.stm |title=BBC News - The G-spot 'doesn't appear to exist', say researchers |work= |accessdate=2010-01-04 | date=2010-01-04}}</ref> Burri also stated one of the reasons for the research was to remove feelings of "inadequacy or underachievement" for women who feared they lacked a G-Spot.<ref name="YvonneRoberts">{{cite news |url=http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2010/jan/05/g-spot-women-study |title=The real G-spot myth &#124; Yvonne Roberts &#124; Comment is free &#124; guardian.co.uk |format= |work= The Guardian|accessdate=2010-05-02 | location=London | date=2010-01-05}}</ref> Dr. Whipple dismissed the findings, commenting that twins have different sexual partners and techniques, and that the study did not properly account for lesbian or bisexual women.<ref name="TimesOnline"/>
Sexual psychologists are concerned about the promotion of the G-Spot, as it could lead to women feeling "dysfunctional" if they do not experience it. Dr. Petra Boynton, a British scientist who has written extensively on this debate,<ref name="drpetra">[http://www.drpetra.co.uk/blog/where-have-all-the-g-spots-gone/ Where have all the g spots gone?] - Dr Petra Boynton</ref> states:<ref name="BBCGspotDetected"/>
<blockquote>We're all different. Some women will have a certain area within the vagina which will be very sensitive, and some won't{{mdash}}but they won't necessarily be in the area called the G-Spot. If a woman spends all her time worrying about whether she is normal, or has a G-Spot or not, she will focus on just one area, and ignore everything else. It's telling people that there is a single, best way to have sex, which isn't the right thing to do.</blockquote>
The ''Journal of Sexual Medicine'' is planning a debate and publications from both sides of the G-Spot issue.<ref name="TimesOnline"/>
==Sex toys==
One of the most common [[sex toy]]s used in G-Spot stimulation is the specially designed [[G-Spot vibrator]]. This is a [[phallus]]-like vibrator that has a curved tip which makes G-Spot stimulation very easy. The head of the G-Spot vibrator has a special form and it is a little curved in order to ease the stimulation of the G-Spot.
The level of [[Sexual intercourse|penetration]] when using this sex toy depends on every woman because the [[physiology]] is not the same in two individuals. The effect of the G-Spot stimulation, no matter which way this is done, may be enhanced by stimulation of the other erogenous zones in a woman's body. These may include the clitoris and [[Labium (genitalia)|labia]].<ref>[http://www.gspotstimulation.net/ All about stimulation of the G-spot] Retrieved on 2010-03-09</ref> These toys are made of the same materials that the regular vibrators are made of including silicone, jelly, rubber or any combination of them.
==Tempo ogé==
*[[Human female sexuality]]
*[[Human sexuality]]
*''[[The G Spot and Other Recent Discoveries About Human Sexuality]]'' (book)
==Tumbu kaluar==
*[http://sexuality.about.com/od/gspotfemaleejaculation/a/whatisgspot.htm About.com – Sexuality, "What is the G-Spot?", Cory Silverberg]
*[http://sexuality.about.com/od/anatomyresponse/ht/findyourgspot.htm About.com – How to Locate Your G Spot]
*[http://www.the-clitoris.com/f_html/ejacula.htm The-Clitoris.com – Female Ejaculation, the Female Prostate, and The G-Spot]
{{Female reproductive system}}
[[Category:Sistim baranahan awéwé]]
[[ar:بقعة جي]]
[[bn:গ্রাফেনবার্গ স্পট]]
[[ca:Punt G]]
[[cs:Gräfenbergův bod]]
[[cy:Man G]]
[[da:G-punkt (kønsorgan)]]
[[es:Punto G]]
[[eo:Punkto de Gräfenberg]]
[[eu:G puntu]]
[[fa:موضع جی]]
[[fr:Point G]]
[[ga:Ball G]]
[[id:Titik G]]
[[it:Punto G]]
[[he:נקודת ג'י]]
[[ms:Titik G]]
[[pl:Punkt G]]
[[pt:Ponto G]]
[[ro:Punctul G]]
[[sq:Pika G]]
[[simple:Gräfenberg spot]]
[[sr:Г тачка]]
[[sh:G tačka]]
[[te:జి స్పాట్]]
[[vi:Điểm G]]