Analisis varian: Béda antarrépisi

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Baris ka-23:
Random effects models are used to describe situations in which incomparable differences in experimental material occur. The simplest example is that of estimating the unknown mean of a population whose individuals differ from each other. In this case, the variation between individuals is ''confounded'' with that of the observing instrument.
== DegreesTingkat of freedomkabebasan ==
Tingkat kabebasan nunjukeun wilangan observasi efektip nu mere pangaruh kana jumlah kuadrat dina ANOVA, jumlah total observasi dikurangan ku jumlah konstrain linier dina data.
Degrees of freedom indicates the effective number of observations which contribute to the sum of squares in an ANOVA, the total number of observations minus the number of linear constraints in the data.
== Tes kapercayaan ==