Analisis varian: Béda antarrépisi

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Baris ka-19:
The fixed-effects model of analysis of variance applies to situations in which the experimenter has subjected his experimental material to several treatments, each of which affects only the mean of the underlying normal distribution of the ''response variable''.
== Random-effectsModel modelefek-random ==
Model efek-random dipake keur ngajelaskeun kaayaan beda nu teu bisa dibandingkeun dina percobaan. Conto sederhana nyaeta estimasi mean teu dipikanyaho numana individu kabehanna beda. Dina kasus ieu, variasi antara individu ''ngabingungkeun'' kana alat observasi.
Random effects models are used to describe situations in which incomparable differences in experimental material occur. The simplest example is that of estimating the unknown mean of a population whose individuals differ from each other. In this case, the variation between individuals is ''confounded'' with that of the observing instrument.
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