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Baris ka-95:
[[Bangsa Dacia]], nu dianggap bagian ti Getae, mangrupakeun cabang ti bangsa [[Trakia]] nu nyicingan wewengkon [[Dacia]] (aya di Romania modérn, [[Moldova]], jeung [[Bulgaria]] kalér). Karajaan Dacia miboga puncak kajayaanna dina jaman Raja [[Burebista]] kira-kira taun 82 SM. Sanggeus Dacia narajang propinsi [[Moesia]] [[Romawi]] dina taun 87, Kaisar [[Trajan]]us ngayakeun [[Perang Dacia]] nu réngsé kalawan meunangna bangsa Romawi taun 106. Akibat kameunangan éta, Dacia robah kana propinsi [[Dacia Romawi]].<ref>{{Citeweb|title =Assorted Imperial Battle Descriptions|publisher =De Imperatoribus Romanis, An Online Encyclopedia of Roman Emperors|url =http://www.roman-emperors.org/assobd.htm#s-inx|accessdate=2008-01-10}}</ref>
Lobana bijih beusi, emas, jeung pérak nu dipanggih di proinsipropinsi éta<ref>{{citeweb|title=Dacia-Province of the Roman Empire|publisher =United Nations of Roma Victor|url =http://www.unrv.com/provinces/dacia.php|text="and were found in great quantities in the [[Western Carpathians]]. After Trajan's conquest, he brought back to Rome over 165 tons of gold and 330 tons of silver"|accessdate=2008-01-10}}</ref> ngakibatkeun bangsa Romawi ngalaksanakeun kolonisasi kana wewengkon Dacia.<ref>{{citebook|last=Deletant|first=Dennis|title=Colloquial Romanian|publisher=Routledge|year=1995|location=New York|pages =1|isbn=9780415129008}}</ref> Prosés kolonisasi mawa sarta basa [[Latin Vulgar]] nu nyababkeun dimimitianna période romanisasi, nu salajengna bakal ngahasilkeun basa proto-[[basa Romania|Romania]].<ref>{{citebook|last=Matley|first=Ian| title=Romania; a Profile |publisher=Praeger|year=1970|pages=85}}</ref><ref>{{citebook|last=Giurescu|first=Constantin C.|title=The Making of the Romanian People and Language|publisher=Meridiane Publishing House|year=1972|location=Bucharest|pages=43, 98–101,141}}</ref> Dina abad ka-3 séké-séké pangumbara kawas bangsa [[Goth]] loba ngalaksanakeun invasi, jadina maksa bangsa Romawi kira-kira taun 271 mundur ti Dacia, jeung nyieunanna propinsi kahiji nu ditinggalkeun ku Romawi.<ref>{{citebook|last =Eutropius|authorlink=Eutropius|coauthors=Justin, Cornelius Nepos|title=Eutropius, Abridgment of Roman History|publisher=George Bell and Sons|year=1886|location=London|url=http://www.ccel.org/p/pearse/morefathers/eutropius_breviarium_2_text.htm|accessdate=2008-08-31}}</ref><ref>{{citeweb|last=Watkins|first=Thayer|title=The Economic History of the Western Roman Empire|url=http://www.sjsu.edu/faculty/watkins/barbarians.htm|quote="The Emperor Aurelian recognized the realities of the military situation in Dacia and around 271 A.D. withdrew Roman troops from Dacia leaving it to the Goths. The Danube once again became the northern frontier of the Roman Empire in eastern Europe"|accessdate=2008-08-31}}</ref>
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