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An '''F-test''' isnyaeta anytes [[statistik]] testnumana intes which the test statistic hasstatistik anmibanda [[F-distribution]] if thelamun null hypothesis ishipotesis truebener. AVariasi greathipotesis varietynu ofgede hypothesesdina inaplikasi appliedstatistik statisticsdites are tested bymake F-teststes. Among these areDiantarana:
*TheHipotesis hypothesiskelipatan thatmean thesebaran meansnormal of multiple normally distributed populations, allsakabehna having the samemibanda [[standardsimpangan deviationbaku]], arenu equalsarua. ThisTest ishipotesis perhapsdiharepkeun theleuwih mosthade well-knowndipikanyaho ofku hypothesesmake testedmean by means of andina F-testtes, and the simplestsarta problemmasalah insederhana thedina [[analysis of variance]].
*Hipotesa tina simpangan baku dua sebaran normal sarua sarta saterusna dibandingkeun.
*The hypothesis that the standard deviations of two normally distributed populations are equal, and thus that they are of comparable origin.