Golongan tabél periodik: Béda antarrépisi

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Baris ka-1:
'''Golongan tabel periodik''' ngarupakeun kolom vértikal na [[tabel periodik]]. Aya 18 golongan dina tabel periodik baku.
A '''periodic table group''' is a vertical column in the [[periodic table of the elements]]. There are 18 groups in the standard periodic table.
It is no accident that several of these correspond directly to [[chemical series]]: the periodic table was originally created to organize the known chemical series into a single coherent scheme.
Baris ka-33:
Catetan: ''Gaya Wikipédia sakuduna ngaganti ngaran golongan nu heubeul ku ngaran IUPAC, sarta mun perlu méré dadaran sajarah ngeunaan ngaran heubeulna.''
Note: ''Wikipedia style should be to replace the old names of the groups with the new IUPAC names throughout, with a historical mention of the old name where appropriate.''