MédiaWiki:Uploadtext: Béda antarrépisi

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<strong>HEUP!</strong> Méméh anjeun ngamuat di dieu, pastikeun én anjeun geus maca sarta nuturkeun <a href="/wiki/Special:Image_use_policy">kawijakan maké gambar</a>.
<strong>STOP!</strong> Before you upload here,
<p>Mun geus aya koropak na wiki nu ngaranna sarua jeung nu disebutkeun ku anjeun, koropak nu geus lilana bakal diganti otomatis. Mangka, iwal ti pikeun ngaropéa hiji koropak, tangtu leuwih hadé mun anjeun mariksa heula bisi koropak nu sarupa geus aya.
make sure to read and follow the <a href="/wiki/Special:Image_use_policy">image use policy</a>.
<p>Pikeun némbongkeun atawa néang gambar-gambar nu pernah dimuat saméméhna, lebet ka <a href="/wiki/Special:Imagelist">daptar gambar nu dimuat</a>. Muatan sarta hapusan kadaptar dina ''log'' <a href="/wiki/Wikipedia:Upload_log">''log'' muatan</a>.
<p>If a file with the name you are specifying already
</p><p>Paké formulir di handap pikeun ngamuat koropak gambar anyar pikeun ilustrasi kaca anjeun. Na kalolobaan panyaksrak, anjeun bakal manggihan tombol "Browse...", nu bakal nganteur ka dialog muka-koropak nu baku na sistim operasi anjeun. Milih hiji koropak bakal ngeusian ngaran koropakna kana rohangan téks gigireun tombol nu tadi. Anjeun ogé kudu nyontréng kotak nu nandakeun yén anjeun teu ngarumpak hak cipta batur ku dimuatna ieu koropak. Pencét tombol "Upload" pikeun ngeréngsékeun muatan. Prosés ieu bisa lila mun anjeun migunakeun sambungan internét nu lambat.
exists on the wiki, it'll be replaced without warning.
<p>Format nu dianjurkeun nyéta JPEG pikeun gambar fotografik, PNG pikeun hasil ngagambar sarta gambar séjénna, sarta OGG pikeun sora. Pilih ngaran koropak nu déskriptif sangkan teu ngalieurkeun. Pikeun ngasupkeun gambarna na kaca séjén, pigunakeun tumbu dina wujud <b>[[Image:file.jpg]]</b> atawa <b>[[Image:file.ogg]]</b> pikeun sora.
So unless you mean to update a file, it's a good idea
<p>Catet yén salaku kaca wiki, nu séjén bisa ngarobah atawa ngahapus muatan anjeun mun maranéhna nganggap ieu saluyu jeung kapentingan proyék, sarta anjeun bisa waé dipeungpeuk ti ngamuat koropak mun anjeun ngaruksak/ngaganggu sistim.
to first check if such a file exists.
<p>To view or search previously uploaded images,
go to the <a href="/wiki/Special:Imagelist">list of uploaded images</a>.
Uploads and deletions are logged on the <a href="/wiki/Wikipedia:Upload_log">upload log</a>.
</p><p>Use the form below to upload new image files for use in
illustrating your pages.
On most browsers, you will see a "Browse..." button, which will
bring up your operating system's standard file open dialog.
Choosing a file will fill the name of that file into the text
field next to the button.
You must also check the box affirming that you are not
violating any copyrights by uploading the file.
Press the "Upload" button to finish the upload.
This may take some time if you have a slow internet connection.
<p>The preferred formats are JPEG for photographic images, PNG
for drawings and other iconic images, and OGG for sounds.
Please name your files descriptively to avoid confusion.
To include the image in a page, use a link in the form
<b>[[Image:file.jpg]]</b> or <b>[[Image:file.ogg]]</b> for sounds.
<p>Please note that as with wiki pages, others may edit or
delete your uploads if they think it serves the project, and
you may be blocked from uploading if you abuse the system.