Glikolisis: Béda antarrépisi

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Baris ka-1:
'''GlycolysisGlikolisis''' isngarupakeun the initialawal [[metabolicalur pathwaymétabolik]] of [[carbohydratekatabolisme]] [[catabolismkarbohidrat]]. Bentuk Theglikolisis mostnu commonpangilaharna anddipikawanoh well-known form of glycolysis isnyaéta thealur [[Gustav Embden|Embden]]-[[Otto Meyerhof|Meyerhof]] pathway. Istilah Theglikolisis termbisa canogé bengawengku takenalur topilihan includeséjén alternativekayaning pathways, such as thealur Entner-Doudoroff pathway. HoweverNgan, '''glycolysisglikolisis''' willnu bedipedar useddi heredieu assalaku asinonim synonym for thepikeun [[alur Embden-Meyerhof pathway]].
Glikolisis ngarupakeun prosés universal nalika sagala rupa sél nurunkeun énergi ti gula. Najan lain nu pang éfisiénna, glikolisis perlu sabab anaérob; nyéta, teu merlukeun [[oxigén]].
Glycolysis is the most universal process by which cells of all types derive energy from sugars. It is not the most efficient, but glycolysis proper is completely anaerobic; that is, [[oxygen]] is not required.
GlycolysisGlikolisis convertsngarobah onehiji [[moleculemolekul]] of [[glucoseglukosa]] intojadi twodua molecules ofmolekul [[pyruvatepiruvat]], alongsarta with"ékivalén pangréduksi" (''reducing equivalents" in the form'') ofdina theujud [[coenzymekoénzim]] [[NADH]].
Réaksi umum glikolisis:
The global reaction of glycolysis is:
:GlucoseGlukosa + 2 NAD<sup>+</sup> + 2 ADP + 2 P<sub>i</sub> &#8594; 2 NADH + 2 pyruvatepiruvat + 2 ATP + 2 H<sub>2</sub>O + 4 H<sup>+</sup>
SoJadi, for simple fermentations, themétabolisme metabolismhiji ofmolekul 1glukosa moleculengahasilkeun ofdua glucose has a net yield of 2 molecules ofmolekul [[AdenosineAdénosin triphosphatetrifosfat|ATP]]. Cells performing [[cellular respiration|respiration]] synthesize much more ATP but this is not considered part of glycolysis. Eukaryotic aerobic respiration produces an additional 34 molecules (approximately) of ATP for each glucose molecule oxidized.