Réaksi organik: Béda antarrépisi

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Dina sajarah [[Hadiah Nobel widang Kimia]], nu kungsi dileler téh di antarana papanggihan réaksi organik husus kayaning [[réaksi Grignard]] taun 1912, [[réaksi Diels-Alder]] taun 1950, [[réaksi Wittig]] taun 1979, jeung [[métatésis oléfin]] taun 2005.
Organic chemistry has a strong tradition of naming a specific reaction to its inventor or inventors and a long [[List of organic reactions|list]] of so-called '''named reactions''' exists, conservatively estimated at 1000. A very old named reaction is the [[Claisen rearrangement]] (1912) and a recent named reaction is the [[Bingel reaction]] (1993). When the named reaction is difficult to pronounce or very long as in the [[Corey-House-Posner-Whitesides reaction]] it helps to use the abbreviation as in the [[CBS reduction]]. The number of reactions hinting at the actual process taking place is much smaller, for example the [[ene reaction]] or [[aldol reaction]].
Kimia organik boga kabiasaan anu kuat pikeun méré ngaran ka hiji réaksi dumasar nu manggihanana, misalna [[tata ulang Claisen]] (1912) jeung [[réaksi Bingel]] (1993). Mun ngaranna hésé kusabab panjang teuing (misalna [[réaksi Corey-House-Posner-Whitesides]]), mangka sok diringkes maké [[réduksi CBS]]. Jumlah réaksi nu nyebutkeun sacara langsung prosés aktualna mah teu loba, misalna baé [[réaksi éna]] atawa [[réaksi aldol]].
Another approach to organic reactions is by type of [[organic reagent]], many of them [[inorganic compound|inorganic]], required in a specific transformation. The major types are [[oxidizing agent]]s such as [[osmium tetroxide]], [[reducing agent]]s such as [[Lithium aluminium hydride]], [[base (chemistry)|bases]] such as [[lithium diisopropylamide]] and [[acid]]s such as [[sulfuric acid]].