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Baris ka-1:
{{Taxobox_begin | color = pink | ngaran = Mamalia}}
{{Taxobox_image | image = [[Gambar:Pongo_pygmaeus_%28orangutang%29Pongo pygmaeus (orangutang).jpg|250px|Orang utan]] | caption = [[Orang utan]] (''Pongo pygmaeus'')}}
{{Taxobox_begin_placement | color = pink}}
{{Taxobox_regnum_entry | taxon = [[Animal]]ia}}
Baris ka-64:
== Asal-usul ==
Mamalia téh kaasup ''[[amniote]]'', hususna ''[[synapsid]]'', nu ditunjukkeun ku bentuk tangkorakna, hususna ku ayana liang tunggal dina unggal sisi tempat napelna otot rahang nu disebut ''[[temporal fenestra]]''. Pikeun babandingan, [[dinosaurus]], manuk, jeung kalolobaan réptil]] mah [[diapsid]], nu boga dua ''temporal fenestrae'' dina unggal sisi tangkorakna; sedengkeun [[kuya]] nu teu boga ''temporal fenestra'', kaasup [[anapsid]].
''Synapsid'' lajeng nurunkeun prékursor mamalia munggaran, [[therapsida]], nyaéta [[eucynodontus]] 220 [[jtk (unit)|Ma]] (''mega annum'', ''juta taun kaliwat'') dina yuga [[Triasik]].
[[Ceuli]] pra-mamalia mimiti mekar dina ahir Permian nepi ka awal Triasik, ku tumuwuhna tilu tulang lembut ([[incus]], [[malleus]], jeung [[stapes]]) di jero tangkorak; dibarengan ku transformasi [[rahang]] handap jadi tulang tunggal. Mamalia lianna, kaasup réptil jeung synapsid jeung therapsida pra-mamalia, boga sababaraha tulang dina rahang handap nu sabagian dipaké pikeun ngadéngé; sarta tulang ceuli-tunggal dina tangkorakna. Transisi ieu dijadikeun bukti évolusi mamalia tina réptil: tina tulang ceuli tunggal, sarta sababaraha tulang rahang handap (misalna [[pelycosaur]], ''[[Dimetrodon]]'') jadi "tulang rahang pangrungu" nu leuwih leutik (misalna [[cynodont]], ''[[Probainognathus]]''), sarta tungtungna mamalia tulén nu boga tuli tulang ceuli dina tangkorakna sarta rahang handap tunggal. Ku kituna, pelycosaurus jeung cynodontus kadang disebut "[[réptil kawas mamalia]]", najan ieu téh teu bener, sabab kiwari mah nu dua éta téh dianggap kaasup [[synapsid]], lain réptil.
Baris ka-74:
The names "[[Prototheria]]", "[[Metatheria]]" and "[[Eutheria]]" expressed the theory that [[Placentalia]] were descendants of [[Marsupialia]], which were in turn descendants of [[Monotremata]], but this theory has been refuted. However, Eutheria and Metatheria are often used in [[paleontology]], especially with regards to mammals of the Mesozoic.
Mammal evolutionary progression is below:
* [[Agnatha|Jawless fish]]: [[Cambrian]] period to mid [[Ordovician]] periods
Baris ka-89:
Mamalia awal mah lolobana laleutik kawas [[cucurut]], nu ngahakanan [[serangga]]. Tapi, dina Januari 2005, kalawarta ''[[Nature]]'' ngalaporkeun kapanggihna dua [[fosil]] [[Repenomamus]] umur 130 juta taun, panjangna leuwih ti saméter, nu salah sahijina ngandung anak dinosaurus dina beuteungna (''Nature'', Jan. 15, 2005
Taun 2004, tim nu dipingpin ku Dr. Ji Qiang ti [[Universitas Nanjing]] jeung [[Akademi Élmu Géologi Cina]], manggih fosil akuatik kawas mamalia nu umurna 164 juta taun, panjangna 50  cm, nu spésiésna can kanyahoan. Papanggihan ieu dilaporkeun dina kalawarta [[Science]] édisi Pébruari 2006 (''Science'', 24 Péb 2006 [http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/short/311/5764/1068b]).
Nu kaasup mamalia awal, di antarana:
Baris ka-111:
== Klasifikasi ==
{{mainutama|klasifikasi mamalia}}
[[George Gaylord Simpson]]'s classic "Principles of Classification and a Classification of Mammals" (AMNH ''Bulletin'' v. 85, 1945) was the original source for the taxonomy listed here. Simpson laid out a systematics of mammal origins and relationships that was universally taught until the end of the [[20th century]]. Since Simpson's 1945 classification, the [[fossil record|paleontological record]] has been recalibrated, and the intervening years have seen much debate and progress concerning the theoretical underpinnings of systematization itself, partly through the new concept of [[cladistics]]. Though field work gradually made Simpson's classification outdated, it remained the closest thing to an official classification of mammals.
Baris ka-133:
The McKenna/Bell hierarchical listing of all of the terms used for mammal groups above the species includes extinct mammals as well as modern groups, and introduces some fine distinctions such as [[legion (biology)|legions]] and [[sublegions]] (ranks which fall between classes and orders) that are likely to be glossed over by the layman.
The published re-classification forms both a comprehensive and authoritative record of approved names and classifications and a list of invalid names.
Click on the highlighted link for a [http://nasa.utep.edu/chih/chklist/mammals/keys/mammtab.htm table comparing the traditional and the new McKenna/Bell classifications of mammals]
Baris ka-165:
Molecular studies based on DNA analysis have suggested new relationships among mammal families over the last few years. The most recent classification systems based on molecular studies have proposed four groups or lineages of placental mammals. [[Molecular clock]]s suggest that these clades diverged from early common ancestors in the Cretaceous, but fossils have not been found to corroborate this hypothesis. These molecular findings are consistent with mammal [[zoogeography]]:
The first divergence was that of the [[Afrotheria]] 110–100 mya. The Afrotheria proceeded to evolve and diversify in the isolation of the African-Arabian continent. The [[Xenarthra]], isolated in [[South America]], diverged from the [[Boreoeutheria]] approximately 100–95 mya. The Boreoeutheria split into the [[Laurasiatheria]] and [[Euarchontoglires]] between 95 and 85 mya; both of these groups evolved on the northern continent of [[Laurasia]]. After tens of millions of years of relative isolation, Africa-Arabia collided with Eurasia, exchanging Afrotheria and Boreoeutheria. The formation of the [[Isthmus of Panama]] linked [[South America]] and [[North America]], which facilitated the exchange of mammal species in the [[Great American Interchange]]. The traditional view that no placental mammals reached [[Australasia]] until about 5 million years ago when bats and [[Murinae|murine]] rodents arrived has been challenged by recent evidence and may need to be reassessed. It should however be noted that these molecular results are still controversial because they are not reflected by [[Morphology (biology)|morphological]] data and thus not accepted by many systematists.
* '''Group I: [[Afrotheria]]'''
Baris ka-246:
* '''Wilson, Don E., & Deeann M. Reeder (eds)'''. 1993. ''Mammal Species of the World''. Smithsonian Institution Press. ISBN 1-56098-217-9
== Tumbu kaluar ==
Baris 254 ⟶ 252:
* [http://www.enchantedlearning.com/subjects/mammals/Evolution.shtml Evolution of Mammals], a brief intro to early mammals
* [http://home.arcor.de/ktdykes/mesomamm.htm The Evolution of Mesozoic Mammals, a Rough Sketch], a nice informal introduction
* [http://www.carnegiemnh.org/research/news.html Carnegie Museum of Natural History], some leading discoveries of early mammal fossils