Saudi Arabia: Béda antarrépisi

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Baris ka-62:
== Sajarah ==
{{Mainutama|Sajarah Saudi Arabia}}
[[Gambar:Azizfdr.jpg|left|thumb|250px|Nu ngadegkeun Saudi Arabia modéren, [[Raja Abdul Aziz]], keur sawala jeung [[Franklin Delano Roosevelt]] nalika mulih ti [[Konferensi Yalta]] taun 1945.]]
Nagara ieu dimimitian di Arabia tengah kira-kira warsih 1750. Saurang pangawasa lokal, [[Muhammad bin Saud]], ngagabung jeung ajengan sarta pembaharu Islam ngaranna Syekh [[Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhab|Muhammad Abdul Wahhab]], pikeun nyiptakeun sahiji entitas pulitik anyar. Salila saratus lima puluh warsih saterusna, nasib kulawarga Saud sawatara kali naék-turun dina usahana ngalawan [[Mesir]], [[Kakaisaran Utsmaniyah]], sarta kulawarga Arab séjénna pikeun ngawasa semenanjung Arabia éta. Nagara Arab Saudi pamustunganana nangtung di handapeun kapamingpinan almarhum Raja [[Abdul Aziz Al-Saud]] (anu ogé ditulis minangka Abdul Aziz bin Saud).
Dina warsih [[1902]], Abdul Aziz bin Saud junun ngawasa [[Riyadh]], puseur dayeuh karuhun kulawarga Al-Saud, ti kakawasaan lawanana nyaéta kulawarga [[Al-Rashid]]. Abdul Aziz nuluykeun usahana kalayan ngawasa [[Al-Ahsa]], Al-Qatif, sésa wewengkon [[Najd]], sarta [[Hijaz]] antara warsih 1913-1926. Dina tanggal 8 Januari 1926, Abdul Aziz bin Saud nyokot gelar Raja Hijaz. Dina tanggal 29 Januari 1927, manéhna nyokot gelar Raja Najd. Ngaliwatan [[Perjangjian Jeddah]] anu ditandatanganan dina [[20 Méi]] [[1927]], [[Inggris]] ngaku kamerdikaan wewengkon kakawasaan Abdul Aziz, anu saterusna dipikawanoh minangka Karajaan Hijaz sarta Najd. Dina warsih 1932, kadua wewengkon ieu ngahiji sarta robah jadi Karajaan Arab Saudi.
Baris ka-71:
== Pulitik ==
{{mainutama|Pulitik Saudi Arabia}}
Institusi pamaréntahan utama di Arab Saudi nyaéta Karajaan Saudi. Undang-undang dasar anu diadopsi dina warsih 1992 nyatakeun Saudi Arabia minangka hiji karajaan anu diparéntah ku anak sarta incu ti raja kahiji, [[Abdul Aziz Al-Saud]], sarta [[Al Qur'an]] minangka konstitusi nagara ieu anu dijalankeun dumasar hukum Islam (saréat).
[[Gambar:Abdullah of Saudi Arabia.jpg|thumb|[[Abdullah ti Saudi Arabia|Raja Abdullah]] ti Saudi Arabia]]
Euweuh partéi pulitik atawa pamilihan umum nasional anu diaku, kajaba pamilihan lokal anu diayakeun di warsih 2005. Kakawasaan raja sacara teoritis diwatesan ku saréat Islam sarta talari Saudi séjénna. Manéhna ogé kudu nengetan konsensus para kulawarga karajaan Saudi, pamingpin ageman (ajengan), sarta elemen penting séjénna dina masarakat Saudi. Idéologi nagara nyaéta Salafi. Karajaan nyebarkeun falsafah Islam ieu ngaliwatan pangwangunan masjid sarta madrasah di sakumna dunya. Kulawarga karajaan milih raja ti antara maranéhanana sorangan, saterusna ménta kasapukan ti ajengan.
<!-- {{tarjamahkeun|Inggris}}
Baris ka-85:
== Propinsi ==
[[Gambar:SaudiArabiaNumbered.png|right|250px|Propinsi di Saudi Arabia]]{{Mainutama|Propinsi di Saudi Arabia}}
Saudi Arabia kabagi jadi 13 propinsi (manatiq, tunggal - mintaqah).
Baris ka-105:
== Kota gedé ==
[[Gambar:Riyadh city.jpg|thumb|right|200px|Puseur karaméan di [[Riyadh]]]]
{{Mainutama|Daptar kota di Saudi Arabia}}
* [[Riyadh]] (Ibu kota Saudi Arabia)
* [[Mekah]] (Makkah)(Kota suci dina Islam)
Baris ka-122:
==== Hak asasi manusa ====
{{Mainutama|Hak asasi manusa di Saudi Arabia}}
Saudi courts impose [[capital punishment]] and [[corporal punishment]], including [[amputation]]s of hands and feet for serious [[robbery]], and [[homosexuality]]; [[flogging]]s for lesser crimes such as "sexual deviance" (e.g. drunkenness). These punishments are often carried out in public, similar to the Taliban in Afghanistan. (Source: Human Rights watch, see []) The number of lashes is not clearly prescribed by law and varies according to the discretion of the presiding judges. The number ranges from dozens to several thousand, usually applied over a period of weeks or months. In 2002, the United Nations Committee against Torture criticized Saudi Arabia over the amputations and floggings it carries out under the Shari'a. The Saudi delegation responded defending "legal traditions" held since the inception of Islam in the region 1400 years ago and rejected interference in its legal system. (Source: BBC, see []).
There is no religious freedom, alcohol cannot be consumed, and homosexuals are routinely persecuted. There is no freedom of the press, and critics of the government are sometimes jailed for their views. Women are not allowed to drive and their rights to property and divorce are restricted.
The large number of guest workers present in the country are routinely subject to mistreatment, as documented by Human Rights Watch: "Domestic workers face a wide range of grave abuses and labor exploitation, including physical and sexual abuse, forced confinement, non-payment of wages, denial of food and health care and excessive working hours with no rest days, Human Rights Watch said in a new report today." (Source: HRW, see []).
== Géografi ==
{{Mainutama|Géografi Saudi Arabia}}
[[Gambar:Saudi Arabia map.png|thumb|right|Peta Saudi Arabia]]
The kingdom occupies eighty percent of the [[Arabian Peninsula]]. Most of the country's boundaries with the United Arab Emirates, Oman, and Yemen are not precisely defined, so the exact size of the country remains unknown. The Saudi government's estimate is 2,217,949 square kilometers (856,356 [[square mile|sq&nbsp;mi]]). Other reputable estimates vary between 2,149,690 square kilometers (830,000&nbsp;sq&nbsp;mi) and 2,240,000 square kilometers (864,869&nbsp;sq&nbsp;mi).
The climate is very dry and hot. Dry desert with great extremes of temperature and the terrain is mostly uninhabited, sandy [[desert]]. In most parts of the country, vegetation is limited to weeds, xerophytic herbs and shrubs. Animals include the [[ibex]], [[wildcats]], [[baboons]], [[wolves]], and [[hyenas]] in the highlands. Small birds are found in the oases. The coastal area of the [[Red Sea]], especially the [[coral reef]]s, have a rich marine [[Fauna (animals)|fauna]]. Saudi Arabia has a coastline of 2,640 kilometers (1,640 [[mile|mi]]).
Saudi Arabia consists mostly of semi-desert and desert with oases. Almost half of the total country is uninhabitable desert with annual precipitation up to 100 millimetres (4 [[inch|in]]) in most regions. The western regions are plateau and the east is lowland. The southwest region has mountains as high as 3,000 metres (9,840 [[foot (unit of length)|ft]]), and is an area known for the greenest and freshest climate in all of the country. The capital, Riyadh, which is to the center-east has an average temperature in July of 42&nbsp;°C (108°[[Fahrenheit|F]]) and 14&nbsp;°C (57&nbsp;°F) in January. In contrast, [[Jeddah]] on the western coast has 31&nbsp;°C (88&nbsp;°F) in July and 23&nbsp;°C (73&nbsp;°F) in January.
Less than 2 % of the total area is suitable for cultivation, and in the early 1990s, population distribution varied greatly among the towns of the eastern and western coastal areas, the densely populated interior oases, and the vast, almost empty [[desert]]s, such as the [[Rub' al Khali]] (The Empty Quarter), the [[Arabian Desert and East Sahero-Arabian xeric shrublands]]. There are no permanent rivers or lakes in Saudi Arabia.
Baris ka-147:
Formal primary education began in Saudi Arabia in the 1930s. By 1945, King Abdulaziz bin Abdelrahman Al-Saud, the country's founder, had initiated an extensive program to establish schools in the Kingdom. Six years later, in 1951, the country had 226 schools with 29,887 students. In 1954, the Ministry of Education was established, headed by then Prince Fahd bin Abdulaziz as the first Minister of Education. The first university, now known as King Saud University, was founded in Riyadh in 1957.
Today, Saudi Arabia's nationwide public educational system comprises eight universities, more than 24,000 schools, and a large number of colleges and other educational and training institutions. Open to every citizen, the system provides students with free education, books and health services. Over 25 percent of the annual State budget is for education including vocational training.
The predominant major in Saudi universities is Islamic Studies, and few Saudis choose to major in medical studies or engineering. Thus the kingdom must import a large number of doctors and engineers from other nations.
Baris ka-157:
== Ékonomi ==
[[Gambar:AramcoCoreArea.jpg|thumb|right|200px|[[Saudi Aramco|Aramco]], pausahaan minyak nasional, kantor puseurna di [[Dhahran]]]]
{{Mainutama|Ékonomi Saudi Arabia}}
Saudi Arabia has an [[petroleum|oil]]-based economy with strong government controls over major economic activities. Saudi Arabia claimed to be in possession of 260.1 billion barrels of oil reserves as of 2003, about 24% of the world's proven total petroleum reserves. It ranks as the largest exporter of petroleum and plays a leading role in [[OPEC]]. Moreover, according to the Saudi government, the proven reserves increase gradually as more oil fields are discovered, unlike most other oil-producing countries. It must be noted, however, that, those figures have been contested and that Saudi Arabia's actual reserves may be notably lower. The petroleum sector accounts for roughly 75% of budget revenues, 40% of the GDP, and 90% of export earnings. About 35% of the GDP comes from the private sector. Saudi Arabia was a key player in the successful efforts of OPEC and other oil producing countries to raise the price of oil in [[1999]] to its highest level since the [[Gulf War]] by reducing production. Saudi Arabia announced plans to begin privatizing the electricity companies in [[1999]], which followed the ongoing privatization of the telecommunications company. The government is expected to continue calling for private sector growth to lessen the kingdom's dependence on oil and increase employment opportunities for the swelling Saudi population. Shortages of water and rapid population growth may constrain government efforts to increase self-sufficiency in agricultural products.
Baris ka-173:
== Démografi ==
{{Mainutama|Démografi Saudi Arabia}}
Saudi Arabia's population as of 2005 is estimated to be about 26.4 million, including about 5.6 million resident foreigners. Until the [[1960s]], most of the population was [[nomadic]] or semi-nomadic; due to rapid economic and urban growth, more than 95% of the population now is settled. The birth rate is 29.56 births per 1,000 people. The death rate is only 2.62 deaths per 1,000 people. Some cities and oases have densities of more than 1,000 people per square kilometre (2,600/sq&nbsp;mi).
Around 80% of Saudis are ethnically [[Arab]] but many are of [[Sub-Saharan]], [[East Africa]]n ancestry. There are some 7 million migrants from countries all around the world namely:[] [[Indian]]: 1.4 million, [[Bangladeshi]]: 1 million, [[Pakistani]]: 900,000, [[Filipino people|Filipino]]: 800,000, and [[Egyptian]]: 750,000. Many Arabs from nearby countries are employed in the kingdom. There are around 100,000 [[Westerners]] in Saudi Arabia, most of whom live in [[Compound (fortification)|compounds]] or [[gated communities]].
The Saudi government states that all citizens must be Muslim, and there is very little religious freedom. The majority of the population adhere to strict form of a cult within Islam most commonly known as [[Salafi]] or [[Wahhabism]]. However, there are religious minorities such as [[Christians]] and [[Hindus]] who are working as temporary workers, none of these minorities are allowed to have their churches or temples or pray in public. The U.S. State departments suggest that there are 500,000 to 1 million people who adhere to the [[Catholic]] (Christian) faith.[]
The exit and entry visa cards ask applicants for their religious affiliation and officially bans entry to anyone with an official stamp from the State of [[Israel]].[][]
Baris ka-187:
== Kabudayan ==
{{Mainutama|Kabudayan Saudi Arabia}}
[[Gambar:Supplicating Pilgrim at Masjid Al Haram. Mecca, Saudi Arabia.jpg|thumb|Haji di Masjidil Haram. Mekah]]
Baris 204 ⟶ 203:
Islam forbids the eating of [[pork]] and the drinking of [[alcoholic beverage|alcohol]], and this law is enforced strictly throughout Saudi Arabia. Arabic unleavened bread, or [[khobz]], is eaten with almost all meals. Other staples include cooked lamb, grilled [[chicken]], [[falafel]] (deep-fried [[chickpea]] balls), [[shawarma]] (spit-cooked sliced [[lamb]]), and [[fuul]] (a paste of [[fava bean]]s, [[garlic]] and [[lemon]]). Traditional [[coffee]] houses used to be ubiquitous, but are now being displaced by food-hall style cafes. Arabic tea is also a famous custom, which is used in both casual and formal meetings between friends, family and even strangers. The tea is black (without milk) and has herbal flavoring that comes in many variations.
Public theatres and [[movie theater|cinemas]] are prohibited, as [[Wahabbi]] tradition deems those institutions to be incompatible with [[Islam]]. However, in private compounds such as [[Dhahran]] and [[Ras Tanura]] public theaters can be found, but often are more popular for local music, arts, and theatre productions rather than the exhibition of motion pictures. Recently plans for some cinemas that will allow Arabic cartoons to be featured in cinemas for women and children were announced. Videos and DVDs of popular American movies are legal and widely available.
The cultural heritage is celebrated at the annual [[Jenadriyah]] Cultural festival.
Baris 287 ⟶ 286:
[[CategoryKategori:Nagara Teluk Arab]]
[[CategoryKategori:Semenanjung Arab]]
[[CategoryKategori:Nagara anggota Déwan Sabilulungan Nagara Arab Teluk]]
[[CategoryKategori:Nagara nu wawatesan jeung Teluk Pérsia]]
[[CategoryKategori:nagaraNagara di Asia Kidul-Kulon]]
[[CategoryKategori:wewengkonWewengkon nu ngadeg taun 1932]]
[[CategoryKategori:nagaraNagara nu maké Basa Arab]]
[[Kategori:Saudi Arabia| ]]
[[Kategori:Anggota OSI| ]]