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Shrikarsan (obrolan | kontribusi)
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Baris ka-13:
Dina [[tata basa]] Arab, kecap "qur'an" mangrupakeun masdar ([[kecap barang verbal]]) tina kecap gawé basa Arab قرأ ''qara'a'' ("maca" atawa "nyaritakeun"<ref>BYU Studies, vol. 40, nomer 4, 2001. Kaca 52</ref><ref>[http://www.hawahome.com/books/open.php?cat=16&book=468 Lisan al-Arab]</ref>. Kecap ieu digunakeun dina Al Qur'an sorangan minangka istilah keur Al Qur'an, misalna dina Q.S [[Yusuf (surat)|12]]:2:
:''Satemenna kami nurunkeunana (ayat-ayat kitab) mangrupa Qur'an dina basa Arab, ngarah aranjeun ngarti.''
: Lo! We have revealed it, a Lecture [''qur'ān''] in Arabic, that ye may understand. ([[Marmaduke Pickthall|Pickthall]]'s translation)
: We have sent it down as an Arabic Qur'an, in order that ye may learn wisdom. ([[Yusuf Ali]]'s translation)
It is also used within the Qur'an in its generic sense of "reading", "recital", as in [[Al-Qiyama|75]]:18 (with -''a'' [[accusative]] suffix + -''hu'' [[3rd person]] [[masculine]] [[singular]] [[possessive]] suffix):
: And when We read [''qara'-''] it, follow thou the reading [''qur'ān-ahu''] ([[Marmaduke Pickthall|Pickthall]])
: But when We have promulgated [''qara'-''] it, follow thou its recital [''qur'ān-ahu''] (as promulgated) ([[Yusuf Ali]])
However, there is some question as to whether this word was formed within Arabic from this root or borrowed separately from Syriac. The latter hypothesis was first proposed by the [[Germany|German]] [[Semitic languages|Semitic]] scholar [[Theodore Nöldeke]] argued in his [[1860]] ''Geschichte des Qorâns'' (History of the Qur'an)[http://www.answering-islam.de/Main//Books/Noeldeke/Qoran/1b.htm] that the word ''qur'ān'' might be a borrowing from the [[Syriac language|Syriac]] noun ܩܪܝܢܐ ''qeryānâ'' (whose meanings include "reading" and "lection, lesson"), itself derived from the verb ܩܪܐ ''qrâ'' ("to read, recite; to study"<ref>Payne Smith, Jessie (Ed.) (1903). ''A compendious Syriac dictionary founded upon the Thesaurus Syriacus of [[R. Payne Smith]]''. Oxford University Press, reprinted in 1998 by Eisenbraums. ISBN 1-57506-032-9. Page 516, 519</ref>):
<blockquote>"Since a cultural word like "to read" can not be proto-Semitic, we may assume that it has entered Arabia, and probably from the North ... Since Syriac has, next to the verb קּרא, also the noun ''qeryānā'', meaning both ἀνάγνωσις ("reading, reading out") and ἀνάγνωσμα ("lection, lecture"), and because of the above mentioned, the assumption of probability increases, that the term Qur'an is not an internal Arabic development from the infinitive with the same meaning, but a borrowing from the Syriac word that has been adapted according to the type ''fulʻān.''"<ref>Da nun ein Kulturwort wie "lesen" nicht ursemitisch sein kann, so dürfen wir annehmen, daß es in Arabien eingewandert ist, und zwar wahrscheinlich aus dem Norden...Da nun das Syrische neben dem Verbum קּרא das Nomen ''qeryānā'' hat, und zwar in der doppelten Bedeutung ἀνάγνωσις (das ''Lesen, Vorlesen'') und ἀνάγνωσμα (''Lesung, Lektüre''), so gewinnt, im Zusammenhange mit dem eben Erörteten, die Vermutung an Wahrscheinlichkkeit, daß der Terminus Qorän nicht eine innerarabische Entwicklung aus dem gleichbedeutenden Infinitive ist, sondern eine Entlehnung aus jenem syrischen Worte unter gleichzeitiger Angleichung an Typus fulʻān." Nöldeke, Theodor (1860) ''Geschichte des Qorâns''. Göttingen. Part I, page 33.</ref></blockquote>
More recent proponents of this view include [[Christoph Luxenberg]]<ref>Luxenberg, Christoph (2004) -- ''Die Syro-Aramäische Lesart des Koran: Ein Beitrag zur Entschlüsselung der Koransprache''. Berlin: Verlag Hans Schiler. 20054 ISBN 3-89930-028-9. Page 81-84.</ref> (who takes it as evidence that the Qur'an was itself originally a Syriac [[lectionary]]).
== Format Al Qur'an ==