Réliabilitas (statistika): Béda antarrépisi

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== Estimasi ==
Reliabilitas bisa diestimasi ku sababaraha cara nu bisa dikelompokkeun kana dua tipe nyaeta: administrasi-tunggal jeung administrasi-multiple. Metoda administrasi-multiple merlukeun dua peniley dina administrasina. Dina metoda ''test-retest'', reliabiliti dianggap salakuminangka ''[[Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient]]'' antara dua ukuran administrasi nu sarua. Dina metoda ''alternate forms'', reliabiliti diitung make ''Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient'' tina dua bentuk nu beda, ilaharna di-administrasi-keun babarengan. Metoda administrasi-tunggal kaasup ''split-half'' sarta ''internal consistency''. Metoda ''split-half'' ngawengku ukuran dua ''halves'' salakuminangka bentuk alternatipna. Ieu estimasi "halves reliability" saterusna dilajuning lakukeun ku cara make ''[[Spearman-Brown prediction formula]]''. Ukuran internal nu ilahar dipake nyaeta [[Cronbach's alpha]], nu ilaharna dianggap salakuminangka [[mean]] keur sakabeh koefisien ''split-half''.
Each of these estimation methods is sensitive to different sources of error and so might not be expected to be equal. Also, reliability is a property of the ''scores of a measure'' rather than the measure itself and are thus said to be ''sample dependent''. Reliability estimates from one sample might differ from those of a second sample (beyond what might be expected due to sampling variations) if the second sample is drawn from a different population because the true reliability is different in this second population. (This is true of measures of all types--yardsticks might measure houses well yet have poor reliability when used to measure the lengths of insects.)