Surya Mandala: Béda antarrépisi

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m Uchup19 memindahkan halaman Sistim tatasurya ke Surya Mandala: luyu jeung dina kamus RA Danadibrata
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Baris ka-1:
{{Otheruses4|the Solar System|[[sistimr planétér]] atawa [[sistim pabéntangan]]|planét di luareun panonpoé}}
[[Gambar:Solar sys.jpg|right|360px|thumb|Fitur utama Sistim Tatasurya (henteu dumasar skala; ti kénca ka katuhu): [[Pluto]], [[Néptunus]], [[Uranus]], [[Saturnus]], [[Jupiter]], [[beubeur astéroid]], [[Panonpoé]], [[Mérkurius]], [[Vénus]], [[Bumi]] jeung [[Bulan]]na, sarta [[Mars]]. [[Komét]] katempo ogé di béh kénca.]]
'''SistimSurya Tatasurya''' atawa '''sistim tatasuryaMandala'''{{Ref_label|A|a|none}} ([[Basa Indonésia]]: [[:id:Tata Surya|Tata Surya]]) ngawengku [[Panonpoé]] jeung [[objék astronomis|objék banda angkasa]] nu kabeungkeut sacara [[gravitasi]]onal ku panonpoé: dalapan [[planét]], 166 [[satelit alam|bulan]] nu teu kanyahoannan,<ref>{{cite web| title= The Jupiter Satellite Page|author=Scott S. Sheppard|work=University of Hawaii|url=|accessdate=2006-07-23}}</ref> tilu [[planét dwarf]] ([[Ceres (planét dwarf)|Ceres]], [[Pluto]], jeung [[Eris (planét dwarf)|Eris]] sarta opat bulan nu kanyahoannana), jeung miliaran [[small Solar System body|banda leutik]]. Kategori pandeuri ieu kaasup [[asteroid]], objék [[beubeur Kuiper belt]], [[komét]], [[météoroid]], jeung [[halimun kebul interplanétér|kebul interplanétér]].
Dina istilah nu lega, wewengkon Sistim Tatasurya resmi kaasup Panonpoé, opat '''planét béh jero''' [[planét sajeroeun bumi|bumi]] , [[beubeur astéroid]] nu kasusun ku banda batuan leutik,opat [[raksasa gas]] '''planét béh luar''', jeung beubeur kadua, disebut [[beubeur Kuiper]], nu kasusun ku objék ésan. Saluareun beubeur Kuiper ngampar [[cakram nu sumebar]], [[héliopaus]], sarta pamungkas [[awan Oort]] hipotésis.
Baris ka-32:
<div class="references-small">
<ol type="a">
<li>{{Note_labelNote label|A|a|none}}[[CapitalizationKapitalisasi]] ofistilah theieu name variesmacem-macem. The [[InternationalPersatuan AstronomicalAstronomi Union|IAUInternasional]], thelembaga authoritativeanu bodyngurusan regardingmasalah astronomicalpangaranan nomenclatureastronomis, specifiesnétélakeun yén [ capitalizing the namespublic_press/themes/naming/ ofsakabéh allobyék individualastronomi astronomicaldikapitalisasi objectsngaranna] ('''SolarSurya SystemMandala'''). HoweverTapi, theistilah nameieu isogé commonlysok renderedpinanggihan indina lowerwangun casehurup leutik ('''solarsurya systemmandala''')<!-- including in the ''[[Oxford English Dictionary]]'', [ ''Merriam-Webster's 11th Collegiate Dictionary''], and [ ''Encyclopædia Britannica'']. --></li>
<li>{{Note_label|B|b|none}}The mass of the Solar System excluding the Sun, Jupiter and Saturn can be determined by adding together all the calculated masses for its largest objects and using rough calculations for the masses of the Oort cloud (estimated at roughly 3 Earth masses),<ref>{{cite web|title=ORIGIN AND DYNAMICAL EVOLUTION OF COMETS AND THEIR RESERVOIRS|author=Alessandro Morbidelli|work=CNRS, Observatoire de la Côte d’Azur|year=2006|url= |format=PDF|accessdate=2007-08-03}}</ref> the Kuiper Belt (estimated at roughly 0.1 Earth mass)<ref name="Delsanti-Beyond_The_Planets"/> and the asteroid belt (estimated to be 0.0005 Earth mass)<ref name="Krasinsky2002" /> for a total, rounded upwards, of ~37 Earth masses, or 8.9 percent the combined mass of Jupiter and Saturn.</li></ol></div>