Ludwig van Beethoven: Béda antarrépisi

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Baris ka-24:
Beethoven pindah ka [[Vienna]] dina taun [[1792]], dimana manehna diajar keur sabaraha lila ku [[Joseph Haydn]] nu ngagantikeun [[Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart]], nu pupus sataun samemehna. Manehna narima instruksi tambahan ti [[Johan Georg Albrechtsburger]] (instruktur pra-ulung [[Vienna]]) sarta [[Antonio Salieri]]. Beethoven gancang nembongkeun kamampuhna salaku [[piano]] [[virtuoso]]. Karya mimitina sababaraha nomer "opus", trio piano, dina taun [[1795]]. Manehna mimiti awalna karir saperti dina sesa hirupna nyaeta: tinimbang gawe di gereja atawa pangadilan (saperti lolobana komponis samemehna), keur kaperluan hirupna tina usaha kombinasi taunan atawa hadiah ti para bangsawa, pangasilan tina tampil di umum, konser, ngajar sarta hasil ngajualan karya-karyana.
Karir Beethoven salaku komponis dibagi kana Periode ''Awal'', ''Tengah'', jeung ''Ahir''.
In the Early period, he is seen as emulating his great predecessors Haydn and Mozart while concurrently exploring new directions and gradually expanding the scope and ambition of his work. Some important pieces from the Early period are the [[Symphony No. 1 (Beethoven)|first]] and [[Symphony No. 2 (Beethoven)|second]] [[symphony|symphonies]], the [[String Quartets Nos. 1 - 6, Opus 18 (Beethoven)|first six]] [[string quartet]]s, the first two [[piano concerto]]s, and the [[List of works by Beethoven#Works for piano solo|first twenty]] [[piano sonata]]s, including the famous ''[[Piano Sonata No. 8 (Beethoven)|Pathétique]]'' and ''[[Piano Sonata No. 14 (Beethoven)|Moonlight]]''.