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Baris ka-58:
Ahli [[arkéologi]] geus paheut ngeunaan asal muasal budidaya paré disawah dimimitian di [[China]]. Bukti ayana sawah jeung [[paré]] anu munggaran umurna 6280 tahun anu geus kaliwat hasil tina ‘’penanggalan’’ karbon tina siki paré jeung bahan [[organik]] taneuh anu kapanggih dina situs ''Chaodun'' di [[Kushan County]].<ref>{{Cite journal | last1 = Cao | first1 = Zhihong | last2 = Fu | first2 = Jianrong | last3 = Zou | first3 = Ping | last4 = Huang | first4 = Jing Fa | last5 = Lu | first5 = Hong | last6 = Weng| first6 = Jieping | last7 = Ding | first7 = Jinlong|title=Origin and chronosequence of paddy soils in China.|journal=Proceedings of the 19th World Congress of Soil Science|year=2010|month=August|pages=39–42|url=http://www.cabdirect.org/abstracts/20123011310.html|accessdate=8 February 2013}}</ref> Di hiji situs Neolitik di Caoxieshan, arkéologis ngaggali tur meunang hiji bukti anyar anu dipercaya baheulana mangrupakeun sawah.<ref>Fujiwara, H. (ed.). ''Search for the Origin of Rice Cultivation: The Ancient Rice Cultivation in Paddy Fields at the Cao Xie Shan Site in China''. Miyazaki: Society for Scientific Studies on Cultural Property, 1996. (In Japanese and Chinese)</ref> Disawang dina ieu situs di ''Caoxieshan'' umurna 4000 nepikanepi ka 3000 SM.<ref>Fujiwara 1996</ref><ref>Tsude, Hiroshi. Yayoi Farmers Reconsidered: New Perspectives on Agricultural Development in East Asia. ''Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association'' 21(5):53-59, 2001.</ref> aya kana 10 lokasi arkéologi anu aya patula patalina jeung sawah di [[Koréa]]. Anu pangkolotna aya dua nyaéta di ''Okhyun'' jeung ''Yaumdong'', [[Ulsan]], umurna [[Mumun pottery period]].<ref>Crawford, Gary W. and Gyoung-Ah Lee. Agricultural Origins in the Korean Peninsula. ''Antiquity'' 77(295):87-95, 2003.</ref> Kapanggih ogé hiji bukti arkéologis anumana [[béas]] (Paré anu geus dipesék) diteundeun pikeun kabutuhan bala tantara jeung upacara tisaprak jaman [[Neolitik]] nepikeun ka [[Dinasti Han]] di China.<ref>{{cite web
|title=Expansion of Chinese Paddy Rice to the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau
Baris ka-65:
==Istilah di sawah==