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m Malikkeun éditan, diganti deui ka vérsi ahir ku Kumincir
Ilhambot (obrolan | kontribusi)
m Ngarapihkeun éjahan, replaced: teh → téh (4), mangrupakeun → mangrupa (5), rea → réa (14), yen → yén (4) using AWB
Baris ka-4:
'''Al Qur'ān''' <ref>{{audio|Quran.ogg|Arabic pronunciation}}</ref> ([[basa Arab]]: '''{{ar| القرآن }}''' ''{{ArabDIN|al-qurʼān}}'', sacara harfiah hartina "bacaan"; disebut ogé ''{{ArabDIN|al-qurʼān al-karīm}}'' "Al Qur'an nu Mulya"; ogé [[transliterasi basa Arab|ditransliterasikeun]] minangka '''Quran''', '''Koran''' (istilah tradisional di Inggris), jeung '''Al-Quran'''), nyaéta [[téks rélijius]] séntral dina ajaran [[Islam]]. [[Muslim]] percaya yén Al Qur'an mangrupakeunmangrupa kecap harfiah ti [[Gusti]] (basa Arab [[Allah]]) nu diwahyukeun ka Nabi [[Muhammad]] SAW, salila 22 taun, 2 bulan 22 poé ngaliwatan perantara malaikat [[Jibril]] sarta mangrupakeunmangrupa wahyu pamungkas ti Gusti Allah pikeun umat manusa.
Qur'an nyaritakeun kajadian-kajadian picontoeun dina sajarah manusa, utamana ngeunaan para nabi saméméh Muhammad kayaning [[Nuh]], [[Adam]], [[Ibrahim]], [[Musa]], [[Isa]], jeung nu séjénna.
Baris ka-11:
== Étimologi ==
Dina [[tata basa]] Arab, kecap "qur'an" mangrupakeunmangrupa masdar ([[kecap barang verbal]]) tina kecap gawé basa Arab قرأ ''qara'a'' ("maca" atawa "nyaritakeun"<ref>BYU Studies, vol. 40, nomer 4, 2001. Kaca 52</ref><ref>[http://www.hawahome.com/books/open.php?cat=16&book=468 Lisan al-Arab]</ref>. Kecap ieu digunakeun dina Al Qur'an sorangan minangka istilah keur Al Qur'an, misalna dina Q.S [[Yusuf (surat)|12]]:2:
:''Satemenna kami nurunkeunana (ayat-ayat kitab) mangrupa Qur'an dina basa Arab, ngarah aranjeun ngarti.''
Baris ka-23:
== Al Qur'an pikeun bacaan jeung kisah ==
In addition to and largely independent of the division into surahs, there are various ways of dividing the Qur'an into parts of approximately equal length for convenience in readingréading, recitation and memorization. The seven [[manzil|''manazil'']] (stations) and the thirty [[juz'|''ajza''']] (parts) can be used to work through the entire Qur’an in a week or a month, one manzil or one juz' a day, respectively. A juz' is sometimes further divided into two [[hizb|''ahzab'']] (groups), and each hizb is in turn subdivided into four quarters. A different structure is provided by the ''[[ruku'at]]'', semantical units resembling paragraphs and comprising roughly ten ayat each.
A ''[[hafiz]]'' is one who has memorized the entire text of the Qur'an, and is able to recite it properly ([[Tajweed]]). There are believed to be millions of these worldwide.{{citation needed}} All Muslims must memorize at least some parts of the Qu'ran, in order to perform their daily [[salat|prayers]].
Baris ka-32:
Pikeun ngalengkepan sampurnana [[solat]], mangrupa kawajiban dina Islam, nyaéta nyaratkeun ngapal saeutikna sababaraha [[surat]] dina Al qur'an (biasana dimimitina ku surat kahiji, [[Al Fatihah]], dituluykeun ku maca surat séjénna). Saméméh bisa maca Al Fatihah, hiji Muslim bisa maca "pupujian keur Allah" salila solat.
Jalma anu apal sakabéh bacaan Al Qur'an disebut [[qari']] (قَارٍئ) atawa [[hafiz]] (nu berurutan hartina "nu apal" atawa "nu ngajaga"). Nabi Muhammad mangrupakeunmangrupa hafiz pertama. ''[[Tilawah]]'' تلاوة Al Qur'an mangrupakeunmangrupa kasenian nu hadé di dunya Muslim.
==== Schools of recitation ====
Baris ka-83:
== The language of the Qur'an ==
The Qur'an was one of the first texts written in Arabic. It is written in an early form of classical [[Arabic language|Arabic]] known as “Quranic” Arabic. There are few other examples of Arabic from that time. (The ''[[Mu'allaqat]]'', or ''Suspended Odes'', are believed by some to be examples of pre-Islamic Arabic; others say that they were createdcréated after Muhammad. Only five [[pre-Islamic Arabic inscriptions]] survive.)
Soon after Muhammad's death in 632 CE, Islam burst out of Arabia and conquered the [[Middle East]], [[Northern Africa]], [[Central Asia]], and parts of [[Europe]]. Arab rulers had millions of foreign subjects, with whom they had to communicate. Thus, the language rapidly changed in response to this new situation, losing complexities of case and obscure vocabulary. Several generations after the prophet's death, many words used in the Qur'an had become opaque to ordinary sedentary Arabic-speakers, as Arabic had changed so much, so rapidly. The [[Bedouin]] speech changed at a considerably slower rate, however, and early Arabic lexicographers sought out Bedouin to explain difficult words or elucidate points of grammar. Partly in response to the religious need to explain the Qur'an to Muslims who were not familiar with Qur'anic Arabic, [[Arabic grammar]] and lexicography soon became important sciences. The model for the Arabic [[literary language]] remains to this day the speech used in Qur'anic times, rather than the current spoken dialects.
Baris ka-90:
[[Gambar:Holy quran cover.gif|right|thumb|150 px|The Qur'an]]
{{utama|Translation of the Qur'an}}
The Qur'an has been [[translated]] into many languages; there are several translations for many languages, including [[English language|English]]. These translations are considered to be glosses for personal use only, and have no weight in serious religious discussion. [[Translation]] is an extremely difficult endeavor, because each translator must consult his or her own opinions and aesthetic sense in trying to replicate shades of meaning in another language; this inevitably changes the original text. Thus a translation is often referred to as an "interpretation," and is not considered a realréal Qur'an. Just as Jewish and Christian scholars turn to the earliest texts, in Hebrew or Greek, when it is a question of exactly what is meant by a certain passage, so Muslim scholars turn to the Qur'an in Arabic.
[[Robert of Ketton]] was the first person to translate the Qur'an into a Western language, [[Latin]], in 1143.<ref>{{cite book |coauthors= Bloom, Jonathan and Blair, Sheila | year=2002 | title=Islam: A Thousand Years of Faith and Power | publisher=Yale University Press | location=New Haven | pages=p. 42}}</ref>
[[Alexander Ross]] offered the first English version in 1649. In 1734, [[George Sale]] produced the first scholarly translation of the Qur'an into English; another was produced by [[Richard Bell]] in 1937, and yet another by [[Arthur John Arberry]] in 1955. All these translators were non-Muslims. There have been numerous translation by Muslims; the most popular of these are the translations by Dr. Muhammad Muhsin Khan, Dr. Muhammad Taqi-ud-Din al Hilali, Abdullah Yusuf Ali, M. H. Shakir, Muhammad Asad, and Marmaduke Pickthall.
The English translators have sometimes favored archaic English words and constructions over their more modern or conventional equivalents; thus, for example, two widely-readréad translators, A. Yusuf Ali and M. Marmaduke Pickthall, use "ye" and "thou" instead of the more common "you." Another common stylistic decision has been to refrain from translating "Allah" — in Arabic, literally, "The God" — into the common English word "God." These choices may differ in more recent translations.
== Stylistic attributes ==
The Qur'an mixes narrative, exhortation, and legal prescription. The suras frequently combine all these modes, not always in ways that seem obvious to the readerréader. Muslims often argue that the uniqueness of the Qur'anic style supports belief in its divine origin.
There are many repeated epithets (e.g. "Lord of the heavens and the earth"), sentences ("And when We said unto the angels: Prostrate yourselves before Adam, they fell prostrate, all save Iblis"), and even stories (such as the story of Adam) in the Qur'an. Muslim scholars explain these repetitions as emphasizing and explaining different aspects of important themes.
Baris ka-174:
{{utama|Origin and development of the Qur'an}}
Based on Islamic traditions and legends, it is generally believed that Muhammad could neither readréad nor write, but would simply recite what was revealed to him for his companions to write down and memorize. Many scholars - ([[Rashad Khalifa]], [[Christoph Luxenberg]], [[Maxime Rodinson]], [[William Montgomery Watt]], etc.) - have argued that this claim is based on weak traditions and that, in regard of many aspects concerning Muhammad's biography and teachings, it is not convincing:
''"The Meccans were in general familiar with reading and writing. A certain amount of writing would be necessary for commercial purposes ... In view of this familiarity with writing among the Meccans particularly, both for records and for religious scriptures, there is a presumption that Muhammad knew at least enough to keep commercial records ... The probability is that Muhammad was able to read and write sufficiently for business purposes, but it seems certain that he had not read any [religious] scriptures."'' - W. Montgomery Watt in ''"Muhammad's Mecca"''<ref>[[William Montgomery Watt]], ''"Muhammad's Mecca"'', Chapter 3: ''"Religion In Pre-Islamic Arabia"'', p. 26-52</ref>
Baris ka-189:
== The Qur'an and Islamic culture ==
Based on tradition and a literal interpretation of [[Al-Waqia|sura 56]]:77-79: ''"That this is indeed a Qur'an Most Honourable, In a Book well-guarded, Which none shall touch but those who are clean."'', many scholars opine that a Muslim perform [[wudu]] (ablution or a ritual cleansing with water) before touching a copy of the Qur'an, or ''[[mushaf]]''. This view has been contended by other scholars on the fact that, according to Arabic linguistic rules, this verse eludes to a fact and does not comprise of an order. This is so because the verb equivalent of English 'touch' is used in past perfect and not imperative. The literal translation thus readsréads as ''"That (this) is indeed a noble Qur'an, In a Book kept hidden, Which none toucheth save the purified,"'' (translated by Mohamed Marmaduke Pickthall). It is suggested based on this translation that performing ablution is not required.
[[Qur'an desecration]] means insulting the Qur'an by defiling or dismembering it. Muslims must always treattréat the book with reverence, and are forbidden, for instance, to pulp, recycle, or simply discard worn-out copies of the text. Respect for the written text of the Qur'an is an important element of religious faith by many Muslims. They believe that intentionally insulting the Qur'an is a form of [[blasphemy]]. According to the laws of some Muslim-majority countries, blasphemy is punishable by lengthy imprisonment or even the death penalty.
* See also: [[Qur'an desecration controversy of 2005]]
Baris ka-211:
== [[Naha quran teh mahluk atanapi lain (abadi) ?]] ==
Kaseueuran ulama tauhid ngayakinkeun yenyén al-quran tehtéh kalam Allah nu tangtos sanes mahluk jeung moal ruksak (abadi),sabab al-quran tehtéh dawuhan Allah, jeueng ari ngadawuh tehtéh etaéta salah sahiji sifat Allah. Lamun sifat Allah teu abadi, tangtu dzat Allah ge teu abadi, sedengken lamun Alla teu abadi etaéta mustahil. kulantaran kitu kaharti ku akal yenyén sifat Allah nu ieu (ngadawuhna Allah) mustahil ruksak, kulantaran mustahil ruksak, atuh jelas yenyén al-quran tehtéh lain mahluk. Ngenaan ieu pendapat kantos dibabarkeun ka ahli filsafatna Yunani, utamina teori-teori Plato yenyén sadaya kanyataan jeung kabeneran anu teu kawates tangtos abadi jeung moal matak robah.
Given that Muslims believe that Biblical figures such as [[Moses]] and [[Jesus]] all preachedpréached Islam, the doctrine of an unchanging, uncreateduncréated revelation implies that contradictions between their statements according to the Qur'an and the Bible must be the result of human corruption of the earlier divine revelations.
However, some, notably including the [[Mu'tazili]] and [[Ismaili]] sects, dispute this doctrine of the uncreateduncréated Qur'an. Various [[liberal movements within Islam]] implicitly or explicitly question the doctrine of the uncreateduncréated Qur'an when they question the continuing applicability and validity of [[Islamic law]], as their justifications for doing so are often based on a belief that such laws were createdcréated by God to meet the particular needs and circumstances of Muhammad's community. A Qur'an createdcréated by God for a particular context might also account for differences between the Bible without requiring humans to have corrupted divine texts.
== Tempo ogé ==
Baris ka-233:
* [[Istri dina Al Qur'an]]
* [[Jalmi-jlmi nu patali areng ayat Al Qur'an]]
* Aya ogé artikel ngeunaan masing-masing [[surat dina Al Qu'an]]. Klik kana nomer surat keur ningali artikelna.