Géografi: Béda antarrépisi

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Baris ka-1:
'''Géografi''' ngarupakeunmangrupa ulikan ngeunaan lokasi jeung variasi spatial boh dina fénoména fisik atawa manusana di [[Bumi]]. Kecap ieu diturunkeun tina kecap [[Basa Yunani]] ''gê'' ("Bumi") jeung ''graphein'' ("nulis" atawa "ngagambakeun").
''Géografi'' ogé mangrupa judul rupa-rupa buku sajarah dina subjék ieu, di antarana ''Geographia'' kénging [[Ptolemy|Klaudios Ptolemaios]] ([[abad ka-2]]).
Baris ka-7:
== Sajarah Géografi ==
Urang [[Yunani kuna|Yunani]] nu geus kanyahoan boga adat nu sacara aktif ngalanglang géografi salaku [[élmu]] jeung [[filsafat]]. Inohongna di antarana [[Thales]] ti Miletus, [[Herodotus]], [[Eratosthenes]], [[Hipparchus]], [[Aristotle]], [[Dicaearchus]] ti Messana, [[Strabo]], jeung [[Ptolemy]]. Mapping by the [[Roman Empire|Roman]]s as they explored new lands added new techniques. One technique was the [[periplus]], a description of the ports and landfalls a coastwise sailor would find along a coastline; two early examples that have survived are the periplus of the Carthaginian [[Hanno the Navigator]] and a Periplus of the Erythraean sea, which describes the coastlines of the Red Sea and the Persian gulf..
During the [[Middle Ages]], [[Arab]]s such as [[Idrisi]], [[Ibn Battuta]], and [[Ibn Khaldun]] built on and maintained the Greek and Roman learnings. Following the journeys of [[Marco Polo]], interest in geography spread throughout [[Europe]]. During the [[Renaissance]] and into the [[abad ka-16|16th]] and [[abad ka-17|17th centuries]] the great voyages of exploration revived a desire for solid theoretical foundations and accurate detail. The [[Geographia Generalis]] by [[Bernhardus Varenius]] and [[Gerardus Mercator]]'s world map are prime examples.
By the [[18th century]], geography had become recognized as a discrete discipline and became part of a typical [[university]] curriculum. Over the past two centuries the quantity of knowledge and the number of tools has exploded. There are strong links between geography and the sciences of [[géologi]] and [[botany]].
Baris ka-30:
* Systematic - Groups geographical knowledge into categories that can be explored globally
* Regional - Examines systematic relationships between categories for a specific region or location on the [[planet]].
* Descriptive - Simply specifies the locations of features and populations.
* Analytical - Asks ''why'' we find features and populations in a specific geographic area.
Baris 53 ⟶ 52:
==== Ékologi budaya jeung politik ====
Cultural ecology grew out of the work of [[Carl O. Sauer|Carl Sauer]] in geography and a similar school of thought in [[anthropology]]. It examined how human societies adapt themselves to the natural environment. [[Sustainability]] science has been one important outgrowth of this tradition. Political ecology arose when some geographers used aspects of [[critical geography]] to look at relations of power and how they affect people's use of the environment. For example, an influential study by [[Michael Watts]] argued that famines in the [[Sahel]] are caused by the changes in the region's political and economic system as a result of [[colonialism]] and the spread of [[capitalism]].
==== Risk-hazards research ====
Baris 74 ⟶ 73:
* ''[[Kartografi]]'' studies the representation of the Earth's surface with abstract symbols. It can be said, without much controversy, that cartography is the seed from which the larger field of Geography grew. Most geographers will cite a childhood fascination with maps as an early sign they would end up in the field. Although other subdisciplines of geography rely on maps for presenting their analyses, the actual making of maps is abstract enough to be regarded separately.<br />Cartography has grown from a collection of drafting techniques into an actual science. Cartographers must learn [[cognitive psychology]] and ergonomics to understand which symbols convey information about the Earth most effectively, and [behavioral psychology] to induce the readers of their maps to act on the information. They must learn [[geodesy]] and fairly advanced [[mathematics]] to understand how the shape of the Earth affects the distortion of map symbols projected onto a flat surface for viewing.
* ''[[Geographic Information System]]s'' deals with the storage of information about the Earth for automatic retrieval by a computer, in an accurate manner appropriate to the information's purpose. In addition to all of the other subdisciplines of geography, GIS specialists must understand [[computer science]] and [[database]] systems. GIS has so revolutionized the field of cartography that nearly all mapmaking is now done with the assistance of some form of GIS software.
* ''[[Geographic Information System]]s'' deals with the storage of information about the Earth for automatic retrieval by a computer, in an accurate manner appropriate to the information's purpose. In addition to all of the other subdisciplines of geography, GIS specialists must understand [[computer science]] and [[database]] systems. GIS has so revolutionized the field of cartography that nearly all mapmaking is now done with the assistance of some form of GIS software.
* ''Geographic quantitative methods'' deal with numerical methods peculiar to (or at least most commonly found in) geography. In addition to [[spatial analyses]], you are likely to find things like [[cluster analysis]], [[discriminant analysis]], and [[non-parametric statistical tests]] in geographic studies.