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Bot: Ngaganti Caerulea3_crop.jpg ku Magnificent_tree_frog_(Litoria_splendida)_crop.jpg
Ilhambot (obrolan | kontribusi)
m Ngarapihkeun éjahan, replaced: mangrupakeun → mangrupa, nyaeta → nyaéta, diantara → di antara (3), ea → éa using AWB
Baris ka-36:
* Subclass [[Lissamphibia]] (frogs, salamanders, etc)
Of these only the last includes recent species.
With the [[cladistic]] revolution, this classification has been modified, and the Labyrinthodontia discarded as being a [[paraphyletic]] group without unique defining features apart from [[plesiomorphy|shared primitive characteristics]]. Classification varies according to the preferred [[phylogeny]] of the author, and whether they use a [[stem-based|stem]] or [[node-based]] classification. Generally amphibians are defined as the group that includes the common ancestors of all living amphibians (frogs, salamanders, etc) and all their descendants. This may also include extinct groups like the [[temnospondyli|temnospondyls]] (traditionally placed in the disbanded subclass "labyrinthodontia"), and the Lepospondyls. This means that there are a now large number of [[basal]] [[Devonian]] and [[Carboniferous]] [[tetrapod]] groups, described as "amphibians" of earlier books, that are no longer placed in the formal Amphibia.
All recent amphibians are included in the Lissamphibia, which is usually considered a [[clade]] (which means that it is thought that all Lissamphibians evolved from a common ancestor apart from other extinct groups), although it has also been suggested also that salamanders arose separately from a temnospondyl-like ancestor (Carroll, 1988).
Authorities also disagree on whether Salientia is a Superorder that includes the order Anura, or whether Anura is a sub-order of the order Salientia. In effect Salientia includes all the Anura plus a single [[Triassic]] proto-frog species, ''[[Triadobatrachus massinoti]]''. Practical considerations seem to favour using the former arrangement now.
Baris ka-71:
==Karakteristik Sato amphibi==
#Amfibi ngabogaan tulang tukang.<ref name="hiji">[http://www.satwa.net/160/pengertian-amfibi.html Pengertian Amfibi]</ref> nyaetanyaéta vertebrata.<ref name="hiji">< /ref>
#Amfibi mangrupakeunmangrupa sato getih tiis.<ref name="hiji">< /ref> Maranéhanana teu bisa ngatur suhu awak sorangan.<ref name="hiji">< /ref>
#Amfibi méakkeun saeutikna bagian kahirupan maranéhanana di cai jeung di darat.<ref name="hiji">< /ref>
#Amfibi teu boga sisit jeung kulit nu permeabelperméabel (molekul jeung gas bisa nembus).<ref name="hiji">< /ref>
#Amfibi ngabogaan asang keur sahenteuna bagian kahirupan maranéhanana.<ref name="hiji">< /ref> Sababaraha spésiés ngabogaan asang kur salaku larva, sedengkeun nu lianna bisa boga asang sakuliah kahirupan maranéhanana.<ref name="hiji">< /ref>
#Lolobana amfibi ngalaman métamorfosis.<ref name="hiji">< /ref>
==Jinis-jinis ampibi di Indonésia==
Baris ka-82:
Amfibi (amphibia) dibagi kana tilu ordo, nyaéta Anura (bangkong jeung katak), caudata (salamander), sarta gymnophiona (Cecilia).<ref name="dua">[http://alamendah.org/2014/10/11/mengenal-amfibi-ciri-ciri-dan-jenis-amfibi-indonesia/ Jenis Ampibi di Indonesia]</ref>
#'''Orde Anura'''; Dipikawanoh ogé minangka bangkong atawa katak.<ref name="dua">< /ref> Ordo ieu diwangun kira-kira 55 famili kalawan jumlah spésiés nepi ka 6455 spésiés di sakuliah dunya.<ref name="dua">< /ref> Indonesia ngabogaan 351 spésiés bangkong jeung katak anu geus pasti.<ref name="dua">< /ref> Conto amfibi tina ordo anura nu hirup di Indonesia, diantaranadi antarana bangkong Pelangi (Ansonia Latidisca), bangkong sihungan (Limnocetes sp.), Bangkong Getih (Leptophryne cruentata), Bangkong Walungan (Phrynoidis aspera), Bangkong jeram (Huia masonii), bangkong tangkal suku bodas (Philautus pallidipes), bangkong sawah (Fejervarya cancrivora), Bancét héjo (occidozyga lima), Precil Jawa (Microhyla Achatina), jeung bangkong tangkal jawa (Rhacophorus javanus).<ref name="dua">< /ref>
#'''Orde Caudata'''; Dipikawanoh ogé minangka salamander.<ref name="dua">< /ref> Ordi ieu diwangun ku 10 famili jeung jumlahna nepi ka 671 rupa spésiés. Ordo ieu teu aya di Indonésia.<ref name="dua">< /ref> Conto amfibi ordo Caudata, diantaranadi antarana, salamander raksasa Cina (Andrias davidianus) anu hirup di Cina, salamander tonggong beureum (Plethodon cinereus) di Amérika Kalér jeung Asiatik Salamander (Hynobius kimurae).
#'''Order Gymnophiona'''; Dipikawanoh ogé minangka Cecilia. Ordo diwangun ku 10 family kalawan total spésiés ngahontal 200 spésiés.<ref name="dua">< /ref> Anggota amfibi tina famili Gymnophiona anu hirup di Indonésia (pulo Sumatra, Jawa jeung Kalimantan) nyaéta ti genus Ichthyophis sp. Sababaraha spésiés nu hirup di Indonesia, diantaranadi antarana:<ref name="dua">< /ref> Indonesia Caecilians (Ichthyophis bernisi), Billiton Island Caecilian (I. billitonensis), Elongated Caecilian (I. elongatus), Javan Caecilian (I. hypocyaneus), java Caecilian (I. javanicus), black caecilians (I. monochrous), Kapahiang Caecilian (I. paucidentulus), Yellow-banded Caecilian (I. paucisulcus), sarta Sumatra Caecilian (I. sumatranus).<ref name="dua">< /ref>
Ti sagala rupa ampibi éta, nu loba dipikawanoh di Indonésia nyaéta anggota ordo Anura.<ref name="dua"></ref> Sedengkeun amfibi tina runtuyan Gymnophiona, masih kurang dipikawanoh jeung jarang diulik.<ref name="dua"></ref> Kadang Caecilian di Indonésia (hususna di Jawa) disebut minangka "ulo Duwel".<ref name="dua"></ref>
Ti sagala rupa ampibi éta, nu loba dipikawanoh di Indonésia nyaéta anggota ordo Anura.<ref name="dua">< /ref> Sedengkeun amfibi tina runtuyan Gymnophiona, masih kurang dipikawanoh jeung jarang diulik.<ref name="dua">< /ref> Kadang Caecilian di Indonésia (hususna di Jawa) disebut minangka "ulo Duwel".<ref name="dua">< /ref>
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